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I know that religion is a very touchy topic, but after taking World Religions in college and with all the tragity happening and hatred, it just makes me wonder....I mean everyone believes that their religion is the one true faith and that God will save them because they believe this one true faith, but aren't we all fooling ourselves because we know that we are all believing different things??? It's just confusing to me because we've even killed if not now but in history for our beliefs even knowing that it's wrong....whose to say that any one individual belief is right, we will all die in our own time and we are all suppost to go to the same place, God is suppost to love each person the same no matter what they believe so why is there so much controversies....I guess I just want to hear others opinions about religion and why it is a big deal which one you believe in.....

2006-07-15 19:50:05 · 21 answers · asked by Cool Chick 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

I agree with you,it is very confusing.I am more spiritual than religious,not by choice.God put me in a position to experience both.I was raised Baptist and was a regular church goer.But then I moved away from home and wanted to find out how the rest of the world lived and wow did I ever find out.I got into everything you could think of drugs,sex,rock n roll.Then I started going to NA and through working the 12 steps I worship the God of my understanding.Not my families but mine.My Higher Power is the one true God,Jesus Christ he loves me unconditionally,whether I attend church or not.I go as much as I can though to be among other believers.I also help alot of addicts in their recovery process.I feel spiritually fit.

2006-07-15 20:13:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I get what your saying.
I don't get confused about it though. I was taught that the nature of religion is to eliminate the other religions.

Not in this day and age, we are seeing Islam attempting to rid the world of another religion- by eliminating the people in it. Other than that ( I meant to say that Islam in no way can eliminate Judaism ) , the world is pretty tolerant, on average.

The thing that Christianity has that the others don't is the unfolding prophecies that are coming about as time goes on.

Also, the most major of religions do not have everyone going to the same place. In fact, Christianity and Islam disallow most of the worlds populations, both current and in history, not achieving that ultimate goal. Unbelievers are never to be accepted. They also disallow any other religion to be included with them. They are all considered errant compared to them.

So this great attemot to meld together all the religions will only work on those that don't know their own scriptures, or don't really believe in them. There will always be a core of believers that will never compromise, and in Christianities case, probably won't be violent about it.

I hope that helps.

2006-07-16 03:03:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I remember thinking that when I was eleven. In the end, I decided that there was no reason to believe in one over the other. I also wondered why having a God was a simpler explanantion than an infinite Universe. But a more advanced understanding of evolution has really shaped my opinions. When you really understand evolution you get a better idea of how life can form without any god.

2006-07-16 03:00:57 · answer #3 · answered by champben2002 1 · 0 0

Well, of all the religions in the world, Christianity is the only one whose founder is not still in the grave.

I don't know if this answers your question or not, but one of the main reasons that I believe in Christianity is that the people who knew Jesus were willing to be tortured to death rather than change their story that they saw Jesus return from the dead.

If the apostles were lying about seeing the resurrected Christ, then why didn't they take back their story when they were individually being tortured to death? Every one of the apostles (Except John, who died a natural death in exile on Patmos), were killed for their faith. Wouldn't a liar recant this story to save his own life?

What did the apostles have to gain by making it all up? What good does fame do for a dead person?

I accept the apostles' story because the witnesses were creditable.

PS: Yes, I have heard the crack about suicide bombers, but the main difference between the modern bombers & the apostles are: (1) the bombers did not see Mommand personally, so they are not eye-witnesses to anything (Unlike Peter, & Paul, who claimed to see Jesus alive with their own eyes and then died rather than take it back); and, (2) the bombers are killing innocent people (others) for their faith, not suffering for it (I assume that blowing yourself up is quick & painless compared with being crucified.).

2006-07-16 03:20:00 · answer #4 · answered by Randy G 7 · 0 1

Religion should be as private as your privates. You wouldn't want to see someone diddle with themselves in public, right? So why should religion be treated any different?

The big lie that religions - ALL religions - tell is that belonging to theirs makes them moral. If that's the case, they should explain the catholic pedophiles, the baptist rapists, the KKK, the Nazis, the Israeli terrorists attacking Beirut, Osama, the Taliban and Sharia law, the hindus who blow up mosques, the buddhists in Thailand who killed muslims, the Shintoists who took part in imperial Japan, etc. ad nauseum ad infinitum. Religion has an uncountably long laundry list of crimes to explain.

Faith is how you treat your "god". Morality is how you treat people.

The two have nothing to do with each other. The best religion is the one followers keep to themselves and not try to inflict on other people.

2006-07-16 03:06:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No I know religion is a set of beliefs made by man and if you took world religion you should have got that, In the aramaic scriptures it says in the end days the creator would have his house (not houses )established in the chief of all nations and that is where to find true salvation. Just remember the creators true name

2006-07-16 02:59:16 · answer #6 · answered by big boi 2 · 1 0

Who is to say which religion is the best? Everyone thinks that everyone else is wrong. All you can really say is what is best for you. If you are comfortable with your religion then that is the best one. I am comfortable with my religion and that is best for me. If you believe there is a heaven then when you die you go to heaven. I believe we go west and so that is where I will go. I don't think it is about right and wrong. I think it is about individual choice.

2006-07-16 02:58:19 · answer #7 · answered by Mawyemsekhmet 5 · 0 0

No religion is the best religion. You can never know god through a book or another human. You must find the truth within yourself.

2006-07-16 10:35:24 · answer #8 · answered by American Spirit 7 · 1 0

God does love everyone no matter what they believe. However what you believe determines your eternity. People can reject Jesus and that does not change the fact that Jesus loves them. But if they reject the salvation Jesus offers they have chosen to go to hell. God has not sent them there people who reject Jesus chose to go to hell because they are refusing the only way to heaven. It's not a matter of love. God loves the world so much He sent His only Son to die for our sins. But if a person rejects the salvation offered through the blood of Jesus then God will respect their choice and allow them to enter eternity seperated from Him. Why two resons really. One God created us with free will and will not violate it. Two we are sinners and if we refuse to accept the forgiveness Jesus offers for our sin then we cannot enter the presence of a Holy God.

Jesus said in John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life, no one come to the Father but through Me.

Jesus is the only way to heaven. a relationship with Jesus by faith is the only true belief that will save a person. Jesus loves you no matter what but if you reject Him and refuse to believe in Him He will not force you to. You have to chose.

2006-07-16 02:58:19 · answer #9 · answered by pastorJ 3 · 0 0

We should all believe in
Our own Truth
Have faith in ourselves
Believe in just knowing what feels right for ourselves
Because yes we are all different
And we all think different.

Love & Blessings

2006-07-16 02:57:47 · answer #10 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

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