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26 answers

I turned my back on God when I was fifteen and I can tell you that it didn't make my life any easier. When I found him again (over ten years later), he was in the form a huge painting of Jesus. He was trying to get my attention after all those years I chose to ignore him and take him for granted.

At the time I saw him, I was lost, feeling very alone, scared. He knew I needed him and he wasn't going to let me ignore him this time. It took over ten years for me to see him again and not be mad at him, to want to need help from him again. I was at my weakest and there was nothing else I could do to help myself. I needed God's strength. Counseling wasn't working, self help books didn't work. But surrendering my life and submitting to God and believing in him again worked.

It took a great amount of understanding, teaching and learning to really know who God is and to accept him for who he really is. It took a lot for me to understand him. He already knew me. I just had to become familiar with who he is and what he does.

I trust God b/c I've lived 29 years and he's always kept clothes on my back, food in my stomach, a roof over my head, gave me protection, loved me, and you know what he didn't have to, but he did because he loves unconditionally. He cares too much for us. And that's why I trust him. I can't see him but I know he's there. This isn't just some luck thing here. GOD IS REAL.

The fear (understanding) of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

2006-07-15 19:23:46 · answer #1 · answered by S 2 · 0 0

No one except Jesus has ever literally 'seen' God. Many have had visions dreams which have involved God, but none have actually seen His physical form, as far as I know.

Many people including myself have felt God's presence, through the Holy Spirit, or have seen angels and demons, or have seen miracles. Some who have had this happen say they have 'seen' God, but they don't mean literally, they more likely mean they have experienced His works.

And you come to trust God through faith, and through watching what goes on in the world around you, and through reading the Bible, and prayer,etc.

You need only hear many christians testimonies to see that God has and is working miracles in peoples lives. Things happen in this life that would be impossible without God. That's how you know God exists, and once you really know and believe that, you will trust GOD

2006-07-15 19:12:49 · answer #2 · answered by L1ngg 2 · 0 0

I don't know if this answers your question or not, but one of the main reasons that I believe in Christianity is that the people who knew Jesus were willing to be tortured to death rather than change their story that they saw Jesus return from the dead.

If the apostles were lying about seeing the resurrected Christ, then why didn't they take back their story when they were individually being tortured to death? Every one of the apostles (Except John, who died a natural death in exile on Patmos), were killed for their faith. Wouldn't a liar recant this story to save his own life?

What did the apostles have to gain by making it all up? What good does fame do for a dead person?

I accept the apostles' story because the witnesses were creditable.

PS: Yes, I have heard the crack about suicide bombers, but the main difference between the modern bombers & the apostles are: (1) the bombers did not see Mommand personally, so they are not eye-witnesses to anything (Unlike Peter, & Paul, who claimed to see Jesus alive with their own eyes and then died rather than take it back); and, (2) the bombers are killing innocent people (others) for their faith, not suffering for it (I assume that blowing yourself up is quick & painless compared with being crucified.).

2006-07-15 19:14:38 · answer #3 · answered by Randy G 7 · 0 0

I hate stupid comments like "I trust my brain but never seen it..." . What is that? How stupid... I mean obviously it has been proven the brain exists. Uve seen pictures of brains, cow brains, pig brains, etc. If you ever been to a hospital, a friend or someone might even show you a real one.... God on the other had, not 1 single piece of evidence.... So id like to say, no, does not exist.

2006-07-15 19:06:29 · answer #4 · answered by monomat99 3 · 0 0

nobody has ever seen God.do you really had to see something in order to believe, better yet see God?
there are so many things around you that you cannot see but exist. e.g. the air that you breath, the atmosphere, the ozone layer, that is just a few, better yet me. how can you say i exist? maybe you will say, if you're not, then who is the guy typing these messages?God lay down His works and is enough for people to believe, e.g the universe, and you and your family. but don't get me wrong, i'm not lecturing you, i was only giving you my answer and i still respect you opinion, and i can truly say that you are one smart guy.

2006-07-15 20:06:11 · answer #5 · answered by raddie 2 · 0 0

I have not seen God with my eyes, however when I repented of my sin and ask God to help me He began to do things which were impossible to explain any other way but that it was God answering my prayers. I could not believe it but as I continued to read the Bible and seek God through it got more and more obvious to me that the creator of the world was actually listening to me and answering my prayers. I would not have believed it unless it had happened to me. I WAS AMAZED TO SAY THE LEAST. He still amazes me 17 years later.

2006-07-15 19:09:25 · answer #6 · answered by wisdom 4 · 0 0

Change your definition of "G-d" and you will gain a different perspective in order to answer your question: in the teurtonic (germanic) and romance (latin) languages. . ."good" is, or nearly, synonymous with "G-d".

So. . .can you trust or see "good" through the five physical senses? No. . .but you can "know" good when you see and feel it. . .therefore you can appreciate its source. . .that it wasn't random. . .that it originated from something bigger and wider than the person speaking or doing good, etc.

(Btw. . .check a good dictionary. . .read the definition of "good" carefully. . .this will give more insights into the power and availability of good. . .all of us need more good in our lives to make this work. . .and to improve our condition!)

As an aside. ..I have always felt that G-d is perhaps best defined, as a "Force", "Presence", and "Principle". .. this way one does not feel the literal need to imagine Him (or Her) with a human like body. . .and tempted to think like the ancient Greeks!

Also. . .one of the responders said that only Jesus saw G-d. . .not true. . .the Bible records that Moses looked and saw G-d "eye to eye".

Best wishes on your continued journey for Truth!

2006-07-15 19:42:30 · answer #7 · answered by MIKEBAYAREA 3 · 0 0

Well, what about air? You can't see it but you know it exists. All the animals and plants... this very Earth shows there is an Almighty Creator.

Not believing in something you've never seen before does not deny its existence.

2006-07-15 19:09:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God is everywhere. Have you ever seen a baby born?
Then you have seen God. That in its self is a miracle.
Do you see the sun rise and set. Then you have seen God.
Get my point?

2006-07-15 19:07:14 · answer #9 · answered by cheeky chic 379 6 · 0 0

The Bible says no man has seen God. (The Father) John 1:18 and 1John 4:12
But it also says that Jesus has revealed Him to us. It says in John 14:9: Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?"

You don't have to see Him, just accept the gift He has given you of His son, Jesus and He will live within you.

2006-07-15 19:28:56 · answer #10 · answered by Angie F 1 · 0 0

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