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is it because they need an security blanket?and no i don't want to hear i need saving or quotes of the bible which has been written by ordinary man . the bible proves nothing at all it only serves the church with their scare tactics that good christians won't go to heaven if they don't live according to the rules.

2006-07-15 18:52:34 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

47 answers

They couldn't handle how stupid they would feel if they accepted God(Skydaddy) is fake.

Atheist rapper http://www.listentocharlie.com

2006-07-15 19:00:06 · answer #1 · answered by Black Atheist 1 · 6 9

People need hope. The bible offers this comfort to those that feel they need it.. I don´t believe in God, I think the bible was written by the wealthy in days long past to control the masses of the poor and uneducated that threatened the safety of the rich.. The world was a nasty place a long time ago.. It seems bad now, but it was way worse back then.

2006-07-15 18:59:59 · answer #2 · answered by oneblondepilgrim 6 · 0 0

So you don't want people to tell you that you need to be saved huh? And you don't want to hear bible verses? Well let me let you know something, In this world you need to believe in something and one of them being God! When you see how many people are dying of different things, people being killed by others for no apparent reason at all and when you see children being killed because of drugs, alcohol and from there own relatives what do you think we should do?

You don't want to believe in God because it is not enough truth for you to believe in something, which makes me wonder what is your real problem? Are you those kinds of people that feel that what the bible has to offer has not been helpful to you? Or are you just another Christian hater that has a problem with all Christians that want to make something better for themselves and believe that we are intitled to something better than listening or rather reading a joke story like you that would go as far as to denounce what Jesus has done for all of us and that includes you too!

You my child will one day find that you will need him more than you think and that will come soon. Right now you don't see and you don't hear and you certainly don't understand what is it that you want in this life but what I can tell you is that you are in something way over your head because you really don't know what you are saying. What I do know is that you don't believe and for some reason why you don't I don't know, I cannot say I don't care because I do what I do see is that here is a young lady talking this way and not realizing that it wasn't her that woke herself up this morning it was God that did.

I sincerely hope that one day you will wake up and realize that you are making a critical error in your life. And what that error is, You will need him when your time comes and like I said before you will need him and it will come. And when that day comes you will have to answer to him and because of your non-belief in him you will ulttmately suffer under his wrath! Now you can keep saying these things if you wish but suffering is the worst part of living in this life that you can possibly get.

Wake up my child and seek God before your time of need will go unanswered.

2006-07-15 19:12:31 · answer #3 · answered by beagirl40 4 · 0 0

Hey Mona The 1 : God ? Most people call him/her/it that... God. It's a common label 4 some kind of strength 1 cannot physically see, touch or hear. [god] It's an inner association of yourself with something powerful that's somehow out there connecting with you & the world you are in that sincerely has the strength to alter the results U seek or need. Its a label that there is no other known way to explain... God. People for many centuries worshiped many Gods, Greece for example. There life & their way of living revolved around many Gods [polytheism] resulting to extinction. Finally the Jewish people/tribe were the 1st to acknowledge that there is only 1 God...not many. From there spawned "old testament/Genesis" & eventually led to the story of JC aka Jesus Christ & his teachings/guidance/healings which eventualy led to the "new testament" as we call it today the "bible". why all of this U say? 1 simple answer - it is difficult to accept that there is hope/faith/& mostly a particular way "God" wants us to conduct our lives... Living our lives w/o 1 God leds us to no LOVE only to the 3 D's ....

2006-07-15 19:33:50 · answer #4 · answered by Christianna C 1 · 0 0

I truly apologize that I can't give you any answer better than the good people that have answered this before me. But just look around you my dear, and see that there are miracles all around you, God's creations that no man could create themselves. I look at His creations as that like recipies, do you know of anyone with a recipie for a tree, or the ocean? He did give the recipie for man in the beginning, and that was he gathered dust from the earth and breathed life into it, but he made the dust, and I couldn't make that, could you? At least before you see your last sunset, search further to find what you are not sure of....

2006-07-15 19:07:43 · answer #5 · answered by iamjaycee 2 · 0 0

I don't know if this answers your question or not, but one of the main reasons that I believe in Christianity is that the people who knew Jesus were willing to be tortured to death rather than change their story that they saw Jesus return from the dead.

If the apostles were lying about seeing the resurrected Christ, then why didn't they take back their story when they were individually being tortured to death? Every one of the apostles (Except John, who died a natural death in exile on Patmos), were killed for their faith. Wouldn't a liar recant this story to save his own life?

What did the apostles have to gain by making it all up? What good does fame do for a dead person?

I accept the apostles' story because the witnesses were creditable.

PS: Yes, I have heard the crack about suicide bombers, but the main difference between the modern bombers & the apostles are: (1) the bombers did not see Mommand personally, so they are not eye-witnesses to anything (Unlike Peter, & Paul, who claimed to see Jesus alive with their own eyes and then died rather than take it back); and, (2) the bombers are killing innocent people (others) for their faith, not suffering for it (I assume that blowing yourself up is quick & painless compared with being crucified.).

2006-07-15 19:12:19 · answer #6 · answered by Randy G 7 · 0 0

Amongst the things that worry me about blind believers...

- They let other people tell them what is right and wrong. Even though their bible, their supreme truth, tells them not to kill, they will listen to others telling them it is ok to kill doctors or others who do not agree with them.

- They base their behavior on promise of reward (heaven) and fear of punishment (hell), not on what is the right thing to do. Pavlov demonstrated this response in animals. I like to believe that humans can do better.

- They talk a good game, but usually revert to worshipping their true god, money. Does anybody think that Christian conservatives are for social justice? No, they are against abortion, but your child care expenses are your problem. They are against assisted suicide, but your health care expenses are your problem.

- They use their belief as an excuse for ignorance; in fact they revel in their ignorance. Why is the sky blue? Because God made it that way. Why do people die of cancer? Because God wants them to. There is no need to learn how to improve themselves or the world, they will leave that up to God.

2006-07-15 18:57:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's your opinion, some people agree with you, while other people's opinions differ from yours. So what? I say believe what you want to believe. Either way we'll all find out when we die won't we? Either nothing will happen, or as Ricky Ricardo would say " you'll have some 'splaining to do" to the almighty, or maybe even worse we'll find out that the hare krishnas were right. Remember the old cliche, " opinions are like *ssholes, everybodies got one and they all stink. Except yours of course!

2006-07-15 19:05:42 · answer #8 · answered by barracudasounds 2 · 0 0

I think that there is something you are missing here. When you ask Christ into your heart and you become born again, you know that you know He is real. For me it was a phenomenal feeling, not a head knowledge, but a personal encounter with the Living God...... Hard to understand. But when you experience this you will know what I am talking about. It is such a great peace to Know that God is real and that He is with you on a daily - minute by minute- basis... Seek Him and He shall be found......

2006-07-15 19:00:10 · answer #9 · answered by hearts 2 · 0 0

Christians aren't the only ones who believe in God or a God/dess

Perhaps it is used for a security blanket, but so what? Why do you care what other people believe in?

2006-07-15 18:58:04 · answer #10 · answered by Joa5 5 · 0 0

I think it may go a bit deeper than fearing the loss of heaven and the pains of hell. If one were to really consider that god doesn't exist they would have to face down oblivion...the total and complete destruction of their self and of everyone and everything they have ever loved. Without god, our situation really is rather pointless and futile and quite doomed. We will rot and dissipate into the dirt like so much dog crap. Believing that life is pointless and every bit as brutal as it appears would probably drive most people mad...

2006-07-15 19:02:02 · answer #11 · answered by sebek12345 2 · 0 0

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