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Since all my friends and family have the good sense not to be Christian, and, apparently a lot of guys in prison have "found Jesus", why exactly would I want to spend eternity there? My life of conscious right-living amounts to hell, but a child molester can be saved 10 minutes before he dies, and he gets a free pass?

2006-07-15 18:27:45 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

40 answers

Maybe they go to purgatory for a few million years before getting to heaven (as I understand it, purgatory is a kind of prison where you do your time before being admitted into heaven). Makes me wonder if people still have free will in heaven. I mean, if a child molestor accepts Jeeee-sus before he dies and then goes to heaven, is there some radical change to his personality, or will he be looking at little girls in heaven? If there is a radical change, what does that say about free will (and if god can just change you into a good person in the blink of the eye, why the fvck doesn't he just do it now?)

2006-07-15 18:37:49 · answer #1 · answered by sebek12345 2 · 0 1

Is that not a point of view? What is the difference between the three you listed in rapists, child molesters and Jesus Freaks? I see them all the same as being sinners.

Is it not written somewhere that all have sinned? If so I guess you are right, case closed. So if you don't want to be there don't go.

Oh, I see in your view the one who obeys the law should get a reward. In that case every time you do stop at a stop sign when you are driving a policeman should run up to your car and give you one dollar maybe as a reward. I guess it may be a nice idea, but I think no one has implemented that concept yet.

The laws were written for the ones who violate them and do hold a penalty but no rewards. The standard is don't violate so of course to obey is just normal. Should one be rewarded for being normal?

My Friend can you lie to me and say you have no sin and never committed a sin meaning a violation of any law? Come on email me and lie to me.

If I get to heaven I will be right at home because I will be with a bunch of law violators like me who by grace were forgiven. So give that some thought as you have a nice day.

2006-07-15 18:47:37 · answer #2 · answered by cjkeysjr 6 · 0 0

When you get saved by the blood of Jesus, your sins are washed away , you become a new creature in Christ...Sin cannot get into Heaven... .Remember, " Go and sin no more ".....Heaven is full of souls that asked the Lord for forgiveness and pardon of their sins so their souls could be saved , not full of unsaved non-believers , they are in hell . As long as you have the breath to ask to be saved , and your sins to be forgiven , it will be done !!! 10 minutes is still time to be saved , some folks have a whole lifetime and they never get saved ?? 10 minutes or a lifetime , if you get saved it doesn`t matter , God will know if you are truly saved or not ! The time limit is your lifetime , make the right choice , and make better use of it !!

2006-07-15 18:45:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are right on. There are lots of rapists, child molesters and "Jesus Freaks" in Heaven, and since you are so obviously trying to get under the skin of Christians, I'll try to explain to you. Yes, it does seem a bit unfair that these people should get into Heaven considering what they've done, but many of them DO give themselves to God, admit they were wrong, and are genuinely sorry for what they've done. There are lots of nice people who help others, work hard, raise families, but don't do a thing for God, or in the name of Jesus. God does not send people to hell, it's a choice that everyone has in their lifetime. Many choose the wide road, hell, while few are called, but do not choose the narrow road, Heaven. If your family and friends really did have good sense, they'd see that. I'll pray for you.

2006-07-15 18:35:19 · answer #4 · answered by Jeffrey S 6 · 0 0

When someone is "saved" they have actually died. The old child-molesting, rapist, etc. has been killed and replaced by a new creation. Therefore, there are no sinners in heaven. Read the New Testament, especially the Epistles of Paul. That should clear things up.

This is why Christians are baptized: it's a symbol of them being buried with Christ and then being resurrected anew.

2006-07-15 18:32:40 · answer #5 · answered by Kristina 3 · 0 0

WHOA !! You seem to be painting with a pretty broad brush. Anybody - So I understand - who accepts Jesus & repents of their sin will be accepted into the Kingdom. This includes serial killers, ( convicted ) rapists / molesters, mass murderers, drug - dealers, as well as law - abiding people who are holding out hope for a better life in the next world. Then MAYBE some really evil people get re - incarnated so they can repent.

2006-07-15 18:43:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

NO heaven is not full of rapist, child molesters ...etc. Because to heaven will enter only these people who are with pure heart, pure soul, who have obayed to the orders of God. Its not so easy - just lil before u die u repent for all of your sins and u enter heaven.. thats too naive to believe. God knows everything that is in your heart and mind and you cant hide anything from him. The same refers to the rapist and criminals. They may repent and if it is sincere true repentance they may or may not enter heaven if God decide so. Plus u must know that not only the criminals and rapist go to hell, if u never ever kill in ur life or do a crime again u can enter to hell, because u may do a lot of things that are against the orders of God. People who drink, fornicate etc etc will not enter heaven too. So Its not so easy to enter heaven as u think :-)

2006-07-15 18:41:06 · answer #7 · answered by Reema_AlShammeri 2 · 0 0

Ok first, there's nothing wrong with 'Jesus Freaks'... (usually, anyway)...

A person may live a 'conscious life of right-living' as you basically put it, yet this does not mean that they will neccessarily go to heaven, if they do not believe in GOd in their heart and mind, or if they do not repent...because every person sins in some way or another.

Jesus is about love and forgiveness. Jesus died so that our sins could be and will be forgiven if we repent of our sins and acknowledge Jesus as our Saviour.

This however does not mean that people should think it is alright to sin, as long as we repent afterwards.

If a man commits the sin of murder for example, he WILL be punished at the hands of men. This means he might go to jail, live a life full of loneliness, guilt and shame or whatever, and be punished in a 'worldly' manner.

God will allow 'men' to punnish this person. However, if this person truely repents, is truely sorry in the depths of his heart, and asks God to forgive them, then God will forgive them.

This does not mean the person will get away with the crime. God may forgive the person, but the person may still go to jail, because sins such as murder, rape etc, have worldly consequences, such as jail etc.

I hope you understand what I am trying to explain.

2006-07-15 18:38:30 · answer #8 · answered by L1ngg 2 · 0 0

Wow! You are forgetting Hitler, Mussolini, the Boston Strangler, Jack the Ripper, Pol Pot, Caligula, Ghenghis Khan, Josef Mengele!

Look, if I were the TRUE, Loving, Forgiving GOD, then all of you, whom I created with deepest love, would join me in Heaven!

You are confusing the message about your spirituality, your connection with Me; with the reality of your existence here on the dirtball part of the water planet!

And, try to think of the better and more positive parts of humanity, while you are here at My party! Oh, and YOU, I will let live longer, as, it pleases Me to see you figure out things for yourselves!

But, it is as useless as when I let those million monkeys write Windows XP!

You, like they, will NEVER figure it out! What a PARTY!!!
Vista? Oh, there is NONE of my inspiration in THAT POS!

I wouldn't have fired the entire team, AND the VP! Monkeys appreciate a confused supervisor!

2006-07-15 18:46:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi, I am not a Jesus freak, I am just someone that had the opportunity to change my crazy ways because of him. He came to this world to die for you, for Hitler and for Osama Bin Laden. YES, anyone can be saved 10 minutes before they die if they truly repent. Not remorse!!! I really hope that you have the chance to realize that you have 10 minutes left, and if you don´t??? If you don´t get to be that lucky, you will definitively go to the same place that you are going now, HELL. And believe me, to burn your body for eternity just because you don´t understand Jesus´sacrifice, WOW!!!!! Your good friend the "enemy" did a great job on your crippled mind. God really loves you.

2006-07-15 18:47:26 · answer #10 · answered by Marco 3 · 0 0

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