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2006-07-15 18:07:45 · 35 answers · asked by 自由思想家 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Special thanks to Carol M for inspiring this question

2006-07-15 18:10:56 · update #1

35 answers

There is 2 gods and that's jesus christ the son of god and god the father of jesus christ the son and the reason we have so many religions is because everyone waaay back then was believing in goats and cows and stuff because they didnt believe god was coming back and just to get back at god.

2006-07-15 18:13:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

you can ask 100 people and get 70 different answers. I think that I know Who the right God is...but I can argue with a Muslim or an orthadox Jew and have a differing opinion. I know that my Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ, but I also know that oher people think someone else is theirs. Do your research... who came first, where are all of the prophesies coming from, and which one are actually coming to pass. You have to find your own answer just as I have. Prayerfully consider what is before you... wouldn't we hate to die, and be faced with having chosen the wrong One? Chances are if you have to read cards, use a crystal...or do some other funky stuff, it's not for you. Look for Something/One that gives you peace.

2006-07-15 18:45:23 · answer #2 · answered by scooter_trash 2 · 0 0

The Flying Spaghetti Monster

2006-07-15 18:09:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The God whichever you choose, as all are but One only. The millions of Gods & Goddesses are just manifestations or you can say human creations of the One Infinite & Supreme known as GOD only.
You might have noticed that each Gods & Godessess are unique according to the sociological or geological backgrounds. They have been invented to cater to the inferior human mind which can't percieve something which dwells on a higher plane of conciousness as "nothingness" but infinite.
Humans need an image to focus whether it be in the form of Gods / Godessess, the Cross, The Kaba, The Holy Book, The Wall, or even the nature itself. People, when they pray to God, they will for sure have either one of these in their minds.
Human mind is is too miniscule to understand the vastness, manifestations & the supreme nature of God as One only.
So don't go searching for Gods & Godessess, follow your own faith or whichever you find comfortable for you, as all paths lead to one only.

2006-07-15 18:29:24 · answer #4 · answered by Rajeev S 2 · 0 0

There is only one true Almighty God.

God Has a Unique Name

The Bible writer Agur asked: "Who has gathered the wind in the hollow of both hands? Who has wrapped up the waters in a mantle? Who has made all the ends of the earth to rise? What is his name and what the name of his son?" (Proverbs 30:4) In effect, Agur was asking, 'Do you know the name or family line of any man who has done these things?' Only God has the power to control natural forces. While the creation provides powerful proof that God exists, it is silent about the name of God. In fact, we could never know God's name unless God himself revealed it to us. And he has. "I am Jehovah," says the Creator, "that is my name." —Isaiah 42:8.

God's unique name, Jehovah, occurs nearly 7,000 times in the Hebrew Scriptures alone. Jesus Christ made that name known to others and praised it before them. (John 17:6, 26) That name is found in the last book of the Bible as a part of the expression "Hallelujah," meaning "praise Jah." And "Jah" is the shortened form of "Jehovah." (Revelation 19:1-6, footnote) Yet, many modern Bibles seldom use that name. They often use the word "LORD" or "GOD," written in all capital letters to set it apart from the common titles "Lord" and "God." Some scholars suggest that the divine name may have been pronounced Yahweh.

WHEN someone says, 'I believe only in what I can see,' he is not speaking literally. Actually, we all believe in things that we cannot see.

For example, at school you may have performed an experiment designed to prove the existence of a magnetic field. It may go like this: Sprinkle iron filings on a sheet of paper. Then place the sheet over the magnet. When the sheet is vibrated, as if by magic the iron filings bunch up near the magnet's poles and form into the pattern of the magnetic field. If you did that, could you actually see the magnetic field? No, but its effect on the iron filings is plain to see, giving you convincing proof that magnetism exists.

We accept without question other things that we cannot see. When we look at a beautiful painting or admire a fine sculpture, we do not doubt the existence of a painter or a sculptor. So when we contemplate a waterfall or gaze at a sunset, should we not be moved at least to consider the possibility that they are the work of a Great Artist or Sculptor?

Getting to Know God

We cannot see God because he does not have a human form. Yet, God wants us to get to know him. One way we can become acquainted with him is by observing his extraordinary works—the "paintings" and "sculptures" of creation. At Romans 1:20, the Bible states: "[God's] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship." Yes, just as studying a painting or a sculpture can help you gain insight into the personality of the artist, meditating on God's marvelous works can help you become better acquainted with his personality.

Of course, we cannot answer all of life's nagging questions merely by looking at God's creative works. But we can find answers to such questions by searching God's Word, the Bible. It was by reading the Bible with an open mind that the two men mentioned earlier came to the conclusion that God exists and that he cares about what happens to us.

2006-07-15 18:22:18 · answer #5 · answered by Armerys 3 · 0 0

Bet on the one and only God that created this world.

Any god created by man is not a god, but just another invention of man.

2006-07-15 18:13:10 · answer #6 · answered by Marty 4 · 0 0

Well, Christianity is the only religion whose founder is not in the grave.

With all due respect, Moses, Buddha, and Muhammad are dead. Jesus came back to life and showed himself to at least 500 witness (according to Paul) to prove that he was alive again!

I don't know if this answers your question or not, but one of the main reasons that I believe in Christianity is that the people who knew Jesus were willing to be tortured to death rather than change their story that they saw Jesus return from the dead.

If the apostles were lying about seeing the resurrected Christ, then why didn't they take back their story when they were individually being tortured to death? Every one of the apostles (Except John, who died a natural death in exile on Patmos), were killed for their faith. Wouldn't a liar recant this story to save his own life?

What did the apostles have to gain by making it all up? What good does fame do for a dead person?

I accept the apostles' story because the witnesses were creditable.

PS: Yes, I have heard the crack about suicide bombers, but the main difference between the modern bombers & the apostles are: (1) the bombers did not see Mommand personally, so they are not eye-witnesses to anything (Unlike Peter, & Paul, who claimed to see Jesus alive with their own eyes and then died rather than take it back); and, (2) the bombers are killing innocent people (others) for their faith, not suffering for it (I assume that blowing yourself up is quick & painless compared with being crucified.).

2006-07-15 19:40:11 · answer #7 · answered by Randy G 7 · 0 0

Don't worry about the millions of gods created by men.Love and worship the one and only God who created man and the universe.

2006-07-15 18:15:19 · answer #8 · answered by Kalyansri 5 · 0 0

Never bet on anything. God is against bets. The answer to your question is in your heart. Jesus Christ is the only true God. You must remember, no other god did what Jesus did, resurrect, the tomb is empty, all others are in the grave.

2006-07-15 18:12:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The true God is not created in man's image, although lots of people TRY to do that. The true God of creation was before time existed & He's the one who created all that is. : )

2006-07-15 18:13:17 · answer #10 · answered by 4given 1 · 0 0

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