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Look at history. Look at Korea ( 1950 to 1953 ) Look at Vietnam ( 1961 to 1975 ) Now look at the year 2006. Tell me again how you will win in Iraq. Let me update you:.....Get ready to eat some Crow Food. Yum yum!! You war supporters will go down in shame. Get ready to suck some shame. You're going down in defeat. Why? The war is based on lies. Are you happy with that?

2006-07-15 18:01:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

16 answers

The war is based on lies, Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and has very few weapons period. In the sense that the primary goal of the war was to remove weapons of mass destruction we have lost because we haven't removed any and we cannot win because there aren't any.

2006-07-15 18:09:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

The war is not based on lies. Is it not true that there was a dictator controlling millions of people and killing his own people? We know this to be true. Is it not true that Iraq had refused to comply with the UN for 12 years? Isn't that enough time to hide mass weapons? Yeah. And it is also true that there were more reasons than just weapons that we invaded. It is just that the only thing you hear about is that one because it was the one we were wrong on. So even if we lose, we tried what was right. And I truly believe we will lose if a democrat gets into office, because they will withdraw. That is losing. But you might want to look back a little further in history and not just at the last two wars. How about World Wars, the War for Independence, and many others? Do you really want us to lose in Iraq? Because talking bad about the war is sure a great boost of confidence for our enemies and a great de-moralizer for the troops. But maybe that is what you want...

2006-07-16 14:56:48 · answer #2 · answered by Kiko 3 · 0 0

Korea was an U.N. action, not a U.S. action. It's one of the reasons the U.S. would rather act alone.

Vietnam fell when the U.S. pulled out. There was not one U.S. soldier in Vietnam when Vietnam pulled out. It's one of the reasons to stay when the job is done.

Iraq is more of a set of tribes than a country. Arabs can't have democratic elected countries, because every tribal leader will fight to become leader of the nation. It's basically the game of King of the Hill with real guns and bombs.

I believe that The U.S. military will have completely trained and equip Iraqi troops and police officers in 2 years and then let the Iraqis fight it out. Afganistan is the same way. What held Syria, Iraq (under Saddam) and Iran together is death squads that are suppose to keep people in line. The u.S. would have been smarter to break up Iraq into 12 or so different city states and let the different cities merge into states or even back to being Iraq. Note the EU was forced to split up the former Yugoslavia because of tribal fighting.

2006-07-16 01:19:46 · answer #3 · answered by gregory_dittman 7 · 0 0

Korea was fought without the political backing to complete what was necessary to win the "war". There were other factors as well. The United States was not willing to engage the Communist Chinese in an all out war just 6 years after WWII (MacCarthur actually wanted to use atomic weapons against the Chinese to keep them from staying in the fight, he was subsequently fired by President Eisenhower for insubordination). The North invaded the south. The UN, led by the US pushed the North Koreans all the way out of Korea, then the Chinese joined in and pushed the UN and US back to where the borders are today. That is where the lines were drawn when the armistice was signed. Technically the "War" is still on, its just a time-out, and the US never declared war.

In Vietnam, the US Military won, in the fact that they did everything they were set out to do by our government. Once again, the politics of the time would not allow for the completion of the "war", not willing to get into an all out war with the Soviet backed North Veitnamese, and once again, the US never declared war.

The "war" in Iraq has been over since 2003, the same year it started. What is happening now is an insurgency. People from other countries are coming in and attacking the Iraqi people and the Coalition Forces. Most of it is towards the Iraqi people though. The last leader of Al Qaeda was from Jordan, the new one is also from outside Iraq. They are not fighting for the Iraqi people, they are fighting the Iraqi people. Killing the men who volunteer to serve in the Iraqi army, those who volunteer to be police, those who volunteer to be civil servants. All those Iraqi people who are trying to make the New Iraq a better place to live for their families. The same families that get killed while standing in line at the local market getting food, the children who attend schools. These insurgents attack the infrastructer, power production facilities, oil production facilities, other government buildings and even mosques to keep the Iraqi people from being free.

Read up on your history. Once upon a time, the US didn't like this new guy that took over Iran. We helped Saddam fight Iran in the 1980's... Iraq and Iran fought for 8 years. The US gave Iraq all kinds of weapons. We know Saddam had them, we gave them to him. It was never a question of if they had WMD, it is where are they? Saddam had years to hide them, and even ship them out of the country once he saw that his regiem was going to be toppled in 2003. Saddam was a tyrant that needed to be removed from power. There is no lie in that. He killed and tortured (Real torture, not like embarrasing prisoners "torture") the people of Iraq for the sole purpose of doing it. His sons did too. Mass murder happened inside those borders. What you don't see on the news is the rebuilding of Iraq. The new schools the children get to attend. New hospitals that have been built. The rebuilding of the entire country. The media focuses on things that go boom. Notice there has not been a lot of Iraq on the news lately? Too many things going boom in Lebanon and Israel.

Since you addressed this as "Dear America", what country are you living in or are you from? Does that country owe it's freedom to America? Or are you here in America enjoying the freedoms that others fought for, and still fight for everyday?

2006-07-16 02:58:35 · answer #4 · answered by Michael 3 · 0 0

Since you claim to have been in the military, I would think you do have some valid input, unlike others perhaps who are responding to your... criticism.

There is no doubt that the Iraq invasion was illegal; no lawyer in any country will disagree with that.

But, then the USA is no stranger to committing illegal acts, much like other colonial powers over the last century.

I will predict here, now, that the USA will not leave Iraq until the oil runs out in that country -- and even then, it still might stick around. Do you recall that Britain was there for 80 years? America is desperate for oil, and it will even invade Canada, if necessary, to get it out of the tar sands of Alberta. (Yes, the Pentagon does have actual plans for invading Canada, if necessary; so also Canada has plans for invading USA. Those plans are still options, even though developed in the 1920s)

So, if you thought 58000 dead in Vitenam was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet. And, then there's the fact that ther USA is running out of water and Canada has the largest pool of fresh water in the world...

2006-07-16 05:20:02 · answer #5 · answered by tlc 3 · 0 0

Wow, this question is dripping for hate of America. Do you have any idea whatsoever how much good America does all over the world? Have you ever imagined the world without America? We could win this war so easily if we weren't so caring about innocent people. We could turn the whole mess to glass in nothing flat. Instead we are spending our treasure in young soldiers blood so we can help build a livable society over there where it was just a dictator controlled hell hole before we freed those people. You need to get out more and listen to people from Iraq and our soldiers stories. Please try to listen, please.

2006-07-16 01:59:12 · answer #6 · answered by angelicsanto 3 · 0 0

Lets look at history... you speak of Korea, the last time I looked there was a South Korea that is democratic. And the reason they are was because America went in and stopped the communists from invading. But I'm sure you already knew that because you 'looked at history'.

2006-07-16 01:07:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The plain fact of the matter is America, has already won. We displaced the Iraqi regime. That was the primary goal and it was obviously accomplished.

What remains are the secondary goals of establishing a democratic republic as a bulwark against Islamic radicalism. We are well along in accomplishing that goal as well.

2006-07-16 02:01:08 · answer #8 · answered by Tufr 2 · 0 0

Me thinks thou doest protest to much.
After looking at a few of erudite questions I'm convinced that:
1) He is a pathological liar.
2) He is sadly mistaken about the state of the world and his place in it.
3) He is more than likely uneducated and to lazy to pursue information and knowledge. ( ignorance is bliss )
4)He is a coward and probably lives at home with his mommy.

Hey erudite, here's something to occupy your pathetic little mind.
Do you have a mental disorder or are you just dumb?


2006-07-16 04:39:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're absolutely right. In their own delusionary little world, they belive victory will be ahcieved. The only way to win a war(post-theocracy atleast) these days involves the death of civilians as well as military targets. Hiroshima= living proof.

2006-07-16 01:07:23 · answer #10 · answered by WavyHeadedWun 2 · 0 0

I don't support war, but it is a necessary evil. I do believe that while our troops are over there we should support them. Negative comment such as this one take away not from the war but from patriotism and those who have fallen serving our country, and their loved ones mourning their deaths here at home.

2006-07-16 02:05:50 · answer #11 · answered by shadoboy93 2 · 0 0

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