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34 answers

Just say no.

2006-07-15 17:29:38 · answer #1 · answered by sweetstuff 2 · 0 0

say no and explain it to him.

This is one thing where he needs to respect your choice.

If he can't take it, then you should stop seeing him. If he cant respect an important thing that you believe in, then you probably arent really meant for each other.

Just make sure he know the reason why you dont want to have sex, so he doesnt feel too bad about it.

Good luck, that can be a hard thing to deal with, even guys who are nice might get annoyed, but sometimes thats just because they're trying to work things out and there is some pressure on guys to try to 'score' as well.

A good guy will value you and keep you happy rather than worry about his friends pressure to have sex!

Hope everything works out and your first time is nice for for you in the future!

2006-07-15 17:42:29 · answer #2 · answered by Jeremy D 5 · 0 0

First, I would like to compliment you on your decision. There is no right and wrong in this department. It's all a matter of conviction. If your boyfriend is not your fiancee and he knows you wish to remain a virgin. He's trying to wear you down.

Sex and Love are two different things. evidently his convictions are not the same as yours Maybe you both should discuss where it goes from here..

You never stated your age, that also makes a difference.

If you're young , guys are like buses, they'll be another shortly but you're only a virgin once.
I hope I was helpful

Three Rivers

2006-07-15 17:40:23 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Do what YOU want to do. You will know when you are ready to lose your virginity, so don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise. If someone tries to con you into it, or blackmail you into it, beware. I would hope that, since you are contemplating sex, that you and your boyfriend have an open and honest relationship where you can talk this over. Explain to him how you feel; if he's worth your time and trouble, he'll respect your wishes. Also, listen to his side of things, but don't be swayed by the "sob stories" that guys will tell you. (like blue ba**s, etc.) Guys know how to take care of their urges (and many girls do, too----you should teach yourself some masturbation techniques to help YOU relieve tension--Yeah, fellas, WE get frustrated, too!!!)

Wait until you know it's right. I didn't and I've regretted it for many years.

2006-07-15 17:36:05 · answer #4 · answered by Joey's Back 6 · 0 0

Stick to your guns honey, any guy worth having sex with in the long run will understand your principles. Don't succumb to pressure. Also remember that whether your a virgin or not, there are just some people you don't want to have sex with, being a virgin isn't the only reason you need to give, just plain ol' because you don't feel like it should be good enough for anyone who genuinely cares for you.

2006-07-15 17:30:25 · answer #5 · answered by peacein 2 · 0 0

I know this must be alot of pressure. But, don't do it until you are ready. Try not to be around him alone. Try to be in open places to keep this from happening. Tell him you have irregular periods, and your doctor said you can't do anything yet, then act like you are bad about. Do what you have to do. You only can be a virgin once. Don't let his "hormones gone wild" cause you to do something you are not ready for. If he acts like he or you feel he would go with someone else, then let him go. Let the other girl deal with him.At least you don't have to. If he don't want to wait tell him to leave you alone, and that he will not be your first love someone else will. I'll bet this will make him wait.

2006-07-15 17:39:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

explain to him that you want to stay a virgin because you want to wait til marriage. it's a personal choice. however, it is true that there are ways u can satisfy him w/o giving up ur virginity (ie touching, oral, etc). and if that's not enough for him, then let him go. he has to respect your personal wishes if he truly loves you, and if he doesn't, Don't give in just to keep him!!! guys like that, once they get it, they're GONE. the only reason they hang around is cuz they want some, and if they pressure you that's even more indication that there's NOTHING ELSE about you that they respect other than ur ability to give him immediate pleasure. that's just not loving nor respectful of you as his girlfriend.

i had a friend that was in love w/ her bf she met @ college... they ended up having sex (w/o a condem cuz he said it felt better..gosh they're so stupid! argh!).... and she got pregnant. he immediately said he'd give her $$ to get an abortion. he didnt' even go w/ her to get it done. and he broke up w/ her cuz he said he didnt' want to marry her. (then why the **** did he have sex w/ her? selfish jerk!) the next year she still wasn't over him and he used her AGAIN... they did it and she had another scare (her period was kinda late), but thank God not pregnant. and he had no intention to get back w/ her. so don't give it up cuz u think it'll keep him around.. you want a guy that's there cuz he WANTS to be there with you cuz he loves u.. not cuz he wants to have sex for his own selfish reasons.

2006-07-15 17:44:37 · answer #7 · answered by sasmallworld 6 · 0 0

Look, I have the utmost respect for your virginity and I believe that you should remain that way until you have found a man you truly love ( or at least respect enough to allow him that singular honor...). Marriage is great too but don't marry just for the sake of losing "it".

Consider the oral option, but keep in mind he MUST reciprocate. Men should NEVER be allowed to have all the fun, it's about sharing!!

Should you be of a freakier variety, you should feel free to consider the anal option. Just be sure to keep it really clean and use lots and lots of lubrication.

2006-07-15 17:39:22 · answer #8 · answered by Ren Hoek 3 · 0 0

Stay true to your values and beliefs. He should have respect enough for you not to pressure you about sex especially if you have been honest with him and told him your not ready and that your virginty means alot to you. If he cannot understand this or gets upset with you , then i would say give him an ultimatum, tell him this is the way it is and he needs to learn to car about how you feel. If not , tell him hes not the one for you and trust me , there are more guys out there that would give you the respect you deserve. Good luck.

2006-07-15 17:36:56 · answer #9 · answered by tiffani72kmg 2 · 0 0

Baby girl if his A$$ can't respect you in waiting til you are ready. Then he needs to push on. You need someone that will take inconsideration of your virginity. And if he trys to convince you or coax you into "doing it". Tell him to kiss your A$$ and you don't have time for his Bull$hit. BE FIRM AND STAND UP FOR YOUR BELIEFS. Waiting is the right thing, no matter what ANY ONE IN YAHOO ANSWERS SAYS

2006-07-15 17:32:39 · answer #10 · answered by VivaciousandSexy 3 · 0 0

tell him, honestly, that you want to stay a virgin, and that, although you care about him, you don't feel like you are ready for sex, and would appreciate it if he would wait until you felt ready enough. If he loves you, then he will wait for you. If he doesn't want to wait, then he's not worth it.

Never let someone push you to do something sexually (including touching, performing oral sex, forcing you to perform oral sex, etc). 'consent is sexy'...You have control over your own body.

2006-07-15 17:32:00 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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