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If Mexicans keep coming here, and this country is divided aginst the born citizens and the illegals, do you think the tension will turn into violence ?

Or will the American and Mexican goverment, along with the corporations do the right thing before this happens ?

2006-07-15 17:20:15 · 27 answers · asked by gwarr129 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

I might of worded the question wrong, I did not mean to imply that the President would ask permision, and congress would vote on a war, I just ment the public would turn aginst illegals

2006-07-15 17:30:25 · update #1

27 answers

Mexico has an army?

2006-07-15 17:22:38 · answer #1 · answered by LilMikey 3 · 0 0

I'm not sure it'll ever come to a 'war', I think that we need to get serious, get honest about the whole business, and take issue with Mexico on why they've chosen to adopt this stance toward our country. I think our border needs to be more heavily patrolled, and that we need to enlist Mexico's assistance in doing so. IF, however, it becomes plain that Mexico has no intention of doing that, helping us on this, then at that point I think there needs to be discussion on how we can get along without Mexico...they say that something like 85% of Mexico's economy relies on trade with the US. Slamming the border shut would mean 'lights out' for Mexico...so it'd behoove them to work with us on this. But, you know how some people are, they don't want to hear anything about restrictions/limitations/rules/laws etc., they just want to do whatever, and it's for those people that we have 'the police department' and 'the military'.

I think another good topic for discussion is the Treaty of 1848, the treaty that was signed after the last war with Mexico. Also another good discussion topic would be the 1853 purchase, where the territories that are now our southern United States became part of US territory through outright sale. Those 2
'pieces of paper' signify the standing agreement between our two countries and need to be honored. If they're not honored,
and our border isn't openly recognized by Mexico, then, at that point, then yeah, I don't know....I know the Air Force has to have their guys go fly and stuff anyway, why not a coast-to-coast flight right over the border, like, daily?

2006-07-16 07:31:37 · answer #2 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

A war? NO!
Mexico has compulsory military service and usually only a medical excuse gets one out of service.

They use ALL American supplied arms and vehicles (with the odd H&K automatic rifle).
Due to NAFTA and othere treaties, I doubt that we will ever go to war with our neighbor. If we did, it would be devestating on both sides, and mostly for our 4 border states and the Mexican economy (which hit the crapper when a former preside of mexico had the front running candidate assissinated).
And world opinion would automatically turn against the USA.
I would hate that this would happen, as Mexico IS nice, but the politics are very, VERY corrupt and if you think big business has the US government in its pockets,

If Mexico does not start to police its border of people leaving (and it is difficult to get a Mexican passport, I bet you didn't know that! It is not an automatic thing like in the USA. MANY are denied a Mexican passport!), and we have armed conflict, both sides will be equally culpable.
Us for allowing the problem to get to a breaking point and them for actually promoting the illegal 'invasion' of the USA!

A healthy country, a constitutional government and better choice!

2006-07-16 00:59:43 · answer #3 · answered by athorgarak 4 · 0 0

I remember the L.A. riots, I was placed on standby to take action if the national guard and the U.S. marshalls werent effective. We were go - 2 hrs. and got the stand down order, talk about a weird time, Full U.S. military combat force set to deploy on American soil for the first time in history of the nation to repress a rioting mob by any means necessary. scary. My oath stood the test that day and I am sure it will stand the test if the need arises again. Although I dont believe that a "war" will ever be declared, there are for sure going to be a series of escalations in the protests and there will be open violence. I can only hope that the first blood drawn is not by the LEGAL advocates of immigration enforcement. Let me say this, Once blood is drawn, people had better be ready for some true ugliness on both sides of this volatile issue.
There will be casualties, on both sides. that is the part that saddens me, It will eventually come to violence because of differing belief systems.
But, like my cousin Andy says"OH WELL!!"

2006-07-16 13:42:01 · answer #4 · answered by renegadesho_ban 3 · 0 0

I swear, I hate to say this but you seem to be functioning on the same level that racist in the South function on!!

Go after the employers and there would be no reason for them to be here! But the Repubs won't because they need the slave labor, while complaining about illegals!!

Either that or give them the land back that we stole from them!!!

Why would we want to get an a war? The American-Mexican war was about stealing their land!

For all you idiots. Mexico supplies 1/3 of our oil. as does Canada!!

You really want a third of your oil cut off over some employers that needs slave, part time workers that get no benefits! Who benefits the most in that deal??

2006-07-16 00:31:40 · answer #5 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 0

I could see violence erupting between the illegals and real Americans. I'm surprised that there hasn't been any already, especially at the "protests" where the illegals called in sick. I'm sure many of them are undesirables who Mexico was happy to be rid of, and many of those people will cause trouble here.

By the way, why didn't INS agents go through the crowds at these protests and ask to see everyone's green cards? Because that alone would have caused a lot of violence. If it happens again, arm 'em and send 'em in!

2006-07-16 00:26:29 · answer #6 · answered by Jeffrey S 6 · 0 1

The Reality Of It Is
That We Have ALREADY Been Invaded
There Is An Invading Army Of 20 Million FOREIGN INVADERS
ALREADY IN PLACE Within Our Borders

Never Before In History
Has Any Invading Army
Been 20 Million Strong

BEWARE!! Friends of America.
The lid is coming off this can of “worms”.
I know that as this issue gets hotter
it will turn VERY violent.

Not by “gringos”, but by the illegal invaders.
These folks have a vested interest
in protecting their ability
to beg, borrow and definitely steal in this country.

They are NOT going to go quietly.
I predict massive riots, looting, and killing within 2-3 years
as we try to deport and otherwise enforce the laws
that are already on the books,
not to mention new ones that will be passed in the next 2 years.

So lock and load,

yes I said it,
because what today are knife assaults
tomorrow will turn into gun attacks on the populace
as a desperate 20-30 million illegal aliens
are slowly ushered out of this country on posh jets
by our mealy mouthed, weak, politically correct administration.

You will have to keep your kids inside your house
for fear of having them shot or abducted by aliens for ransom.

You will have pot shots being taken
at the morning rush hour traffic,
(especially at fancy BMWs Mercedes Lexus’s etc)
from the bushes by disgrunteled
unemployed ILLEGAL Alien workers.

You will have 10x increased robberies
of convenience stores and other small businesses.

You will have marauding gangs and carjackers
roaming the streets at night
to assault and rob pedestrians

Just wait,

a full blown civil war awaits us
if we manage to “deprive” these people
of day work, nanny work, hotel work, and agricultural labor jobs.

Talk about Al Quaeda,
we will have 20-30 million potential terrorists
right here in our cities,
ALL with fake ID and a network of friends and relatives
to help them.
It will make the Sunni Triangle
look like Central Park, or Balboa Park, on a Sunday afternoon.

It’s coming.

Remember the LA riots??

Well this is 1000 times that.

These ILLEGAL Aliens
are getting angrier and more violent by the week,
and Mr. Bush knows it.
He has been advised by Homeland Security
what I just said above.
That’s why he’s such a worm about all this.
He just doesn’t want it all to happen on his watch.

The next president
will have to completely capitulate to the illegals demands,
or face the above consequences.

What do you think will happen??

2006-07-16 02:54:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No, there will not be a war. The negative attention paid to the Mexicans has to do with RED HERRING POLITICS. If you are busy hating the Mexicans you don't have the time, energy, or desire to pay attention to what Bush is doing. Then, if that doesn't work, bush will make a speech about homosexuals, then the hatred will be focused there.

2006-07-16 00:38:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If so, we can enlarge our country in about 2 months after the start of war. Tensions grow & dislike grows, the US will not fight nicely. I do not think war will happen, Mexico has no money, most comes from us. What is the right thing you think should be done??? Throw out the illegals.

2006-07-16 00:27:21 · answer #9 · answered by Wolfpacker 6 · 0 1

No because the U.S. can't control a country smaller than the size of California (Iraq), even though most of the enemies kill them selves (suicide bombers).

No because many of those in the U.S. armed forces are Mexican Americans who happen to have family still living in Mexico.

And last but not least, no because unless you want to live like the Israelis and Palestinians, well then go ahead and shoot the first bullet and see what happens.

2006-07-16 01:39:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm surprised there hasn't ALREADY been violence!!!! But,if something isn't done to STOP the illegal invasion,and SOON, i'm afraid there is going to be MAJOR violence!!
American citizens are FED UP with our politicians ignoring "the will of the people"!! And the MAJORITY of Americans want our borders secured,and illegals deported!!!
I heard on the news, that somone is going around and SHOOTING HOLES in the water jugs the illegal supporters leave in the desert for the ILLEGALS!! Eventually,some PERSON is going to get shot!!

2006-07-16 00:31:13 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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