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Consider that the Jihad on american's abroad brought many nations to fight in both Afhanistan and Iraq. Why do you think Christians began the crusades to the Holy Land? How do you suppose we deal with religious differences? Which wars were started by religious beliefs, where those beliefs wrong in your view? If a belief system leads to a war, is it necessarily a poor belief system?

Answer the one's you like.

2006-07-15 16:58:30 · 16 answers · asked by cptbirdman 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Who's Right, does it matter? Being cause of most wars, what does this say about religion?

2006-07-15 17:13:42 · update #1

16 answers

Ignorance and intolerance is the major factor in the start of wars, regardless of religion.

Best wishes.

2006-07-15 17:03:59 · answer #1 · answered by K M 3 · 6 2

The Christians started the Crusades because the Byzantine Empire needed mercenaries and there were too many sons of nobles that needed to prove themselves. Most wars that are started for religious reasons usually have other factors behind them also. A lot of nations tend to use force before they talk and it is easier to get the people behind a religious cause than the real cause. Most nations still hate the Jews because the more you beat them down, the more they prosper.

2006-07-16 00:09:05 · answer #2 · answered by andy 7 · 0 0

I think in some cases, Christianity is at the base of certain wars. Religion brings out very passionate feelings in people-whether it be Christianity, Muslim, or even Athiest with the absence of organized religion-they are still passionate about how they feel.

I personally think that there are people out there that use religion as an excuse to do things. They say that God or Allah or any other religious figure told them to do it.

I don't think that if a belief system leads to war that it is a poor belief system...I just think it has some poor members....

2006-07-16 00:07:38 · answer #3 · answered by Janelle M 3 · 0 0

this is the story of Babel .
all religions were started by the same group of people from Babylon
the differences was their strategy.

people cannot be controlled if they are in a huge civilisation who are at peace.
they must be split up and set against each other .
religious,political ,cultural,racial, differences .have over the centuries and milliniums ,been carefully nurtured and orchestrated ,so that individuals could control their groups (nations) and make business in the conflicts,

some of these quotes are more then ten years old
when they say that we as the people can still change the power structures,they were thinking wishfully,
Today the depth of the mind control is such that i do not think that any one will be able to break free any more
and we are doomed to be part of the slavery .if we survive the 60% reduction in the world population,

The world's power structures have always 'divided to conquer' and have always 'kept divided to keep conquered.' As a consequence the power structure has so divided humanity--not only into special function categories but into religious and language and color categories--that individual humans are now helplessly inarticulate in the face of the present crisis. They consider their political representation to be completely corrupted therefore they feel almost utterly helpless. " - R. Buckminster Fuller (1981) Critical Path
Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government. Whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they must be relied on to set them right. Notably, this IS common-sense.

" Few of us can easily surrender our belief that society must somehow make sense. The thought that the state has lost its mind and is punish- ing so many innocent people is intolerable. And so the evidence has to be internally denied. " - Arthur Miller, Playwright [ We "must not" succumb to apathy, such as this, brothers and sisters of the world.] the United States and the world today, we still can stop this escalating descent into total tyranny. We can learn to face up to the political, economic, and social oppression that is rampant; learn to think critically about what our leaders are doing, and join together to safeguard and re-establish our freedoms. But we must not delay, we cannot simply do nothing or we'll be plunged into the same terror that destroyed Nazi Germany. The generation of Germans who lived through and survived WW II already know this best.

The general intellectual incompetence of Americans at present leads directly to a blindness to our current catastrophic situation. Without the learned ability to make decisive distinctions, people cannot discriminate between, for example, "economic downturn" and depression, or between "change of leaders through free elections" and coup d'etat through monied interests buying and selling presidents and congress- persons. Our minds are so repressed and undeveloped that we lack the capacity to discriminate between the essentials and the changing, superficial forms.

peace is the last thing that the world leaders want ,it is not on their Agenda.

2006-07-16 00:19:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Definitely! It makes perfect sense too, just look at the Middle East. The biggest religions were all started there yet it's been nothing but violence for arguably thousands of years! Isn't it ironic that religions that supposedly teach love, kindness, and peace are the cause for so much death, violence, torture and, war? It's ridiculous and I think it's obvious that religion is a major factor if not the cause itself for many current and past wars.

2006-07-16 00:30:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wars have been fought, won, and lost in the name of religion since the begining of time. Unfortunatly, some are started out of a belief that one's God, will reward them for killing inocent people. Personally, the God I pray to sent his only son to teach us not to hate. If the war was just, and helpless people were in need of help, then I would gladly go to war. This is not meant as a political ploy of current events, just my over all opinion.

2006-07-16 00:06:26 · answer #6 · answered by lightningviper 4 · 0 0

you know it was Mao Tse Dung who said, "religion is the root of all evil".
that was back in 1958..and he's still right.

religion is a man-made belief in a system we do not comprehend. it is something invented by man back in the day.

don't take it too seriously.

i would be more concerned about day to day life and events that shape the world such as this recent Middle East fighting and North Korea mess we are in..along with Iraq, Iran and other crazy things.

it's a bit too much.

2006-07-16 00:01:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe that most wars are started due to difference in religion. Protestants versus Catholics in Ireland, Muslims and Sunni's, Jews and Muslims, Hindi's and Muslims. In the middle ages the Catholics murdered thousands upon thousands of people because they had a different religion. Religion plays a major part.

2006-07-16 00:04:34 · answer #8 · answered by William E 3 · 0 0

Sorry, I can't answer this because, according to Yahoo, I might be offending some child's religious innocence. Any time a group thinks it is right to kill people just because they don't believe the same way they do, they are evil as far as I'm concerned.

2006-07-16 00:07:35 · answer #9 · answered by Wascal Wabbit 4 · 0 0

History proves that most wars are based on religion and intolerance. Fortunately, my people aren't in those chapters of history, oh...except for being the victims!
Blessed Be...the wise and tolerant!

2006-07-16 00:07:46 · answer #10 · answered by Helzabet 6 · 0 0

Now a days yes ,religion and its fanatics are becoming a major factor for wars.

2006-07-16 00:03:45 · answer #11 · answered by Searcher 1 · 0 0

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