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Way to many bad things have happened to in hte world and to me and those that I am close to. I try to live my life as a god peson, but do you think that because I'm a person who has excepted Jesus Christ into my heart and all that jazz that I'm going to hell?...An dto top it off I'm not baptized.

2006-07-15 16:49:42 · 13 answers · asked by Alexis 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

The bible is a work of fiction concocted by various sects over the years to explain their beliefs. However in the core of it, the main message is live your life to the best and treat others as you would wish to be treated. Whether you believe or not, if you are acting in that manner you are the type of person described as godly in the bible.

2006-07-15 16:54:26 · answer #1 · answered by darkwolfslust 2 · 0 0

I assume you mean as a "good" person. You say you are a good person? According to who's standards, yours or God's? Have you ever lied about anything? Of course, afterall, you are only human, right? So what does that make you? A liar. If you've ever stolen anything, that makes you a thief. Have you ever looked at the opposite sex/ same sex and had any kind of sexual thoughts? Once again, of course. You're only human. What does that make you? An adulterer at heart. So by your own admission you are a liar and a thief and an adulterer at heart. And that is only 3 of the 10 commandments. So if God judges you based on those standards, do you honestly think you are going to be innocent or guilty?
Do you think a judge is going to let a murderer go because he claims to be a "good person"? Sincerety is not salvation.

2006-07-16 00:44:44 · answer #2 · answered by Theresa B 2 · 0 0

Bad things happen to everyone even Christians and if you've accepted Jesus into your heart thats great. Its up to you to decide whether you want to go to hell or to heaven. I would suggest buyin a Bible if you dont already have one or going to a local church. God never turns away anyone. And once you know that you are serious about your relationship with God then you can think about baptism. Don't try to get things the easy way because life will be hard no matter what your religon is or who you are.

2006-07-15 23:57:45 · answer #3 · answered by kisses4buttrfly 1 · 0 0

Belief in a god and belief in a christian based religion are two separate things. The whole human race seems to have been born with a natural knowledge of some power greater than ourselves. Christianity is a man made religion. If all who failed at Christianity were doomed to hell, most everyone on the planet would be doomed to hell. Believe my friend that life is precious and difficult to understand. I appreciate your doubts because of your pain but the truth may just be that you need these struggles so that you may become strong enough for the road ahead of you. Good luck and good fortune on your journey.

2006-07-15 23:58:26 · answer #4 · answered by breakenschidt 2 · 0 0

First, get baptized and throw yourself into the arms of God. He is ready and waiting and can't wait to hold you.

Second, I pray that everything for you is okay, and that God blesses you and keeps you in His peace. Sometimes life can be hard, down right nasty. Jesus never said that we would not suffer in this life. He did say, though, that He would never leave us. Hell is the last place you are going if you love Jesus and stay close to Him.

Keep your chin up, and pray to God often. He is the one Father that you will always have through thick and thin. He loves you more than you can ever know.

God bless,


2006-07-16 00:19:35 · answer #5 · answered by Danny H 6 · 0 0

Well I feel like God isn't up their either sometimes but he is. Sometimes I scream as loud as I can and I feel better or stay in my room for about 2 to 3 hours and just ask God what am I doing wrong. Well I pray so hard I just start to cry my eyes out. He's just trying to make a better life for you in the future. Although you fell like AAAAAAAAHHHH! You just got to keep your faith and you will have your reward in the end. It's called Heaven.
Also don't rush yourself about getting baptized. If god wants you to get baptized he will tell you when. JUST PRAY!

2006-07-16 00:36:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you believe in Jesus with your heart it is between you and God...but I would say you are saved. Bible says you are saved if you truely do believe. Bad things happen in the world and to people because nobody wants to acknowledge God because "Chrsitians" act like you have to be part of a "religion" or attend a "church" to be saved. That couldn't be further from the truth. It is between you and God you are ultimately accountable to God in the end.

2006-07-15 23:57:44 · answer #7 · answered by Joshua R 2 · 0 0

If you have accepted Christ as your savior, you will be saved and be in Heaven. If not, you won't, simple as that. Living a "good" life according to your own terms won't cut it. Bad things happen to all people, good and bad, saved and lost. I have faced tragedy and trials as well, so I know whence I speak. I can tell you, it is much easier to face these trials in your life with Christ then without Him. There is a Heaven, there is a Hell. Simply refusing to believe in them does not cause them to cease to exist.

2006-07-16 00:04:59 · answer #8 · answered by BrotherMichael 6 · 0 0

How do you think we got here? By accident? No, we have a creator, God!!!!!!! God bless you, I know things are difficult and it is easy to lose faith but our Father knows whats best for us and He promises eternal life! We may not understand how electricity works- but why sit around in the dark and try to figure it out! Its the same with God. We may not understand but that doesn't make it not so.

2006-07-15 23:59:09 · answer #9 · answered by Kellkat 3 · 0 0

Why bother with whether or not their hell or heaven exists? Clearly, you have come to the conclusion that they do not and therefore it should not bother you. This is the same as a child asking their mother if the boogeyman is going to come after them after asserting that he does not exist.

2006-07-15 23:53:31 · answer #10 · answered by Tarantism 2 · 0 0

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