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had this dream last night that this figure who kept changing back and forth into a woman and man.He/she had dark hair and was wearing a dark red robe. This person told me his/her name was Uriel and then it walked into me and I could do all these weird things like move objects with my mind. He/she kept telling me that it was here to help me with my creativity and get my life on track. Recently I lost my job and I am broke and very scared.
Anyway, I am not religious but this person felt so real to me...so I looked up the name and apparently this figure depicts Archangel Uriel (right down to the dark red robe and the creativity thing). However, I was not exactly comforted by this angel if he/she was one. He/shewas domineering, intimidating and actually scared me a bit. I wanted to get away from he/she because his presense was so thick it was choking me. Aren't angels supposed to be comforting?
Did an angel visit me? And if so... why was I so scared of it?

2006-07-15 16:13:24 · 21 answers · asked by ? 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

you said you felt fear...the Bible tells us fear is torment and that it isn't from God....so when you don't have peace about it it isn't of God....angels can be of the enemy too...remember 1/3 of the angels of heaven fell with satan and that may be what you experienced ...you described it as intimidating and domineering...those are not attributes that God has....I also never heard of an archangel name that in the Bible....so stay away......pray before you go to sleep and ask God to keep you

2006-07-15 21:32:12 · answer #1 · answered by shiningon 6 · 1 0

No an angel did not visit you. what you probably saw was a path that you are on. I'll try to simplify this as much as possible for your dream is very deep.

You are at a crossroad in your life. There are numerous choices you can make. However the thought of making a choice scares you. (It's like as if you just graduated from high school and never knew anything about the outside world, but your parents told you to move out immediatly).

The suggestion that the "angel" told you was probably the scariest, but best choice for you. To do something with your creative side. The thing is whatever it is you don't have much time left to choose it, your chance will be gone soon.

As for the male female thing this could mean many things. I'm not to sure what. However I'm pretty sure by what i have told you you could probably figure that one out.

I'll give you a few examples of what it could be however i'm not sure.

1. A male or a female will be your first step in this journey if you choose this path. In other words you have a chance at either. (Example: if you were going to be an artist; a male or a female proffesional artist at a school could be your role model and guide you).

2. In order to succeed to full potential on this path you need to be in touch with your male and female sides.

There are others, however these are the most pominant that I can think of.

As for the Angel thing it could be a sign to use religion with your creativity. There have been many famous people that did a lot of famous things with religion (even though some of them were not of that religion.)

2006-07-15 16:32:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dreams always have some relavance to self. Some aspects of the dream, if not all, will almost always have something to do with what is going on inside you on any level. But do not let someone else tell you what the dreams means to you. Only you are aware of what is happening in your life and can answer that completely.

However, any time an angel appeared to those in the Bible they were afraid of it. People are often afraid of what is unfamiliar to them, even to this day. Once the message was received and understood with an open heart and open mind, the "scared feeling" goes away and they are left with a sense of hope.

You must open your heart and mind to try to understand your dreams as they apply to your own life. Everyone's life is different.

2006-07-15 16:35:53 · answer #3 · answered by Theresa B 2 · 0 0

Sometimes change is not comforting, and any figure supporting change would be uncomfortable. You have to accept the change in your life and that is why the figure is so dominating and intimidating...it represents the fear of the change you have that is apparently dominating your life. You have to let go of the path your life had found and be creative in finding a new one. That, at least, is what I interpret your dream to mean.

If you have questions of this figure being an angel, talk to a pastor of a church. Otherwise, it could just simply be symbolic.

2006-07-15 16:17:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are angels, and then there are angels.

There were the angels that delivered biblical people from problems, Lot and family from the destruction of Sodom, Peter from a Jerusalem jail, as two examples. There was an army of angels around one city when an army came after a prophet, which happened twice to different prophets. In one case, all were blinded and the army was subdued and later restored. In another case, AN (as in one) angel destroyed over 180,000 troops in one night.

But there are those who used to be angels, purged from heaven along with Satan. There are different stories of those. Like the crowd that inhabited a man, driving him crazy, until Jesus came and sent them all away.

To borrow a line from a character in a Dickens story, "I fear [your angel] is more gravy than grave." You might be playing with your fears and uncertainties. But you might be facing some other real spiritual battle. On your own you won't win. Go over his head, talk to Jesus in your next dream and ask Him, "Is this angel that is bothering me for real?" It may be just a dream, maybe.

2006-07-15 16:25:01 · answer #5 · answered by Rabbit 7 · 0 0

I'm not sure, I don't think she was an angel. Maybe she was some kind of energy... maybe ur own energy as seen in dreams. I know, I'd be scared too... just take it easy :) I bet you're doing a good job trying to find a new job and get ur life back on track. There are many ppl out there trying to organize their lives back again.

2006-07-15 16:19:58 · answer #6 · answered by mchav83 2 · 0 0

Lucifer was an angel once....LOL ... How old are you? Teenagers sometimes have really bad dreams. Most of it is due to the age where your body is going thru hormonal changes etc... at least thats what my Grandma told me... she also told me middle aged women going thru the change sometimes have bad dreams too... again associated with hormonal changes in the body... At any rate hang in there if it happens again you might wanta talk to someone you respect that knows a lot about the Bible.... could very well be an angel

2006-07-15 16:24:46 · answer #7 · answered by monie99701 4 · 0 0

A spirit that chokes, suffocates or electrocutes you is not friendly. The spirits do not have the authority to violate your free will, but some respect it more than others.

The fact that you are not religious, is irrelevant now: you are going to have to make a decision. Having been awakened to the presence, you are probably not going to have much peace until you connect in a very personal, meaningful way with the only person that I know of that has the authority that all spirits will obey: Jesus.

When the spirit told you his name, you researched that name to find out who he was, now in that same way, you will need to search for Jesus. If you look for him, he will find you. It may happen very quickly, or it may take you some time. But it is the quickest, surest road to a happy ending with this.

Email me at my contact page if you want to talk.

2006-07-15 17:23:31 · answer #8 · answered by Debra N 3 · 0 0

If you were feeling scared of this presence and felt it was choking you chances are it wasnt an angel.......the bible tells us satan can appear to us an angel of light.......so after reading what you wrote about the dream and how you felt it would my guess that it was satan trying to plague you because he knows you lost your job and are broke and feeling scared about it all.
he would rather you believed him that he can help you but he cant.....so dont you believe a thing he says.

I too had a very bad dream a few years back. See i was in this situation i knew was wrong and doing things I shouldnt of been and one night as i was sleeping I had this dream about this black figure hovering over me and it came closer and closer till it was right on top of me and I felt as if i was choking and I couldnt breath...almost like I was being smothered...I remember crying out to God to help me and the figure was gone.....to this day I dont know if it was real or a dream, but I do know it had to be one of satan's demons called oppression because at that time I had things weighing on me so heavily and of course satan knowing it wanted to attack me. Praise God for his saving grace and for saving me.

My advice to you is to read your bible and pray to God.....He will be the one to get you back on track and back on your feet.....He knows how you are feeling and as the bible tells us " He is an ever present help in the time of troubles. Lean on Jesus and you cant go wrong.

2006-07-15 16:27:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let me analyze the dream.

Red rode = danger
Angel = help/support

sounded like you are confident in lot of things. And you have lots of anxiety and stress due to loss of jobs.

You dream of that angel to help you actually you project yourself needing help in life. No, not actual angel visit you, you should not be scared of it. You are just worried too much in life and you are yelling help and yet no one can really help you in reality, so dreaming is the only way to vent it out and yell for help which is normal.

Good Luck!

2006-07-15 23:57:44 · answer #10 · answered by YourDreamDoc 7 · 1 0

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