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26 answers

of course. the statement is utterly stupid. he is supposedly omniscient and knows before you are born that you will make choices leading you to hell, but he lets you be born. it's so utterly stupid it's amazing anyone believes this garbage anymore.

look, this god is supposed to love humanity so much, but he locked them out of heaven, what with the noah thing and all. but, he missed us and wanted us back in heaven. what to do?

Apparently, being god wasn't good enough - his hands were tied. the only way to get us back into heaven was for god to go mate with an earth maiden, like zeus did, have a child with her, and then get humans to kill that child, so we could slide into heaven on his blood.

this stuff is lunacy, idiocy. or, it's symbolism. these old stories have great value when taken on a symbolic, metaphorical level. to make these things literal, like so many stupid christians do, is to destroy these stories and render them fairy tales. really scary fairy tales.

2006-07-15 16:17:42 · answer #1 · answered by cassandra 6 · 0 1

Who says that you are going to hell?

Some judgmental fruitcake of a fundamentalist preacher? What do those clowns know about God?

Unconditional means no conditions. No hoops that need to be jumped through, no nonsense of any sort.

This silly idea that you are talking about assumes a God so inept that he can't even organize a simple educational field excursion and get all of the students home safely. Think about what it is that you are saying.

I assure you God is not incompetent. No one is going to hell, except in the ravings of the bible thumping buffoons who spout this nonsense. They can thank God that he is not the judgmental freak they have made him out to be. Pay no attention to this kind of nonsensical gibberish. Trust in God to be the loving father he has always been. He will not let you down.

Love and blessings

2006-07-15 23:00:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are happily wrong about the 99 percent of us going to hell. God does not want any of us to go there and gives us lots of chances to return to his good graces if we temporarily fall. Anyone, even a serial killer, can repent, even at the last minute, on his deathbed, and still go to heaven. Some people say you have to be born again. Some say the sacrament of baptism will rid you of all sin. Some say the sacrament of penance, or the last rites will take care of things time and time again. There is even baptism of blood, as opposed to the usual water, that does if for people sometimes--like on a battlefield. No I would like to think the 99 percent you speak of is the number that really go to heaven. Wouldn't you want to think that way? Please get with a church of your choice and try and convince yourself, through prayer and listening and attending services, etc. that your chances of getting to heaven are a lot better than one percent.

2006-07-15 22:58:47 · answer #3 · answered by jcorcor 3 · 0 0

God loves us.. He loves everyone, but He doesn't like the sin we do...
The only way into Heaven is through Jesus, though... so if a person doesn't accept Jesus as his/her Savior, then, he won't go to Heaven. It's written in The Bible, this isn't something I made up. God's unconditional love has nothing to do with why some will go to Heaven or hell.. it's up to each of us and what we choose to do and believe.

2006-07-15 23:00:55 · answer #4 · answered by veritababe 2 · 0 0

Your wrong! The truely modern belief is there is no hell. You make your own hell. Even the demons did so and now they are stuck with what they have created. Then God is just putting them out of their mercy in ending it all. It works on so many levels.
And then just about everybody is going to heaven except the ones that truely attain infamy and thus have earned it.

2006-07-15 22:54:36 · answer #5 · answered by vic050realto 1 · 0 0

But who says we are going to hell? I've been condemned to hell by both Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, but I'll let God make the Final Judgment, not some two-bit creep in a three-piece suit.

2006-07-15 22:51:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If 99% go to hell it's because they don't know that God loves them or they have chosen to reject His way of salvation. God does love us unconditionally and sent His only Son to die on the cruel cross just so that you and I could have our sins forgiven and go to heaven. God loves us because He created us and wants each one of us to have a relationship with Him.

2006-07-15 22:58:56 · answer #7 · answered by momwood2 1 · 0 0

God does love each and every one of us unconditionally but he does not love the sin or wrong doings that each of us has done in our lives.

You state that 99% of people are going to hell.... you are you to judge who goes to hell or who doesnt......God just doesnt go sending people to hell.....the truth of the matter is this. We condemn ourselves to hell by doing wrong and never repenting of it or taking the Lord God as our savior.

God gave people the freedom of choice and in doing that left it up to us what we choose to do and not do.....so if we go doing something we know is wrong and dont repent its not God's fault it is our own fault pure and simple.

He tells us in the bible that He wants none of his children to suffer but he wont make that choice for you.....you must make it yourself.... He wants us to choose Him as Lord and Savior of our lives and repent of our sins and let Him lead us.

To those who think there is no hell.....believing as you do doesnt make it so.....regardless of what you believe there will always be a hell and the bible calls it a " lake of fire" and Yes there is a God in Heaven whether you believe it or not.

God was, is and always will be and there is nothing you can do about it and not believing in Him wont make him go away or make Him not real.

I for one am Glad I took Him as Lord and Savior of my life and admitted to Him all my wrong doings and asked for His help. I wouldnt be alive now if it werent for God and I know my place in heaven is secured and I will be there with Him one day.

2006-07-15 23:44:38 · answer #8 · answered by wendyceline2001 3 · 0 0

Have you heard the expression "sinners in the hands of an angry god"?? He loves us but he doesn't mind sending us to hell. Then our love turns into a long distance relationship.

2006-07-15 22:52:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1st of all God does love us unconditionally,if you end up in hell it's because you most likely did bad things on earth so you got it all wrong

2006-07-15 22:55:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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