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I do understand that part what once saved always saved mean. But how I can be saved? What I have to do to be saved once? And if anyone of you know script in bible book talk about once saved always saved please tell me what script in bible book. Thank you.

2006-07-15 15:23:37 · 32 answers · asked by xingboy2 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

if you want to be saved look in Romans 10: 9 and 10 u must belive that god raised jesus from the dead and so on read the scripture im happy you want to know

2006-07-15 15:28:08 · answer #1 · answered by Trice W 1 · 0 1

Once saved Always is very miss leading. First off you need to know something about the faith before you can even understand this. Many Christians think that saying a little pray will save them. Sorry but that is not the reality of it. See being save is only the first step in the binging of a new life. Everything changes, When you claim the faith then you need to learn the faith, and live the faith. If is what make you real. Many think that once they say the pray that's it. They never change their ways, they live as the did before and they play religion. That is not being saved that is living a lie.

If you are true about the faith, Learn it, Live it, Love it. The more you learn the more you will understand.

2006-07-15 15:39:53 · answer #2 · answered by Dead Man Walking 4 · 0 0

When I read your question I thought that I had a simple answer... I thought that according to the Bible that accepting Jesus as one's personal savior would make you saved. But I looked into it. Read Mark 10: 17-22 or Matthew 19:16-22. Even though I believe in a lot of what Christianity suggests, the Bible can be somewhat contradictory. Just figure out what you believe and live they way that you think is "right". You can search the Bible in a lot of different versions on online, like www.biblegateway.com...

2006-07-15 15:56:46 · answer #3 · answered by Bridget 2 · 0 0

The Bible doesnt say "once saved always saved"... thats a doctrine some Baptists made up... What you need to do to be saved is to repent of your sins believe in your heart Jesus is Lord and died for those sins. Now, if you sin again it doesnt mean you arent saved anymore but you do have to stay in the Lord... if you walk away from Him according to 2 Peter 2:20-22, you're worse off than before you were saved.

2006-07-15 15:30:47 · answer #4 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 0 0

Ok. The Bible clearly states that the only way to the Father is through Jesus, accepting Him in your heart

.Ac 4:12 -
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

Heb 9:28 -
so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

I do believe that if we receive Jesus in our hearts, we are saved from Hell. However, I also believe that once we truly ask Jesus in our hearts with true repentance, then we are saved forever. If we ask Jesus in our hearts just to escape Hell but are not truly repentant in our hearts, then it was a lie and we will go to Hell. It does not say in the Bible, once saved always saved. That is an interpretation from man. There is no sin greater than another (murder is just as bad as lying). When we are truly repentant in our hearts and ask God to forgive us, then we can enter into His grace and mercy. The Bible does not say that we can lose our salvation once we accept it. It does say that we are to live a repentant lifestyle. In other words, live for Jesus and witness to others. Once we ask Jesus in our hearts and really mean it, then we will want to live for Him. That way we will not sin willingly and therefore escape the judgement of wrath from God. God looks at the heart and that is how we are judged. I hope that this sheds some light for you.

2006-07-15 15:44:24 · answer #5 · answered by romantic_angel_agent 1 · 0 0

Dosent say it in the bible. Noone knows if they are saved or not, churches have people convinced of this fact, but it is not easy for a person who actually reads the bible on their own to be twisted as far as to believe what men have came up with on their own to try to sway ones to go to their church. You have to work at being saved on a everyday basis just like you have to go to work everyday if you want to be sure there will be food on the table. If all you had to do is go get saved in a church and youd always be saved without any effort then their would be no reason to pray , ask for forgiveness, or study his word. It would be easy. It is not that easy and for people that believe so it is because they are too lazy to believe that it is going to take alot of work, and alot of effort on their part.

2006-07-15 15:35:01 · answer #6 · answered by c g 3 · 0 0

Once you accept God and He pours his Holy Spirit out on you, Heb:6,4-6,says if you go back into the world,there is no more forgiveness for you. I did that-and went back out into the world for a few years. I thought that I would just live by the Golden Rule and take my chances. I was pretty disgusted about how things were going for me back then.
Eventually I felt God was calling me back in,and I repented and came back to God. Since then I've grown in faith,I had prayers answered,have been faith healed, and have been in situations where I 'knew that God was using me to do his work. That part in Hebrews that says no repentance is accepted after one walks away... Well, all I can figure is that no repentance is accepted after one departs this life. I've always considered myself kinda like the prodigal son.
That's my answer to your question,my friend. With all these different answers,I hope you're not more confused than ever.

2006-07-15 16:19:59 · answer #7 · answered by doggybag300 6 · 0 0

Once saved always saved is conditional. We are to remain in the vine to stay saved.

NOW to your question.

First you have to realize that you are a hell bound sinner in need of a saviour, who is Jesus Christ.


that he paid the price for the sin(s) of mankind.

You have to believe that he can save your soul.
You must ask God to forgive you of your sins,


the intent of living as God would have you to live.

God will save you.

Read the book of St. John but beginning with the first 3 chapters.

A person who gets saved receives the Holy Spirit into them to enable them to live free from sin.

This is the quickest I can tell you off hand.

2006-07-15 15:27:13 · answer #8 · answered by 1saintofGod 6 · 0 0

Jesus Himself said that "He who has endured to the end will be saved." So, you are not saved until you make it to the end of your life being faithful to God and to His Son Jesus Christ.

There is NOT any Scripture in the Bible that says you will always be saved because Jesus said the opposite in Matthew 24:13.

2006-07-15 15:35:11 · answer #9 · answered by fingerpicknboys 3 · 0 0

There is no concept called once saved always saved in the bible. Salvation is an on going process and must be worked on minute by minute. Yes we are saved by grace but one must continue in totally obedience to God. One must accept that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that we must repent and seek forgiveness and then turn from sin. Only Jesus is perfect, and we are sinners, who by accepting God His grace and mercy is given to us.

2006-07-15 17:10:09 · answer #10 · answered by tebone0315 7 · 0 0

No once your saved your not always saved. You must continue on the path of righteousness and salvation. Two examples of ones abandoning their faith would be 1) Satan, he wasn't always the devil, he was once an arch angel who resided in heaven before being cast out. 2) Judas, was once a trusted disciple of Jesus prior to betraying him. Salvation will only last as long as you hold fast to it. However the world will temp you to obtain your faith and the path to righteousness.

2006-07-15 15:29:50 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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