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2006-07-15 14:53:48 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous 20-Something 3 in Politics & Government Civic Participation

26 answers

The only thing I would do is see that children learn what a president can and can't do. Look at the answers you got. Most are far beyond the powers of a president.

2006-07-15 18:41:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

1. Demand all American automakers to produce electric/gas hybrids that average 120 miles per gal. No exceptions. Comply or shut down.

2. Go on a media blitz convincing everybody exactly how safe and how clean nuculear power really is. Then demand that a nuculear power plant be built in every city with a population of 500,000 people or more.

3. Focus on the international space station and try and get as many countries involved with the program as possible. Try and get the whole world excited about our future and the possiblities in space. Use this idea to try and establish world peace. Make a world wide goal to try and harness the Astroid G195 which will pass by the earth approximately 450,000 miles away in the year 2012. Coral the astroid and try to bring it into Earth's outer most atmospheric orbit. The rest is easy. We hollow out the inside and convert the astroid into a self supporting starship that could literally support up to 250 people... who would all be safe 50 feet under the rocks surface. Design this rock with plenty of thrusters, and frame the mission to one day leave Earth's orbit with no intention of coming back.

Very good question Anomynus.....Hopefully Bush will read it!

2006-07-16 07:22:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow there are several things but off the top of my head

1} Abolish Pork Spending
2} Criminalize Lobbying and Lobbyist
3} Legalize Marijuana and Focus on Hard Drugs
4} Freeze Congressional Wages
5} Mandate a switch to Alternative fuels
6} Subsidize Crops for Ethanol production
7} Secure the border
8} Assist Mexico in implementing domestic programs like the ones FDR used to end our own depression
9} As soon as dependence on foreign oil is neutralized pull our troops out of the middle east and let them fight their own fights
10} End or severely limit foreign aid {America First Policy}
11} Ask for a 20 year freeze on all immigration
12} Maintain global military presence with an expanded Navy
13} Base troops only with allies and home bases no Cuba Base, no Saudi bases etc.
14} Enact term limits for all politicians
15} Offer prison labor to replace immigrant labor

2006-07-15 22:28:27 · answer #3 · answered by burnin_soulz 2 · 0 0

I vote for:

and as for jonnyc, who said send all troops home and home from foreign outposts-- did you consider the fact that once we send all troops home from all over the world, within a couple of months, all of our allies would be getting attacked, and we would have a dozen or more 9-11's happening-- the reason we are safe is because we have military all over the world. The second we pull everyone home, we become cornered in our own country, and will be getting attacked from all sides with no way to fight back because if we are attacked on each coast, from the north and from the south also, it will be like shooting fish in a barrel- we are sitting ducks.

I appreciate your opinion but I feel that there was not alot of thought that went into it. (no offense meant).

2006-07-16 04:52:56 · answer #4 · answered by AnAvidViewer 3 · 0 0

Stop any loopholes that allow military deserters a safe haven in any country. Cowards need to be dealt with decisivley. If someone doesn't want to serve, don't enlist. If you are drafted, there are legal ways to avoid direct combat. Use them, but don't desert!

Also, I would make it a felony for any health care worker to aid or abet an abortion. I would make it a capital offense for a doctor to perform the abortion.

2006-07-15 22:02:15 · answer #5 · answered by oblatenovice 1 · 0 0

I would use the presidential edict and order the investigation of all the reps' and senators' finances for proof of bribery, and such and arrest, them for crimes against the country (treason!) IT IS A HIGH CRIME TO SELL OUT THE COUNTRY!

That or order a pizza and see if they get it to me in 30 minutes, I don't think the secret service would allow them in so quickly- wow free ZA! lol
just kidding, I would still pay for it!

2006-07-16 02:25:00 · answer #6 · answered by athorgarak 4 · 0 0

Abolish the Department of Homeland Security. We already have one of these....the Armed Forces of the United States.

2006-07-15 22:06:39 · answer #7 · answered by KERMIT M 6 · 0 0

Introduce a bill to congress that to subsidize vocational training, so that government picks up most if not all the cost for certificate courses in junior college.

2006-07-15 21:57:33 · answer #8 · answered by Gardenfoot 4 · 0 0

I would shut down the embassy with the Vatican "holy see". Having an embassy with a "church" is a violation of the constitution. It also reveals the papal praising hearts of our "leaders" in Washington.

2006-07-16 05:54:04 · answer #9 · answered by Kenneth 4 · 0 0

summerdaze - You're brilliant! If you were president you wouldn't have to fire Bush.

I'd abolish the IRS. It's time for a flat tax or a national sales tax.

2006-07-15 21:58:49 · answer #10 · answered by Nuke Lefties 4 · 0 0

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