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ok i made my mind up that i wasnt going to have an abortion ,now everyone including my closest friends are saying i dont need another child right now because im 23 and i already have a five year old but i really feel as if abortion is wrong its not like my kids are going to be back to back they are 5 years apart now im confused am i making the right descion by keeping this child are should i listen to my friends and have a abortion

2006-07-15 14:00:29 · 54 answers · asked by new orleans cutie 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

54 answers

Are you supporting yourself financially or relying on someone else or gov't aid? That would be a MAJOR deciding factor for me. If you are already managing on your own and think you can manage one more then go for it. But relying on someone else to take care of you is not being responsible and not the best position to have a child.

2006-07-15 14:03:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

This is what i think personaly.
If you cant afford a child you shouldnt have one...there are people out there that have children that shouldnt.
The mother that cant feed her child when the child is five years old and cant get job shouldnt have that child.
A women in your situion should if you have a place to live and if your boyfriend or husband is still with you and has a good job and doesnt go to jail every week then have that child!
As long as you live a normal life then you should have a normal life no need to put a life off to the side.
You know how many people commit suicde its becuz of the lifes that they lived if you can give this child a good life than do so...and if you cant i am not suggesting abortion...maybe adoption. Dont let you friends choice if you should give life to something that could go to school one day and become a doctor or even the presdient you never know!
do what you think is best.
Like i said if you can squezz anouther child into your family do so but dont treat him like nothing and ignore him. I know parents who have done that and still do.
Good luck to you. I hope you make the right choice.
@Joshua Washburn

2006-07-15 14:16:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, you're already referring to your 5-yr-old and the baby in your womb as your kids, so I'd say that answers your question. Fact is, a baby is a baby - whether it's 2 weeks gestation or 2 weeks after birth. People can suggest abortion, but they're not the ones who would have to live with the consequenses of that decision. I've heard so many sad stories of women who regret ending their baby's life before it could hardly begin.

And you're right - 2 kids 5 years apart isn't that much of a workload (at least not compared to a baby and a toddler, for example). In fact, most 5/6 year olds love helping mommy and think babies are pretty cool. I nanny for a five-year-old right now with my 3-mo-old baby and he thinks she's just the coolest thing ever. And there are also a lot of resources out there to help moms who are struggling - with finances, or even just with emotional support.

Honestly, I'd suggest finding a moms group (maybe through yahoo groups or meetup.com or through your local church) so that you're surrounded by people who will support you and your children. And check out the link below that will show you some cool photos of what your baby inside looks like right now. I support you in keeping your baby - and your baby will thank you too! Also, check out the second link which tells some stories about abortion survivors - it's pretty mind-blowing!

Blessings to you and your children - I think you'll make the right decision!

2006-07-15 14:16:11 · answer #3 · answered by Jujubee 2 · 0 0

Since you already have a child, you are already aware of the difficulty and the rewards of having a child. Given that, you are in a far better position to decide than most.

Consider what you learned from your first child. Remember, you have all three options open to you: abortion, adoption, and keeping the child. Only you can say if you are ready for the last option, based on what you already know.

Assuming there are no health issues to you in bringing the child to term, there is no reason not to do so. Again, only you truly know if there are such health issue.

In the end, it is you who will have to make this decision and deal with any consequences (monetary, physical, and emotional) that result.

2006-07-15 14:15:29 · answer #4 · answered by Jim T 6 · 0 0

If YOU fel abortion is wrong, or YOU feel that you are ready for and can properly care for another child, then go for it. Don't have an abortion just because everyone says so.

Personally I am very anti abortion, but at the same time I am also somewhat pro choice. Everyone has the right to make up their own mind about their body, but if anyone I know chooses abortion, they better not expect me to support them on their decision!

2006-07-15 14:04:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do your "freinds" have kids? It's easy to get some one to sit with a 5 yr old when you want to go out and it gets harder when you have more. No if I was you I would keep it. The way I look at abortion is wrong plain and simple. If God didn't want you to have another child you wouldn't be pregnant. I had 4 by the time I was 21.Children not abortions!

2006-07-15 14:50:50 · answer #6 · answered by stormy16438 1 · 0 0

Stand up for your beliefs and do not have an abortion! You will have to live with your decision. Not your friends. 5 years apart is not bad at all. I am 24 and I have 2 children. They are 3 and 4. I also have a 6 year old step son. My babies are 12 months apart. Even though I am young, I am stable and I am a good mother to my children and I love them more that life itself! I can't imagine intentionally taking one of their lives. If you have an abortion it is something that you will have to live with everyday. You will have to live with the fact that you killed your baby. An innocent life. If you have the baby; you will love and cherish it. You will never regret that! Make the decision that you know is right! Stand up for your child's life!

2006-07-15 14:05:19 · answer #7 · answered by #3ontheway! 4 · 0 0

Your friends aren't that good of friends if they are trying to change your mind on such an important decision. If you feel abortion is wrong (and I tend to agree with you on this), then if you cannot care for another child, why not consider adoption?

My cousin adopted a beautiful baby boy from a young woman who had already had kids, and it has worked out to be the best situation for everyone involved. Please search your heart and consider what is best for your baby. It won't be easy raising two kids, but then again, who ever said raising kids was easy in the first place? Good luck and God bless :)

2006-07-15 14:09:11 · answer #8 · answered by alcachofita 3 · 0 0

You are 23 years old.... do what you think is right. I think your 5 year old would love to have a little brother or sister. I don't think you should have an abortion -- that's something you are really going to regret later. Anyways, do any of your friends have kids... the way you making it sound it's like they are all pressuring you to have an abortion.. do they even know how great kids are??!! Girl, like i said earlier.. do what you think is right...it's your life not theirs.

2006-07-15 18:12:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This people telling you to keep Ur baby...are they going to help u feed your Baby? or wake up when you baby is crying?? NOOOO!!! The decision is ONLY yours.....U know how you are...you know your situation..money wise!!! you still young! But your kid is 5 yrs old is a good time to have another Baby. 'cause ur kid is already big enough to understand and help u out...Don't feel bad if u decide to have an abortion.....it's ur body and it's ur life..none of this Hippocrates will understand THE situation unless they are going through it!!! If you decide to keep Ur baby...I wish you the best of the world..But if you don't..Then life goes on!! Pray for the little baby...If are going to do it go for the none surgical 'OK? Good luck!

2006-07-15 14:20:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Follow your heart. If you feel it is wrong, don't do it. Abortion is final, you don't get a chance to change your mind after the fact. I have 2 children only a year and a half apart. Life aound here is loud, hectic and at times nerve wracking. The best part is? I wouldn't change a thing. My home is full, my heart is happy and my life fulfilled because of it.

2006-07-15 14:09:19 · answer #11 · answered by yougottabekiddingme 2 · 0 0

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