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I think we can check out my blog on my 360 page

2006-07-15 13:51:35 · 13 answers · asked by burnin_soulz 2 in Politics & Government Civic Participation

13 answers

Naw, we can't.

Your blog sucks btw.

2006-07-15 13:54:56 · answer #1 · answered by TheAnomaly 4 · 0 0

It is not really a question of "kicking the habit".

The oil companies actually NEED to look forward if we are to have power for the next 200 years. It would be to their benefit to invest heavily in future competitive technologies so they can control them!

I found that here in Mexico there are MANY vehicles converted into propane gas vehicles and many stations are set up only for them!

Surprised? I was!

American want MORE!!
More power, More speed, More comfort, More hauling capacity.

Gas has more potential energy than propane, hydrogen (don't tell the bomb makers that or they might prove me wrong!), and alcohols. This is a big factor for not changing. Most ecology fanatics do not want to lose step with the jones's either, so that is why so few hybrds sell and even less ZEV's (zero emission vehicles).
Electrics are way cool, if it were not for that running out of juice and waiting 8-16 hours to recharge thing! and the performance keeps getting less as the charge depletes. Gas and other combustibles give you full power until the fuel runs out.
hydrogen is really neat, burn it and drink the exhaust, just the purest water (well some contamination from lubricants, but not much). The drawback is the huge bulky fuel cells (in fuel cell vehicles), they turn a pickup into a 3 passenger, no load hauling appliance. Way uncool!
Still it would be cool to drive across the nation for free, just pump water out of the nearest river and go!

We will get there, but only when we have no choice and the rest of the world is that way too!

2006-07-16 01:58:36 · answer #2 · answered by athorgarak 4 · 0 0

America can and will kick the oil habit once our politicians stop protecting the oil companies' bottom line and start doing what's best for America.

Brazil is completely energy independent right now because 30 years ago (during the oil embargo) their government decided that it wasn't a good idea to be totally dependent on resources that come from a region with such political and governmental instability. Today, every Brazilian has the choice to fill up their car with gasoline or ethanol (made from sugar) because their government mandated stores to carry ethanol and cars to have the ability to run on ethanol.

Our government could have easily done the same, and with America's vast resources we could have been using ethanol for the past 15 or 20 years. But our politicians decided to take campaign contributions and other gifts from oil companies, essentially selling out you, me, and every other American that drives a car.

Oh, and to add insult to injury, the number two car manufacturer in Brazil is none other than General Motors. So not only has production of ethanol on a large-scale been proven to work, but the flex fuel technology has also been implemented by an American car company...in ANOTHER country of course.

Its just a matter of time before America is energy independent. Unfortunately because of greedy politicians and oil companies, we'll have to do a lot of suffering before it happens.

2006-07-15 22:15:27 · answer #3 · answered by hudsonhawk 2 · 0 0

The answer is yes, but it won't. So many believe that the oil we purchase is used only in cars and to heat homes. This isn't true. Crude oil is used to create more than just fuels ( and there are 6 fuels that are derived from crude, that I know of). Crude oil is also used to create pesticides, fertilizers, and PLASTIC. Look around your home and count the number of items you own that are made of plastic or have plastic parts. This move away from oil to hybrids and electro conveyances is a coercion. Force your citizens to buy these things to stabalize the inviroment, settle an infinite number of lawsuits, make the war in iraq seem like a necessity etc. etc. etc.

Look beyond the TV and into the world folks, it'll make you feel better.

2006-07-15 23:20:10 · answer #4 · answered by carlos_18_37 2 · 0 0

Check out www.permanentenergy.com!
This is patented, 100% clean ,fuel-less, closed circuit, hydro-eletric power that's not a dam, it out produces Nuclear and Fusion. Overabundant electric power that when built to it's full use, from here in the US, can supply the whole world.
It can run every home, power new electric powered roads for transportation, trains, industry, clean the polluted water, and power waste management. 1,000,000 mega-watt power plants are possible.
It's fuel-less so the price will remain stable. The design will make power plants that have more than a 100 year life span.

2006-07-15 21:11:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi,, burnin,,,,, look i work in the oil business, and America use to be the largest exporter of oil...... now we are the largest consumer of it... and getting worse..... everyone has 3 cars or more.. now,, if we could cut back to 1 would help . but i dont see that happening ,,,, we make more money than we use to ,, and people are spoiled enough,, not to do without....
Even during the oil shortage (ha ha) in the early 70 s.. the govt made the drive limit 55.. to save ... what do you think would happen now if they did that?????? National up roar....probably...

we are spoiled... no dobut about it.....

good luck

2006-07-15 20:58:09 · answer #6 · answered by eejonesaux 6 · 0 0

NEVER going to happen. There's too much money, power, and greed going on in the oil business. If we kicked the oil habit we would have nothing left to fight over and that wouldn't be any fun for our government!

2006-07-15 22:06:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can see you blog. Asking a question like this makes me think it is very boring. The US can kick the oil addiction, if we make higher and better use of Hybrids, mass transit, bicycling to work. Living closer to work. Make nuclear powered cars.

2006-07-15 21:21:16 · answer #8 · answered by Gardenfoot 4 · 0 0

For starters we can bring back many of the rules we followed back in the 70's during the oil embargo.
turn up the thermostat in summer
turn down the thermostat in winter
shut off lights in rooms that you aren't using
shut off TVs you aren't watching

thank god we didn't have $3 gal gas back then with all the V8 tankers we drove. Course back then we couldn't get gas at all.

2006-07-15 20:59:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, but we can kick the Middle East oil habit. The environmentalist just have to let us.

2006-07-15 21:06:15 · answer #10 · answered by Nuke Lefties 4 · 0 0

Not as long as NASCAR remains a big public draw and people enjoy driving around in circles in their cityies "strip" on friday and saturday nights.

It would take a big move by big corporations to get the public to except alternative fuel and energy as a possibility. As most Americans are lazy they need to be shown its easy and wont be a hassle.

2006-07-16 17:11:57 · answer #11 · answered by saepenon 2 · 0 0

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