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This is what I asked my South American friend here, who didn't understand the question because of his limited English- He's a catholic by the way. Did you find your faith all by yourself or did you inherit it from your parents like genes?

2006-07-15 13:44:35 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I got through. Everybody in his town is Catholic.

2006-07-15 14:00:18 · update #1

I got through. Everybody in his town is Catholic.

2006-07-15 14:00:19 · update #2

31 answers

I found him.

2006-07-15 13:50:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

A religion that can give you the answer that you are looking for, that's the right religion for you.

In my case, I was a Catholic when i born because my father is a Catholic. then, when i was in primary school, i was a Methodist because I followed my friend. then change to Christian, then Catholic again. but I never get my answer when I ask question. Then there's one day, I was attending a Buddhism talk. This monk told about the life in this universe and answer all my questions that I been looking for all my life. then i decided to be a Buddhist. Until today, I still a Buddhist. I believe in Karma. Whatever you did, you will get it in return. and actually Buddhism is not really a religion. It's actually a way of teaching people how to live life better without much suffering and get enlightenment.

That's for me, I find my faith. I don't think people should be forced to believe. Is up to them to find what is right for them. some may find it, some may not. as long as don't bad mouth other people religion as this is really stupid. I hope you find your faith......

2006-07-15 13:59:57 · answer #2 · answered by mingerkk 1 · 0 0

I received my Catholic Faith from the Grace of God. I chose my Catholic Faith at Confirmation and my daily personal relationship with Jesus.
After considering many aspects of Faith, Belief, Truth, and Love I came to the conclusion that God is Real and Catholicism is the True Faith.

2006-07-15 13:50:49 · answer #3 · answered by Lives7 6 · 0 0

Romans 10:17

2006-07-15 17:54:33 · answer #4 · answered by Ed Zep 1 · 0 0

You find your faith on your own. Your parents do help lead you that way and that is something to be thankful for. There is a connection to family that God honors. Looks at the Jews. Because of what one person did back a couple of thousand years ago, they are God people. So be thankful if you have parents that brought you up in that direction but is your choice to do what you wan to do.

2006-07-15 13:59:18 · answer #5 · answered by EJ 1 · 0 0

Was born a Muslim but family not that religious so i decided to explore all religion to see if any of them answered why we are on this planet/proved God's existence etc or whether it was baloney.

In every religion i researched i found flaws, contradictions and nothing that proved God exists. Until i researched Islam. This was the last religion i looked into and i was pleasantly surprised. Even if i had had not been born Muslim, i would have converted. Since i read up on Islam ive changed as now i truly believe in it and Islam is my whole way of life now, alhumdulillah.

The thing about Islam is, you have to look at it as a WHOLE. To look at a small part of a jigsaw, it will never make sense unless you fit it into the rest of the picture. Some of the questions on Yahoo Answers are easily explained in Islam but it can be difficult to summarise in such short space how a piece of a jigsaw fits in to the whole. You need to know that everything is connected in Islam so look into it and then you'll find once you understand it from every angle that it all makes sense.

Islam PROVES BEYOND DOUBT that God exists!! There IS a creator, He made us and sent us guidance as to how to live our lives. But humanity became corrupt as God gave us free will in order to test us and humanity followed the devil instead. So God sent us guidance in the form of His books (like the Torah, Psalms etc). But mankind corrupted each book and changed it (priests admit that they have aaltered the Word of God to make it "up-to-date" so the Bible is also not in its original form). So God sent a final Messenger PBUH and a final book, the Quran which He has promised to protect. In over 1400 years the Quran has not been altered (scientifically proven).

The Quran give us guidance on how to live our lives, and who should know what is best for us except out own Creator? There is no "blind faith" in Islam. Science and Islam go hand in hand- the ONLY religion to do so.

God's existence has been proven; the Quran as God's Word has been proven; Islam as the True Religion has been proven.

Find out about it- you owe it to yourself and you have nothing to lose.



Email me if you want to know more- dawahinfo@hotmail.co.uk

2006-07-16 02:44:20 · answer #6 · answered by Aaliyah 2 · 0 0

I got a wake up call.

Several years ago I had an unusual experience concerning an uncle, a distant relative who lived over a thousand miles away.

While driving my car I suddenly felt the unmistakable presence of this relative that I hardly even knew. He was more like someone I had heard about than someone I knew. It was very strange; it felt as though I was momentarily lifted right out of my physical body. I seemed to be suspended somehow beyond space and time, bathed in a love so intense It felt like I could have just disappear into it at any moment if It would have let me. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it seemed to last forever at the same time. I realize how crazy this must sound. The experience was so strong that at first I was afraid I was loosing my grip on reality. I finally managed to chalk it up to an over active imagination.

Three days later I got a call from my aunt telling me that this uncle we are talking about had gone into a coma and died the day I had the experience. It felt like ice water had been poured down my back when she told me this. I had lost any real ideas of God or faith and had become somewhat of an atheist. Needless to say this experience caused me to rethink some of the conclusions I had come to.

I feel blessed to now understand that even in our darkest confusion something loves us so much that it went out of its way to assist me and bring me back to a state of absolute certainty about Gods love for us.
During the experience it seemed like there was a vast amount of information that I was somehow allowed access to. One thing that I came away from this experience understanding beyond any shadow of a doubt was that any Idea that God is unhappy with us or would judge or allow us to be punished for any reason is simply impossible.

I can’t explain the love I felt with words. They simply don’t make words big enough or complete enough to do this. The only way I can begin to convey this love to you is to say that there was simply nothing else there. Nothing but love. No hint of judgment, no displeasure of any sort. It is as though God sees us as being as perfect as we were the day we were created. It is only in our confused idea of ourselves that we seem to have changed.

I hope this is of some help to you. Good luck. Love and blessings.

Your brother don

2006-07-15 13:55:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I got it through a direct experience/meeting with God, when I went to a friends baptism on Weymouth beach. I went with her because it was important to her even though I thought she was a deluded nutter! By the end of the baptisms, God had very clearly shown Himself to me via the Holy Spirit, I was filled with love and peace and just knew inside of me that it was God. I didn't share my experience with anyone at the time but went away and thought about it, then did an Alpha course. When God gave me His spirit He also healed me of depression. If anyone is interested, we have baptisms on the beach at 11 am today.

2006-07-15 21:50:04 · answer #8 · answered by good tree 6 · 0 0

On my own...I was raised with a choice of faith. My mother and father did not talk of it either way. My maternal Grandmother drilled it into us and scared us and was a Southern Baptist...my Paternal Grandmother was a Methodist and never spoke to us about religion. My grandfathers never spoke to us about religion. It wasn't until I was an adult that I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and now I know he died on the cross for my sins. I know I am going to Heaven and I could never be given a greater gift than Jesus gave to me!

2006-07-15 13:53:46 · answer #9 · answered by kb 4 · 0 0

My faith came from mine own belief in Christ Jesus as my lord and saviour. The only things my parents or anyone else can do for me is introduce me to the Bible and to church, but it is up to me to continue and to believe. My father is a christian, my mother is not so I could of went either way but I chose the Lord because I believe in him and have faith that he is real and can do all things.

2006-07-15 14:04:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" Rom.10:13. Faith is a gift from God. It cannot be created within ourselves, nor can you simply read a book to obtain it. God bestows faith to those who earnestly seek Him.

2006-07-15 13:54:56 · answer #11 · answered by BrotherMichael 6 · 0 0

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