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12 answers

coz intelligence and blind faith don't go hand in hand!

2006-07-16 16:55:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

If thats so, then explain why C.S. Lewis was and atheist and after a LOT of studying, became Christian. I've never ead that anywhere, but yes, a lot of scientists are athiests because they believe there is an answer for everything, and they don't need a God.You guys might enjoy this cute little joke...

God is sitting in Heaven when a scientist says to Him, "Lord, we don't need You anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing. In other words, we can now do what You did in the 'beginning'."

"Oh, is that so? Tell Me . . . " replies God.

"Well," says the scientist, "we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of You and breathe life into it, thus creating man."

"Well, that's interesting. Show Me."

So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil.

"Oh no, no, no . . . " interrupts God . . .

"Get your own dirt."

2006-07-15 13:58:17 · answer #2 · answered by bumble bee 3 · 0 0

you said it!!! they are intelligent. i personally think its garbage!!!!!

Gittin 69a . To heal his flesh a Jew should take dust that lies within the shadow of an outdoor toilet, mix with honey and eat it.

Shabbath 41a. The law regulating the rule for how to urinate in a holy way is given.

Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden.

Yebamoth 63a. Declares that agriculture is the lowest of occupations.

Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).

Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."

Yebamoth 59b. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest.

Abodah Zarah 17a. States that there is not a whore in the world that the Talmudic sage Rabbi Eleazar has not had sex with. On one of his whorehouse romps, Rabbi Eleazar leanred that there was one particular prostitute residing in a whorehouse near the sea, who would receive a bag of money for her services. He took a bag of money and went to her, crossing seven rivers to do so. During their intercourse the prostitute farted. After this the whore told Rabbi Eleazar: "Just as this gas will never return to my anus, Rabbi Eleazar will never get to heaven."

Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.

Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.

Gittin 70a. The Rabbis taught: "On coming from a privy (outdoor toilet) a man should not have sexual intercourse till he has waited long enough to walk half a mile, because the demon of the privy is with him for that time; if he does, his children will be epileptic."

Gittin 69b. To heal the disease of pleurisy ("catarrh") a Jew should "take the excrement of a white dog and knead it with balsam, but if he can possibly avoid it he should not eat the dog's excrement as it loosens the limbs."

Pesahim 111a. It is forbidden for dogs, women or palm trees to pass between two men, nor may others walk between dogs, women or palm trees. Special dangers are involved if the women are menstruating or sitting at a crossroads.

Menahoth 43b-44a. A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: Thank you God for not making me a gentile, a woman or a slave.

Tall Tales of a Roman Holocaust

Here are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud: Gittin 57b. Claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gittin 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans. (Ancient demography indicates that there were not 16 million Jews in the entire world at that time, much less 16 million Jewish children or four billion Jews).

A Revealing Admission

Abodah Zarah 70a. The question was asked of the rabbi whether wine stolen in Pumbeditha might be used or if it was defiled, due to the fact that the thieves might have been gentiles (a gentile touching wine would make the wine unclean). The rabbi says not to worry, that the wine is permissible for Jewish use because the majority of the thieves in Pumbeditha, the place where the wine was stolen, are Jews. (Also cf. Gemara Rosh Hashanah 25b).

Pharisaic Rituals

Erubin 21b. "Rabbi Akiba said to him, "Give me some water to wash my hands."

"It will not suffice for drinking," the other complained, "will it suffice for washing your hands?"

"What can I do?' the former replied, "when for neglecting the words of the Rabbis one deserves death? It is better that I myself should die than that I transgress against the opinion of my colleagues." [This is the ritual hand washing condemned by Jesus in Matthew 15: 1-9].

2006-07-15 13:41:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not just Jews... it's pretty much inevitable that the people with the highest IQs reject religiosity.

2006-07-15 13:49:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is true.
The higher the IQ the lower the tolerance for mythology.

2006-07-15 13:45:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Easy to see why, they prey and were told they are the chosen people and God lets everyone F_ _ K with them all the time. Wouldn't you give up on God after a while?

2006-07-15 13:43:34 · answer #6 · answered by Caesar 4 · 0 0

I read that too.

It was in the 3rd chapter of ""Big Bird -Nuclear Physics for Dummies.

2006-07-15 13:44:19 · answer #7 · answered by beedaduck 3 · 0 0

That is truly one of the stupidest ideas and pieces of athiestic propaganda that I've ever heard.

2006-07-15 17:29:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I enjoy a good spoon feeding of propaganda too!
Do you like yours with sprinkles or oreo's?

2006-07-15 13:42:11 · answer #9 · answered by Tim 47 7 · 0 0

You read this where? Probably from someone here ;)

2006-07-15 13:41:52 · answer #10 · answered by impossble_dream 6 · 0 0

maybe they have realized that there is no higher power ?

2006-07-15 13:40:43 · answer #11 · answered by lOve / amor / amOur ™ 3 · 0 0

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