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I know eve took then 1st bite of the apple but adam ate the apple too. Now look at all this stuff women have to go thro, period, child birth, being called whores and stuff like that. I no men were suppose to work by the sweat of their brow as "PUNISHMENT" but look at the work world women work by the sweat of their brow too!!!!!! Plus if a chick sleeps with a man before marriage she gets called slut, whore, and all that but if a man sleeps with a chick he is all high and cool!!!! I am sick w/ all this men are better than women crap!! WE ARE ALL EQUAL AND SHOULD BE TREATED THAT WAY!!!

2006-07-15 13:34:14 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

okay i dont think it is rite to sleep around w/ other guys i am just saying guys can do it w/o being called a whore and crap like that!!

2006-07-15 15:10:10 · update #1

26 answers

I feel your pain. I get ticked off about this too... I suppose because she disobeyed god, all of us have to suffer but Adam was weak too and gave in to temptation.. so they should have to take on some of the pain too.

2006-07-15 13:39:17 · answer #1 · answered by southern-belle 1 · 0 1

If you're looking at the bible stuff, no one's supposed to sleep with another before marriage. If you think people think it's ok that a guy or girl goes sleeping around, then maybe you're hanging out with the wrong crowd.

With regards to 'women' stuff - we get the great blessing of giving birth. We get the opportunity to share in a true miracle from conception through birth - how much closer to God can we get? Really?

I think you need to shift your perspective a bit. I love being a woman, that doesn't mean 3-5 days of the month I'm not a wee bit bit**y ;), but I wouldn't change it. Because of the opportunity that being a woman gives me.

I don't want the opportunity to sleep around and have sex and think that it's ok. I want to respect myself, my body and have it respected by others. Personally, I look at men who choose to use women and women that choose to use men the same. Both need to learn that we are here to help and care for each other, not to use each other just for sex.

There is a lot more to you; there is a lot more to each of us and in this world we are so innundated by sex that sometimes it seems that we lose focus on our humanity and the light of God that is in each of us.

Men and women are created equally, but differently, for a reason. Having casual sex destroys the ability to recognize how special and sacred a sexual relationship in marriage can be. That's why it's not allowed for either men or women in the bible.

2006-07-15 13:57:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Personally, I don't believe much of the story that we know to this day as Adam and Eve is true and accurate. I think it's been grossly mistranslated along the way. I think much of the bible was manipulated by early male religious and political leaders in order to promote their patriarchal agenda to suppress women in society and to control the masses through fear-based live.

You are right. Women are equal and should be treated accordingly. It doesn't mean we are the same as men. We have to accept reality in that we have some differences physically and emotionally we are definitely the stronger sex.

I think that's why women have to go through so much stuff. Because we are strong and we can handle it with strength and dignity.

2006-07-15 13:46:33 · answer #3 · answered by LindaLou 7 · 0 0

You are absolutely right and I think there is a growing dissatisfaction from women in the christian community for this very same reason.

My understanding is that many of the world's religions before Judaism and Christianity were female dominated (with mother goddess images, priestesses, etc.) and I think the men who wrote the bible were fed up with it, so they wrote their own religion that gave the men all the power. I think it is silly that it persists today, but certainly the christian church is in no position to change gears now.

To me it is more important to be of strong moral fiber than to be appropriately labelled in to a religion with these kinds of flaws - and so I follow my heart and dance to my own tune. I don't think that god or even jesus intended women to be in a subservient role and I have never lived in a subservient role (and I never will).

It never occurred to me that I would be called anything for premarital sex and I never have been. It has so totally never been an issue in my life and I have had lots of partners. I am married now with 2 lovely children and my husband and I work from home together and raise them together. When my period comes, he has to do more work with the kids (the children take their toll on everyone) - equal. Expect it and you shall have it. Settle for nothing less - and teach your daughters the same!


PS - Damn right Eve bit into that apple first. Adam was tempted to idle around all day! And deep down we all know that god is proud of us for taking the opportunity to learn instead of just being lazy.

2006-07-15 13:46:24 · answer #4 · answered by carole 7 · 0 0

Who wants to be a man? Women have always been equal or more than equal. I personally feel that we women gave up much of our stature through the Feminist Movement. Welcom to equal rights. The feminists wanted us to have the right to work outside the home. Now maybe we should have had the choice but it's become the norm.

2006-07-15 13:39:12 · answer #5 · answered by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7 · 0 0

Eve received punishment because she chose to disobey God. And the sins of the parents go on to the child... We are created in the likeness of Eve and Adam, and also suffer their sin.. Adam also had to suffer consequences for eating of the fruit...

It is a matter of how you see things as to what is "bad"... Women are able to bring forth life... Yes, we have the menses and child birth pains... But if you have had a child...you would understand that a mother forgets the pain and loves the child...and usually does it again..and again..and again... Women being called "whores" for giving up their virginity before marriage..well...welcome to the world. Back in antiquity only whores voluntarily gave up their virginity before marriage. Sad it isn't still true. Men are just as guilty, even if they do not have the name to follow them. Keep in mind...women would not lose their virginity before marriage if they kept their legs closed. ;)

Women and men have their roles...they are equal in the eyes of God, but still have different jobs or roles in life. Women bear and raise children and keep homes...which in itself is hard work (NEVER NEVER underestimate the housewife raising a bunch of kids at home all day.....it takes more patience to do that than to go out to the working world). Men go out to the world all day, work to provide income and such for the family. Women provide the care and upkeep of hte home life, tend the kids,etc. The world today pressures women to be in the workforce...away from home and children...but that's not the way of God. Proverbs 31 has the picture of a virtuous woman. She is a merchant, who makes things of her own hands, who tends her home, who finds her honor in her husband, etc.

What you describe...is simply the world today. It is not of God.

2006-07-15 13:56:29 · answer #6 · answered by indiebaptist 3 · 0 0

Sex before marriage (fornication) is just as much a sin for men as it is for women. You are talking about a cultural double standard, not a religious one. And women now work by the sweat of their brow thanks to the radical feminist movement of the 60's and 70's that was supposed to free women by telling them to get divorced and to have children while single. But instead that has forced them to do it all alone (work and raise children) with no help or respect from men. And they end up getting sexually exploited in the work place by men because of it, too.

Women who were indoctrinated into radical feminism in college courses called "women's studies" thought that using sexuality to get what they want was going to empower them, but instead it has turned them into sex objects and slaves to be used and discarded by men who no longer respect women.

2006-07-15 13:45:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Be true to yourself and you won't have to worry what everyone else thinks. If you have good values and know that you've done the right thing that will make you strong. Your life is what you make of it whether you are a man or a woman. It's within your control!!! Stop looking for excuses and get on with your life. LIfe isn't always easy and it's not always fair, but it IS what YOU make of it.

2006-07-15 13:40:57 · answer #8 · answered by clarity 7 · 0 0

im a man, and women rule. they are equal. don't let anyone, or anything (person, society, religion, higher power), let you believe differently. the only thing you have to do is believe that. nobody can do that but you.

p.s. God doesn't think women are any less than men. the apple thing is bs. my wife gave birth to my son in literally about 15 seconds (no joke).

2006-07-15 13:43:18 · answer #9 · answered by lavatsunami 2 · 1 0

Women are not worse or better than men; just different. I agree w/ u. I hate double standards, 2. By the way, the Bible doesn't condone men's sleeping around either...

2006-07-15 13:47:20 · answer #10 · answered by karaokecatlady 5 · 0 0

I think you answered your own question when you said that Eve ate the fruit first .... sure , Adam was just a stupid idiot for not reprimanding her and throwing it away , but then again .... We (men) have always been lured by the crazy wiles of women haven't we ??? You're stuck with the harsh punishment because you fell for the old " snake's got a knot in his tail " routine ...... You should never feel sorry for a snake ! or believe one either ! and that, my dear, is life .

2006-07-15 13:43:33 · answer #11 · answered by Michael B 1 · 0 1

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