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Drug addicts depend on drugs to be happy
God Believers depend on their belief to be happy

Drug addicts feel attacked when you attempt to destroy their drugs
God believers feel attacked when you attempt to destroy their belief

Drug addicts deny that they have a problem
God believers deny that they have a problem

Drug addicts have to use drugs to get a fix
God believers go to church or pray to get a fix

Drug addicts use drugs to mentally escape reality
God believers use their belief to mentally escape reality

Drug addicts hallucinate
God believers hallucinate

2006-07-15 13:09:19 · 25 answers · asked by Black Atheist 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

True, all true, and very well said.

May I add
Drug addicts will turn against friends who aren't into drugs
God believers will turn against friends who aren't into god.

While I don't agree with his views, Karl Marx was right on one thing. 'Religion is the opiate of the masses'.

2006-07-15 13:18:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Before I go any further, I am going to tell you right now that it is impossible to be separated from God. Even if you choose not to see, believe in, pray to, or admit the existence of God you can't get away from him. Whether you believe in God or not God is there and there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry. Drugs addicts have the choice to separate themselves from their addiction. They can purge the drugs from their bodies. God doesn't work that way.

Drug addicts depend on drugs to be happy
God Believers depend on their belief to be happy

.....I believe in God, but I do not depend on that belief to be happy. Happiness is a possible side effect of believing in God, but I know many "God believers" , as you call them, who are not happy and are just struggling with everyday life.

Drug addicts feel attacked when you attempt to destroy their drugs
God believers feel attacked when you attempt to destroy their belief

.....A child will feel attacked if you take away their favortie toy, so what? It's called insecurity. A lot of people have that problem.

Drug addicts deny that they have a problem
God believers deny that they have a problem

....."God believers" don't have a problem if they believe in God. That would be like saying a blue eyed person has a problem because they have blue eyes. Drug addicts DO have a problem when what they do is killing them. Granted, they have free will to do what they want to themselves, but it's a problem. No person should ever feel that they need to end their life nor should they be driven to try.

Drug addicts have to use drugs to get a fix
God believers go to church or pray to get a fix

.....Again, I am a "God believer". I don't go to church. People are starting to figure out they don't have to go to church just to keep God in their lives. Drug addicts on the other hand can't just pretend to put the needle in the arm.

Drug addicts use drugs to mentally escape reality
God believers use their belief to mentally escape reality

.....Actually, I think "God believers" tend to hit reality when they go to church. Something about being saved...or something...

Drug addicts hallucinate
God believers hallucinate

.....? Are you kidding me?

It sounds to me like you are trying to justify drug use. Don't bother- it's never going to be good for your body. Stop trying to make people who believe in God the "bad guys". Yes, there are corrupt so-called Christians, and that's too bad. I'm not trying to convince you there is a God, you have absolutely every right not to believe in God, but we have just as much of a right to believe in God. Really, you just presented a very good challenge. You asked how I could disagree and I told you. And you made some good points, I'll give you that. How about this- you leave the possibility open that God just might exist and I'll leave the possiblilty open that he doesn't.

2006-07-15 21:49:29 · answer #2 · answered by aroserequiem 2 · 0 0

Some of what you say is true, but that is not how you define addiction. Addiction causes a physical dependence in the person who is taking the drug and the rest of the things result from that dependence. The drug cause physical and psychological changes in the person.
Belief in God does not cause physical dependence or physical changes.

2006-07-15 20:28:43 · answer #3 · answered by jakejr6 3 · 0 0

wow, i didnt know so many people know karl marx..., but hey..its good to know that the most intellegent person who ever lived was also addictive in God/Faith.., he also said something about, that atheists are missing the wonders of the worl or the createn.., i know why people are getting upset, about this whole subject, cause some so called " Christians" just act in a non-christian way...( they know what i am saying if they read their bible), but last not least .When asked by an astounded atheist, if he were in fact deeply religious, Einstein replied: Yes, you can call it that. Try and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of nature and you will find that, behind all the discernible concatenations, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable. Veneration for this force beyond anything that we can comprehend is my religion. To that extent I am, in point of fact, religious.

2006-07-15 20:41:02 · answer #4 · answered by DeeDee 2 · 0 0

Having a relationship with God makes me happy. This relationship is so important that it helps me through the tougher times in life. Mother Teresa said that all of life's troubles will be like a night in an inconvenient hotel compared to the glory of heaven.

I don't feel attacked when you belittle God. I might feel offended but I will forgive you.

If you define following Jesus as a problem then I gratefully and joyously have a problem.

I go to church to worship corporately, learn from a great teacher and feel closer to God.

I don't try to escape reality with God, I try to make reality better.

I have never hallucinated.

At least in my case, your comparisons are all wrong.

2006-07-15 20:19:09 · answer #5 · answered by Miguel 3 · 0 0

Drug addicts depend on drugs b/c they're hopeless and feel there is know way out of their problems and want to escape their problems by using drugs to get high

Christians "God believers" as you say, depend on God b/c his presence, his love, does bring joy
but Christians are not altering their minds and but using harmful substances to kill themselves. In fact Jesus is the way to eternal life and good health.

Drug addicts have to use drugs to get a fix
Christians go to church to learn, to be taught what the bible says, to come together with other believers as God commanded to carry out His purposes. To let God use us to help others in distress.

No doubt drug addicts deny when they have a problem.
Christians know they have problems, admit, confess their problems and seek God for positive change, that's why christian go to church. look at church as a hosptial for sinners. We're there to get well. So we're definitely not in denial.

Drug addicts take drugs to mentally escape reality.
Christians on the other hand use their belief to get help in order to know how to do the right thing when facing reality.

Drug addicts may attack either by physical or verbal harm.
For christians to attack they way drug addicts do would be sinful. But when we attack we should use God's weapons--prayer, singing christian music, reading our bibles, putting God's word into practice, loving others, helping others etc. and fight the good fight of faith.

Drug addicts hallucinate and may cause harm to themselves or others depending on what drug they're on at the time.

Christians, when aware we're able see God's favor at work in our and other people's lives. We're able to hear God speak to us through his word, by reading the bible of course. If we're able and willing to hear him, he tells us the right thing to do and if we open our spritual ears and eyes we'll be able to follow and be blessed by God for obeying his truth. You know that little voice inside you head, your conscience? Think of your good conscience as the Holy spirit. If he convicts you of something you're doing that you know that is wrong, don't do it. However, this is not hallucinatations.

Hope this helps you. Peace.

2006-07-15 23:00:09 · answer #6 · answered by S 2 · 0 0

There's an old Cheech and Chong bit (Pedro and the man)
where the man says:
"Before I met the Lord, I was all messed up on drugs, now I've met the Lord, I'm all messed up on the Lord.

Sums it up for me....man has an addictive nature, psychoactive plants or fake deities. I choose nature.

2006-07-15 20:19:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I suppose if you equate getting good feelings or engaging in "mind altering" behaviior in order to believe in GOD, then I suppose you would have an opinion based on reason and logic.

You obviously don't understand the difference.

2006-07-15 20:14:32 · answer #8 · answered by Big Bear 7 · 0 0

If believing in Jesus, Heaven, Salvation and an Eternity that gives True Peace, Joy, Love, etc FOR FREE is like being a drug addict............then FILL MY VEINS WITH JESUS!!!! AMEN !!

2006-07-15 20:16:46 · answer #9 · answered by KEITH W. N 2 · 0 0

Let me be an addict of God FOREVER! That's the best kind of high. Aren't people always looking for a good high? Try God.


2006-07-15 20:40:37 · answer #10 · answered by mx3baby 6 · 0 0

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