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8 answers

expect to feel sick

2006-07-15 12:47:17 · answer #1 · answered by cging22 5 · 0 0

Gastric Bypass Surgery /gastrectomy/stomach stapling /lapband (all types of weight loss surgery) is very safe nowadays.It is very cheap in India.There is one company that is very famous in India that arranges obesity surgery for foreigners in India.They are called the Forerunners Healthcare.I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories.

I have also read that they arrange financing for american and canadian patients as obesity surgery is not covered by insurance.They also have photos pasted of their International patients.You can checkout their website.The cost savings are incredible.As a doctor i personally believe that your obesity surgery can be easily handled in India as the quality of healthcare available here is simply best in the world.The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.

My cousin got her revision surgery for gastric bypass in India through the forerunners healthcare .She is more than very happy with the results.She has lost 65lbs in 5 months.She just paid 25% of the amount she was quoted in USA and is all praise for this forerunners healthcare company.hope this helps


2006-07-16 07:11:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Homeopathic Treatment for Excessive Fat and Weight :-
PHYTOLACCA BERRY's Mother Tincture is perhaps the safest and sure fire way of loosing excessive fat around abdomen. With Phytolacca Berry once you loose the excessive fat and weight you don't get it back because you body takes care of itself after that and keeps you from gathering up excessive fat. It is prescribed after having a baby too, to get the tummy to loose its flab and to make it flatter and tighter. And after loosing weight with this you don't get flabby it tightens up the flab and skin along with helping your body to shed the excessive accumulation of fat around the girth
The dosage is 15 to 20 drops of the tincture in half a cup of hot water thrice a day half hour before or after meals.
Avoid Chocolates, Coffee, Mints, Red Meat and Carbonated and Alcoholic drinks while taking Homeopathic Medicines. You have to take it for at least 30 to 45 days after that you start to feel the results.
To the best of my knowledge its the safest and the most sure fire way of loosing fat and weight and keeping it of for keeps. Excellent remedy for Obese people who cant seem to shed weight despite trying.
Homeopathic Remedies can be found at all Major Herbal Stores or could be bought on line, In most of the world Homeopathic remedies are quite cheap and easy to find and they do not need a prescription.
Take care and God Bless !

2006-07-16 05:30:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My mail lady had that and a neighbor. They have both lost ALOT of weight. My mail lady, lost 80 lbs. in six months. The only problem she had was all the sagging skin. Not attractive. She's going to have surgery to have that tightened over Christmas. Good Luck.....

2006-07-15 19:48:27 · answer #4 · answered by pearl 1 · 0 0

my uncle had a lot of problems after his gastric bypass

2006-07-15 19:49:42 · answer #5 · answered by crazi8red 6 · 0 0

Ignore Shruti's answer--he answers every question the same way. He is not trying to really answer your question...he just wants to drive traffic to his website. Go to his Q&A section and check out his list of answers...

I'm on a mission to get him to stop!!!!

2006-07-17 03:35:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Gastric bypass

Surgery Overview

Gastric bypass surgery makes the stomach smaller and allows food to bypass part of the small intestine. You will feel full more quickly than when your stomach was its original size, which reduces the amount of food you eat and thus the calories consumed. Bypassing part of the intestine also results in fewer calories being absorbed. This leads to weight loss.

The most common gastric bypass surgery is a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

In normal digestion, food passes through the stomach and enters the small intestine, where most of the nutrients and calories are absorbed. It then passes into the large intestine (colon), and the remaining waste is eventually excreted.

In a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the stomach is made smaller by creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach using surgical staples or a plastic band. The smaller stomach is connected directly to the middle portion of the small intestine (jejunum), bypassing the rest of the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine (duodenum).

This procedure can be done by making a large incision in the abdomen (an open procedure) or by making a small incision and using small instruments and a camera to guide the surgery (laparoscopic approach).

See an illustration of a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

What To Expect After Surgery

This surgery usually involves a 4- to 6-day hospital stay (2 to 3 days for a laparoscopic approach). Most people can return to their normal activities within 3 to 5 weeks.

Gastric bypass surgeries may cause dumping syndrome. This occurs when food moves too quickly through the stomach and intestines. It causes nausea, weakness, sweating, faintness, and possibly diarrhea soon after eating. These symptoms are made worse by eating highly refined, high-calorie foods (like sweets). In some cases you may become so weak that you have to lie down until the symptoms pass.

Why It Is Done

Although guidelines vary, surgery is generally considered when your body mass index is 40 or higher or you have a life-threatening or disabling condition related to your weight.

Your doctor may only consider doing gastric bypass surgery if you have not been able to lose weight with other treatments.

The following conditions may also be required or are at least considered:

You have been obese for at least 5 years.
You do not have a history of alcohol abuse.
You do not have untreated depression or another major psychiatric disorder.
You are between 18 and 65 years of age.
All surgeries have risk, and it is important for you and your health professional to discuss your treatment options to decide what is best for your situation.

How Well It Works

Most people who have gastric bypass surgery quickly begin to lose weight and continue to lose weight for up to 12 months. One study noted that people lost about one-third of their excess weight (the weight above what is considered healthy) in 1 to 4 years.1 Some of the lost weight may be regained.

The laparoscopic approach showed similar results, with 69% to 82% of excess weight lost over 12 to 54 months.2


Risks common to all surgeries for weight loss include an infection in the incision, a leak from the stomach into the abdominal cavity or where the intestine is connected (resulting in an infection called peritonitis), and a blood clot in the lung (pulmonary embolism). About one-third of all people having surgery for obesity develop gallstones or a nutritional deficiency condition such as anemia or osteoporosis.3, 4

Fewer than 3 in 200 (1.5%) people die after surgery for weight loss.3

After a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass:5, 3

An iron and vitamin B12 deficiency occurs more than 30% of the time. About 50% of those with an iron deficiency develop anemia.
The connection between the stomach and the intestines narrows (stomal stenosis) 5% to 15% of the time, leading to nausea and vomiting after eating.
Ulcers develop 5% to 15% of the time.
The staples may pull loose.
Hernia may develop.
The bypassed stomach may enlarge, resulting in hiccups and bloating.
What To Think About

In a gastric bypass, the part of the intestine where many minerals and vitamins are most easily absorbed is bypassed. Because of this, you may have a deficiency in iron, calcium, magnesium, or vitamins. This can lead to long-term problems, such as osteoporosis. To prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you may need to work with a dietitian to plan meals, and you may need to take nutrient supplements and injections of vitamin B12.

Early studies of the laparoscopic approach to surgery for obesity suggest that it reduces recovery time and postsurgery complications.2

Complete the surgery information form (PDF)(What is a PDF document?) to help you prepare for this surgery.


Balsiger BM, et al. (2000). Prospective evaluation of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery as primary operation for medically complicated obesity. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 75(7): 673–680.

Schauer PR, Ikramuddin S (2001). Laparoscopic surgery for morbid obesity. Surgical Clinics of North America, 81(5): 1145–1179.

American Gastroenterological Association (2002). AGA technical review on obesity. Gastroenterology, 123(3): 882–932.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (2001). Gastrointestinal Surgery for Severe Obesity (NIH Publication No. 01–4006). Available online: http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/nutrit/pubs/gastric/gastricsurgery.htm.

Brolin RE (2002). Bariatric surgery and long-term control of morbid obesity. JAMA, 288(22): 2793–2796.

Author Ellie Rodgers
Author Cynthia Tank
Editor Geri Metzger
Associate Editor Terrina Vail
Primary Medical Reviewer Adam Husney, MD

- Family Medicine
Primary Medical Reviewer Caroline S. Rhoads, MD

- Internal Medicine
Primary Medical Reviewer Kathleen Romito, MD

- Family Medicine
Specialist Medical Reviewer William Jody Wilkinson, MD, MS

- Weight/Fitness
Last Updated May 27, 2005

2006-07-15 20:14:25 · answer #7 · answered by Jennifer B 5 · 0 0

poop, poop and more poop, congratulations on your decision and good luck!

2006-07-15 19:47:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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