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Still give their children an old fashioned butt spanking for misbehaving??

2006-07-15 12:34:38 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

Thank you everyone for your opinons!! I hope the crazy lady who wants to report me for spanking my kids reads all of your answers!!!

2006-07-15 12:43:53 · update #1

32 answers

I'm a parent and I believe in old fashion spankings now a days kids get away with too much I got a few spankings when I was younger and it helped me grow into the individual I am today it taught me discipline and respect towards me elders because if I thought about doing something wrong I knew I was in for a spanking and I wouldnt do it

2006-07-15 13:01:06 · answer #1 · answered by YD 4 · 0 3

Funny how you call the women who LOVE their children, show them GUIDANCE, have RULES, are called crazy!!

I have 5 children. All gifted & talented, in advanced curriculums. I HAVE NEVER SPANKED MY CHILDREN. They are well-behaved, don't throw tantrums in public, and obey my rules. Why? Because I'm a good parent. We have schedules, regular routines, and rules that are obeyed. And in return - we have FUN. We do many things, and I try to make everything a learning experience. Even a trip to the park turns into a science project.

Children remember their punishment. Everyone here has said how, or when they were beaten as a parent. But yet, no one can recall exactly what they did wrong.

If you were late to work, or spilled on your desk - would your boss give you a spanking? NO. This is because raising your hand to another person is ASSAULT & BATTERY. And yet, too many parents see their children as something that they own, and can treat how they want. But what's so said..is that these little people that get hit, are CHILDREN who are hit by the ones that they look up to, the ones that they seek guidance from, the ones that they love and should get love back.

There is no excuse for spanking, hitting a child. No matter how hard. People say "not that hard" - really mean "well, it didn't hurt my hand that hard."

My house is not a mess. My kids don't run the house down. They pick up after themselves, and stick to the routines that they've had since they were small children. I'm a strict mom on the important levels, but I"m also a fun mom. I take my kids fishing, swimming, roller blading, we go to festivals - and I just may let my oldest child win at lazer tag once in awhile. When one does misbehave - the rules are, we go home. When they misbehave at home, the rules are, find a chore. But my point is, they only misbehave when they're bored. And we're rarely bored.

I give my children love, guidance, support, and knowledge of life. They try hard in school, don't come home smelling like smoke, talk to me when they have a problem. Because they know that I'm there for them. My children will have the best memories of life - the best memories of a strong family, and this is the most important thing to me.

Not many people can say that they have ONE gifted & talented child.

2006-07-16 02:57:20 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 1

Yes I do. Only if they do something really bad after i had warned them not to a couple of times. However, i doubt i will do it after then are older than about 6 or 7. When my child gets older i will probably punish in other ways that will matter more to them than putting up with spanking. I think it is more effective if used sparingly and when they are really bad.

I strongly believe that children need to know that there are always consequences for their actions. If they disobey or misbehave when they should know better they should get some negative consequence. That is reality parenting, cos thats how reality works. In real life when you do something wrong there are always bad consequences and they need to learn that. Many parents dont teach them that by letting them get away with anything. For little children like toddlers spanking provides that negative consequence. For older kids taking away something they enjoy a lot can be the consequence. But to begin with spanking is the best way before they are old enough for time outs.

2006-07-15 15:50:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nope. Have they been swat? Yes, but I'm not proud of that fact. It's just that the most important thing about parenting is being consistent and keeping your promises. So if I promised a spanking for a misdeed, I had to deliver or they wouldn't respect my word.

On the other hand, I've raised 3 (11-19 now) and taught parenting classes for years and not only do I feel a spanking isn't necessary, but it is not a particulary effective method of teaching kids good behavior.

You might want to google the term "positive parenting" or look for books by John Rosemond. I love his approach because it is parent-centered, good old fashioned common sense and firm, without a need for physical punishment (a lot of parents don't set or keep limits for their kids which is bad).

So..while I believe you could be doing it differently, the fact you actually are willing to step up and enforce limits on your kids is a good thing. A spanking is not a beating.

2006-07-15 13:05:27 · answer #4 · answered by Lori A 6 · 0 0

Tried it. It just makes them distrust you. I've also watched this with others. You don't want to invoke fear and distrust. You want to teach right from wrong. If you got mad at a guy in the grocery store, should you spank him? Of course not. ANd you don't want to teach your children to solve their problems with violence either. Mature people can teach self discipline usually by providing the example. If you are impulsive, angry, violent and punitive, that is what you will teach your kids. Most criminals come from abusive homes. And most law abiding educated people come from loving homes where the parents taught by example. Don't confuse rhetoric like "old fashioned butt spanking" with results. There have been ample studies and personal life experiences with a variety of disciplines to know that there's a good reason corporal punishment is being outlawed. It doesnt' work the way the rhetoric says.

2006-07-15 12:42:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Spanking isn't the only form of discipline I use, but yes, I spank my daughter. It depends on how she's misbehaving as to what type of punishment she gets, but she definitely gets a butt spanking from time to time.

And to the person who has a problem with someone spanking their 15 month old, they aren't as fragile as you think. And it helps them to learn. It does NOT teach them that violence is ok. I was spanked as a child and I knew what was ok and what wasn't. I never got into a fight (excluding those with siblings) or got involved in any type of violent activity. Your statement is just ridiculous!

2006-07-15 15:47:49 · answer #6 · answered by Amy Lynn 3 · 0 0

Theres a huge difference between smacking and abuse. A swat around the backside when deserved never killed anyone.
I smack my kids when they've done something they've repeatedly been warned not to. I don't smack if whatever has happened was an accident, and I don't smack in anger.
In my family theres 4 kids, myself and my brother, the later on from dads second marriage another son and daughter. My brother and I were smacked, the younger brother and sister were never smacked (different mothers parentling styles). Myself and my brother are both hardworking, well mannered, have our lives organised well, not to be stuckup, we're what people wish they're kids would turn out like. As for my younger brother and sister, they're whiney, expect the parents to pay for everything, have very little respect for anyone or anything and act as terribly as they like, as they know there will be little repercussions if they are bad. They're the typical late teens of the new millenium. Horrifying. I'd give my own kids daily smackings on principle just so they don't turn out like their aunt and uncle. Luckily, I rarely need to smack my kids more than once every month or two, as they already have respect.

2006-07-15 19:05:35 · answer #7 · answered by mandy n 3 · 0 0

yes i used to give my son a smack if he needed it

i find that now he is 7 he rarely misbehaves enough for that to be an option.

I think that it is more effective with small children but as they get older one can use the issue of 'consequences' instead where the parent makes the punishment fit the crime to a far better effect. This i believe also helps the child learn WHY something is wrong rather than just making them live under threat of being hit for any and every misdemeanor

2006-07-15 13:58:56 · answer #8 · answered by Aslan 6 · 0 0

It's odd. My dogs are more likely to get a swat on the butt then my kids. There not angels or perfect but compared to some kids i have little problems with them. a swat on a rear when they were little seemed to gather more attention then trying to talk to them cause they generally weren't listening anyway. They do get time outs. They do occasionally get grounded. And after a few attempts at not cleaning there room(s) after being asked they may lose most everything in there bedroom(s)
but for the fact there 13 and 7 there doing pretty well. neither curses, does drugs, smokes or anything alteast at this point that i might have to seriously contemplate corporal punishment. lets talk about this again in a few years see how it all turns out. cause thus far compared to me and there dad there doing pretty darn well. part of there issue is they can't get much past us. between the two of us we pulled a lot of crap and we started early.

2006-07-15 13:08:14 · answer #9 · answered by r_me_wyf 3 · 0 0

No she is a teenager now. I spanked her occasionally up 'til about age 5 but it wasn't a real hard spanking or anything like that. Still feel bad about it though but at a young age it's so hard to reason with them. 'Course at 15 it can be hard sometimes too but for the most part she listens.

2006-07-15 16:55:35 · answer #10 · answered by Dellajoy 6 · 0 0

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