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A frequent argument for immigration is the often sited idea that immigrants are better than citizens since they pay taxes and don’t get benefit for there taxation, is this actually accurate and/or how can it be verified? Citations will be helpful.

2006-07-15 12:27:44 · 22 answers · asked by miknave 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

Thank you to everyone who is answering that they can't answer the question, now if someone with a real answer could please post...

2006-07-15 12:46:43 · update #1

And doogie, it took me less than a minute, who can I mentor for a minute?

2006-07-15 12:48:33 · update #2

22 answers

Here's a thought, why don't you donate the same amount of time and energy doing something useful with your time like mentoring needy children in this country or volunteering with habitat for humanity instead of worrying about something so stupid and trivial as what you are?

Additional thought to the poster above me.
If an illegal immigrant who has no social security number, does not speak English, probably does noot have a high school education can steal your job away then, my friend, what does that say about your education and skills in the job force?

2006-07-15 12:32:45 · answer #1 · answered by 321 3 · 0 1

I say that Lidia is the only one with some common sense about the subject. Illegal immigrants pay taxes as anybody else. between 15% to 20% of illegals are paid under the table and paid taxes; however, those monies goes to the employee pockets. The remainder 80 % percent, every year, file a tax form and paid their taxes with the number that the IRS provive to them. Besides of what people think, they do not receive any type of aid , only those who are born here can receive aid,like their children, for example. Last year they generate about 50, 000 billion dollars that went to the tax polls and no body claim itthos monies. So, where those monies goes? it is a mystery. However, we must think that the government expend the nations money or war and foreign affairs instead of using it in domestic affairs and needs. What do you think, the president deserves a 20 million toilet seat?... Poor Americans, by fact, paid almost no tax,like veterans and people on welfare. How about the immigrants who came legally to this country? when they came tho this country, some enter the US exactly as the illegals for example the refuges, while other do not, but it is the same; they receive all the financial aid and governed programs until they find jobs and and sometimes that aid last for years. Then, the goverment provides a permit or visa to themto become legal. On the other hand, the illegals not have the same privileges, they have to work or starve. Americans, also work for Cash and receive monis under the table and I am saying professionals like contractors and sme profesionals and can be found in any newspapers..
Illegal shape the economy and are part of the melting pot, we like or not. By the way, who is going to fill those positions the illegals leave? Are you willing to work on the fiels for least than minimum,? how about the millions ob jobs that the americans will lost becaus their servies are not need it no more.
We should think, analize and ivestigate the pros and cons of each situation before we act and do something ashamful.
In fact, we are immigrants don't we? and/or descendats from some, The only ones who might have a saying in this matter are the Native Indians, and they say, "Mexican, are part of our family"
search the IRN for the illegal immigrants tax poll
Remmember, this land belongued to Mexican we stole it from them.
Have a wonderful day>>>

2006-07-19 19:03:19 · answer #2 · answered by CHUMULA . 1 · 0 0

I know this subject well! Not all fake papers are someone else's social security number. Where I live I don't know many places at all that hire illegal immigrants under the table. They have to have fake documents. So therefore they are paying taxes. If it is someone else's number that person is getting credit for social security taxes being paid in. If the SS# is made up it is not being claimed by anyone. If you paid attention to the senate debate you would have heard that there is so many millions in surplus that is not being claimed and is what is being paid in by illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants can also buy original documents from people in Puerto Rico. So, therefore they are paying in taxes as if the person in Puerto Rico was here working. And, I am also tired of people saying how many benefits they are getting. Medicaid and food stamps etc... Are state based programs. Each state has different eligibility requirements. In my state an illegal immigrant cannot get any benefits. They can get WIC. And, some illegal immigrants also have health insurance coverage through their employers. Some people on here need to research the facts more and not believe only what you hear on Lou Dobb's

2006-07-15 13:50:26 · answer #3 · answered by Rivhern 1 · 0 0

If I were on my home computer I could give you a link. They do know how many do it, because, obviously, these are government accounts.

HOWEVER we and all developed countries limit how many poor immigrants can come because even if poor people pay all taxes for their income bracket (which is very low) we middle class people pay the vast bulk of costs for their education and other services. This is wealth redistribution to an extent permitted because we believe all of our citizens should get an education.

This is a very expensive benefit of being American. Mexico, for example, does not pay for education for its poor people, because it is too expensive and the taxes poor people can pay comes nowhere near paying the cost. No wonder so many of them want to come here. However, we don't want to pay for them, either, particularly when there are now so many that our own children are no longer getting adequate education, and health care services are becoming reduced while their cost is increasing due to our having to pay for the 'free' health care being used by foreigners.

Poor people just don't pay much in the way of taxes..

2006-07-15 12:36:03 · answer #4 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 0

I know a lot of illegal immigrants who ARE paying taxes becuase they are working with fake papers and at the end they don;t get anything back, second, I know a lot of legal U.S. citizens who were even born here that get paid under the table, Third I know a few illegal immigrants who own businesses in this country who employ u.s. citizens and non u.s. citizens, it has nothing to do with the legal status, it has a lot to do with the education level. less education = less money (usually) and most jobs that pay under the table are low paying jobs. Many illegal immigrants have low education, mainly due to the language barrier, which i believe they should learn if they plan to be here.

btw, those legal u.s. citizens that get paid under the table are the same people who are living in housing projects, get that ebt card for food and yes, they do drive nice cars and have cable t.v. and they come in all colors and races

2006-07-15 12:41:16 · answer #5 · answered by dageddesigns 2 · 0 0

You can't get a true fix on how much taxes are being paid by the Illegals.. you can only estimate, since they don't have documentation that connects directly with them ( I.E. Social Security Numbers, Tax returns Etc.) that is why the numbers change so much depending on which side of the argument you are on. It is a political futbol and neither side will tell the truth

2006-07-15 12:37:43 · answer #6 · answered by Democestes 3 · 0 0

You'd never know the exact, or close to an exact number. For the most part, illegal immigrants get paid under the table. They're not able to pay taxes for the fact that they weren't born in the U.S. and therefore have no social security number. (Unless of course, they pay taxes with a work permit, which in case wouldn't make them illegal)

2006-07-15 12:33:07 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

If they pay tax's it's in someone else's name, because they are all using stolen ID or forged ID. The IRS doesn't care, it's all money to them. It's all illegal, everything they do is illegal. Being here is illegal, they ether drive without drivers license or on forged or illegally gotten drivers license. Some states are even breaking the law by giving them drivers licenses. They use there illegal ID's to get Social Services benefits and even Medicare which I can't even get at my age of 64.

2006-07-15 13:52:30 · answer #8 · answered by meimmoody 3 · 0 0

No one can tell you how many citizens pay taxes. There are estimates based on the total number of returns filed, but many people do not bother to claim refunds, so don't file.

Tax returns cannot be sorted by "legal" or "illegal" immigrant, or even by "citizen" or "non-citizen."

2006-07-15 12:34:47 · answer #9 · answered by thylawyer 7 · 0 0

Many immigrants without a lawful status in this country are issued an ITIN (Individual Tax Identification Number) they use this to pay their taxes yearly. Hope this information helps you. Maybe the IRS.GOV website may yield further information on this issue.

2006-07-15 12:45:28 · answer #10 · answered by Lidia T 1 · 0 0

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