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Why is it that with the new immigration reform Mexicans are under attack but you hear nothing about arabs? Now, refresh my memory, was it not arabs who attacked our country on 9/11 and killed thousands of helpless people? I don't understand why we spend all our time, money, and effort sealing off the borders, and trying to deport all of these hard working, family loving people, who only came here to make a better life, and yet we turn away from the murderers...??

2006-07-15 12:17:37 · 45 answers · asked by tiece20 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

to you idiots who say "hispanics make up 85-90% of oustanding murder warrants in Los Angeles County", well maybe thats because Los Angeles probably has one of the largest hispanic populations in the US. That doesn't mean that these are all illegal immigrants from Mexico. I'm sure that a good number of these people were born here in the US and are US citizens. And also, if you think everyone should be stereotyped and punished for what a percentage of what their race does, then I guess me and you should be in jail because the other day a white guy stole a car from down the street.....

2006-07-16 11:16:59 · update #1

45 answers

Its just a political strategy by Republicans to stir up public hate against unpopular groups, to get their hate filled voters to show up at the polls. They are targeting Mexicans and gays now, using hate as a political tool. Its disgusting.

2006-07-15 12:22:16 · answer #1 · answered by jxt299 7 · 11 11

Mexicans and hispanics are the main ones drawing media attention. Not ALL of these people are "hard working, family loving people," mixed in with the decent people "looking for a better life" are some murderers, thieves, and drug pushers.

I heard a statistic on one of the talk radio shows the other day (glennbeck.com) and 85%-90% of all outstanding murder warrants in Los Angeles County are for hispanics.

The problem lies in the fact that our borders are open...period! Until the borders (yes, both of our borders) are secure, we will always have a problem. Why are the borders STILL open? One word....government! It isn't one party or the other...it's the government period.

Our own government recently told the Mexican government where our border patrol officers were posted......which means, our government told them the easiest route to take to walk across the border!

There are people who are honestly trying to make a difference. Check out minutemanhq.com these guys are trying their best to HELP the border patrol. They are not 'targeting' the hispanics, they are trying to stop illegal immigration.

This country was created and is/was a great nation by LEGAL immigration.

Ever heard of the "Amero"? Google search the 'amero', it's the form of currency the government has proposed with Mexico and Canada...the intention is to erase our southern border and our northern border for the free passage of money, people, and goods between the US, Mexico, and Canada sometime around 2010. Bush, the Mexican president, and the Canadian president agreed (in March 2003) to start the initial process of creating our equivalent of the European Union.......which will be the North American Union. Don't believe me???? Research it for yourself!!!

2006-07-15 12:46:07 · answer #2 · answered by IndecisiveProcrastinator 3 · 1 0

Yeah, but at the same time, arabs aren't marching in our streets talking about 'america is dying' etc. Mexico's heavily represented in the immigration debate by sheer force of numbers. Mexico's been aiding and abetting that development, too, and Mexico's closest, and our biggest problem, there, I believe. I'd like to see about half to three-quarters of the mexicans who are in our country illegally go home, and the sooner the better, if not all.
I think we've come to the point in our history where illegal immigration has become a BIG problem, and I don't think Mexico's a good partner on the issue anymore. I hope that their new president can do more for his people, but until Mexico gets its' act together as a country, the answer is to start closing the border until order is restored....other people from other nations can go home, and fix their own problems, too.

2006-07-15 12:31:37 · answer #3 · answered by gokart121 6 · 1 0

well, the simple answer is that Mexico is a lot closer than Arab nations. there are also a lot more illegal Mexicans living in the us than illegal Arabs, or any other nationality that is. The immigration reforms originally were to prevent terrorists from entering the united states, but the illegal population would also be affected by the change, so they now claim that it is all about the hatred of Mexicans, which it isn't supposed to be. Either way although the Arab religions are actually centered around destruction, as opposed to the majority of Mexicans being catholic (a peaceful religion), Mexican are just as capable of being terrorists as Arabs, or Canadians. But the main point is Mexico is closer, and the biased news has blown the issue seriously out of proportion,

2006-07-15 12:24:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Most of the criticism about immigration is targeted at Mexicans because some Mexican immigrants illegallly cross the U.S. border to get to America. This is a fact! If Arabs were being criticized, it would be based on a stereotype that they are all terrorist, not fact.

Also, I think that the hostility toward Mexicans is rooted in ignorance. People need to realaize that the problem is not mexicans, the problem is illegal immigration. There is more to the issue that Mexicans. No one race or nationality should be the target!

2006-07-15 12:54:28 · answer #5 · answered by T4Toyin 4 · 2 0

so what your saying is we should target the Arabs??....well if someone is coming here illegally be it from Mexico or any where else they should be deported it is the law...should we just ignore it?? ...if some one murders someone should we just let it slide because they are hard working and they love their family no we cant because the bottom line is ..it is against the law & so is people coming here illegaly from mexico...we can not alter the law to suit certain people ...the law is there for a reason !!...and i really cant even figure out why you are bringing arabs in to it ...the world trade center attack was a horrible thing but u cant say all arabs are bad because of it ...and they have nothing to do with mexicans being targeted by immigration...plus how many illegal immigrants are there right now living in the u.s ?? not paying taxes like what we have to do ?? do you think its fair that you and i have to pay taxes but they can come over here and not pay taxes..they can just keep all of it and send most back to mexico ??...i dont have a problem with people coming to live here & trying to better their lives but i do think they should do it the legal way ....and i think they should all have to speak in english as this is the United States and English is our launguage!!!

2006-07-15 12:21:04 · answer #6 · answered by CRYSTAL S 6 · 0 1

Anyone coming into this country illegally is wrong for being here, whether they are a Mexican, Arabian or any other nationality. Since Mexico IS on our southern border, and Mexicans ARE the ones coming here illegally from there, they are the one's who are mostly being dealt with. Just because we don't hear about the others who are being dealt with don't mean that it's not happening. Our news people only report on things that make their ratings go up. If you do your own checking, you'll find that many illegals are found every day and dealt with in the same manner. We don't hear about it because it's not as important to the news people as all the other stuff that's happening. It would be actually impossible to report on all the news that's happening every day in this country, let alone the world. Do your own research and you'll find out all you need to know about what's actually happening. <*)))><

2006-07-15 12:27:16 · answer #7 · answered by Sandylynn 6 · 0 0

There are many problems with illegal immigration. If you tuned in to the testimony before the House hearings a week ago, you heard about terrorists paying coyotes to take them across the border, and another wading across the Rio Grande. They weren't Mexicans, but they used our border with Mexico as an open door to enter through.

However, Mexicans make up the majority of our illegal aliens, and therefor cause the biggest burden on our education and health services. We pay tens of billions of dollars each year for the services illegal immigrants of the 'non-terrorist' sort use. We pay almost all of the cost of education for poor people here even if they pay all taxes, because education is so expensive, and poor people don't pay much in the way of taxes. Mexico doesn't provide universal education for its own people for that reason. So why should we provide it to Mexicans illegally here?

I really don't understand why people would expect us to.

2006-07-15 12:45:11 · answer #8 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 0

Mexico is being "targeted" because they are on our border and well over 10 million are here in this country illegally. They drain our resources including welfare, schools and medical services. Further, many of then are criminals and are not the the hard-working, family loving people you refer to. It is time we closed our borders to ALL illegal immigrants and force them to follow the law and enter this country legally.

As for Arabs, there is no Arab nation on our borders. The tightening of security at our airports and other transportation centers is a direct result of 9/11, and the new heightened security is "targeting" anyone, including Arabs, from entering our country illegally and/or as terrorists.

You are misguided to think that ONLY Mexicans are being "targeted."


2006-07-15 12:28:49 · answer #9 · answered by No one 7 · 0 0

I don't think any one group should be targeted by immigration. But I often wonder why so people are so adamant about keeping Mexicans out. They work much harder than a lot of people who are born in the States. Personally, I'd rather get rid of American rapists and murderers and chill out with some Mexicans.

Shouldn't people that actually cause harm to others be on top of our hit list??

2006-07-15 12:25:33 · answer #10 · answered by nacsilver85 2 · 0 0

Because we're talking about the strain it puts on the economy. If you look at it from a percentage standpoint the majority of people who come here illegally, apply for government programs and don't pay taxes since they're not registered are of mexican decent. However border security would prevent all illegals...or at least make it tougher for them to get in. If you want a better life, I'm all for it, just do it legally. If you're here legally....welcome....have a great time.

"While yes mexicans are being targeted, it's also not fair to target arabs. No one should be. If this a free country, or the homeland, than shouldn't all be free to live in their home?"

Yes, free to live in your home if it's your homeland....if you're illegal, your homeland is mexico..or canada....or saudi arabia....or whever you may have come from.

2006-07-15 12:22:01 · answer #11 · answered by Jim2386 3 · 0 0

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