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Your Book is so old and worn out and you hold on to this thing like you really believe you are not going to be more than worm food because you can't bare the thought that this is it-OH NO There has got to be more-THERE ISN'T and because U believe these things you go on with this I AM SVAED attitude that means THE EARTH is going to perish-and so U drive your cars and live beyond your means and wonder why you see pictures of a world gone mad in Isreal and in India-Afganistan Central America-Russia Turkey-well your country is selling the ARMS and the weapons that are killing their people IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Wake-up you imbiciles as long as you continue to buy The Roman Lie that the Bible is, you will destroy this planet the only true heaven and hell there is-Do you know that the men of Jesus day if they saw the Space shuttle would call it a falling star-We have reached beyond those times-we have proved the world is millions of years old-Jesus is going to kill us all-because Ur deceived

2006-07-15 11:37:47 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

Not you again. Do you hear these voices in your head?



2006-07-15 11:42:44 · answer #1 · answered by 4999_Basque 6 · 2 0

LOL someone has been hurt here, haven't they? By your tirade I would have to say it was you, but don't worry you are not in the minority-hurting people hurt people... everyone gets hurt. The cycle never ends. However, some of your non-questions in a questioning forum are: not correct, are over-generalizing, seem to be hate-based, and are basically un- or under-educated in anything resembling facts. The Bible is at most 2 thousand-ish years old written by Jewish authors-speaking of the New Testament part only- there is a book entitled "Romans" but it was written to the Rome-based 'church' The Old Testament was written by the Hebrews or Israelites. dating a few thousand years older. It is also obvious that you have not read it for yourself... you should not judge a book or in the Bible's case books by their cover. Also history shows how many times the Jewish/Hebrew way of life and people was the target of annihilation BUT it did not happen. Also how many times in history the Bible and Christians were also the target of annihilation BUT it survived.
Another point is simply this I am very sorry but you are not the authority on whether or not there is a God, there is an 'afterlife', and you do not know whether "this is all there is" because like me this is all you KNOW there is. Since you, being mortal, cannot guarantee me that there is NO GOD- surely I will rather not run the risk 'if' THERE IS ONE!!! It is a terrible thing to fall in the hands of the Living God. Also I do not believe that Christians are the only ones that drive cars... this comment on top of the other off the wall comments sheds quit a bit of light on the level of your hate based agenda and level of education.
Measuring something by itself is not a true nor dependable means of deduction. Theory is not fact. Who ever heard of the Phoenicians? The Bible said they existed long ago scientists said they did not... until recently they were found. Consider the eye!

2006-07-15 12:09:31 · answer #2 · answered by xwordxclr 2 · 0 0

Let me start my spiel with my label, which you bring to the fore. I am Pagan, and our beliefs are older than Christianity. I think you have a little something here, although you are caustic about this and have the Christian's panties all in a twist, I read all these posts... Let's get something straight, between The Roman Lie, and the Bible, you have Man. And man seeks to live beyond his means. We will destroy this planet, but rest soundly when I say we will walk it again. Yeah, you won't be able to get my opinion in a second's time over an internet right away, but we'll manage, and re evolve...how many times we have sabotaged our very existances, i cannot imagine, but spreading hatred for Christians is not going to help us hold onto this planet

2006-07-15 11:54:40 · answer #3 · answered by Lauralanthalasa 3 · 0 0

"Christians believe they are going to Heaven-and can pollute Mother Earth Because she is doomed by God." Show me where it says this in the Bible. You are just scapegoating on a group of people whom you clearly despise. Adolph Hitler did that too, though I won't go as far to say that you are a narcissist, but I bet you do spend most of your time on Yahoo Answers, asking questions that put other groups of people down. Do you really think this question has influenced the people you are trying to reach out to? If you want to be a productive individual, then I would advise you to stop writing negative bigot questions, and start showing respect for people who are different then you are. Calling anyone an imbecile is not showing respect. Have a nice day!

2006-07-15 11:54:23 · answer #4 · answered by resilience 6 · 0 0

i don't just believe i am going to heaven i know it and as for this earth god created i am not polluting it or u ?i also am not helping to sell arms to destroy anyone anywhere maybe u really don't know what a christian is ?is that it u can have ur own relationship with the lord and i know u would be alot happier,if i felt the way u feel as if i was doomed i would probably be a little like u but i doubt it!!!!!!!!may god bless and have mercy o u.Jesus died and rose again so we could live and alot of people choice to live in sin maybe u should know that book we drag around called the bible has bein sold more than any other and its also given to alot of folks,if u need one i would love to send u one!!!!!!!God bless u and yours if u have anyone very bitter!

2006-07-15 11:50:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hello, do you believe in the Bible if so it's not the earth who is condam and polute , it's the people on it , God created the earth and he never will destroy it look in Ps. 37:29 what it says and Es.45:18 .God will destroy the wicked but he won't destroy the earth , if you some rats in your house are you going to destroy your house or just the rats , I am sure that you will only destroy the rats not the house .Bye have a nice day Lorraine

2006-07-15 11:55:03 · answer #6 · answered by winlolo2000 1 · 0 0

I think that there has been bad representitives for every kind of religion that there is and every kind of evil commited by man is a normal value. The shock that your next door neighbor has killed his entire family before himself when he was a quiet person. It is all an entire situation not based on God but on human desire. God isn't responsable for the jerk next door or the suicide bomber. When will we take responceability for our own sins. Yes I am a Christian but I don't litter because God has called me to be a stuart of his world. But that is just me. I can only help those around me. Do the same.

2006-07-15 11:46:24 · answer #7 · answered by david_pugsley 3 · 0 0

I take it YOU don't drive a car, YOU don't live on more than you bring in? You make some blanket statments ("YOU...") which shows you know NOTHING about what you're talking about. "YOUR COUNTRY"? You're not an American? I've not heard of Americans "killing in the name of Jesus," but I've heard the fruit cake Muslims say THEY kill in the name of Allah (the moon god of old) because THEIR holy book says to kill anyone who won't become a Muslim and you can find that in the Quran in Surah 9, ayat 5. The Bible says to LOVE your enemies, not kill them. I doubt you have even tried to read the Bible but you pretend to be an expert on what it says. How pathetic. I hope you enjoy making yourself look like a fool because you've done an excellent job of it.
Your syntax and lack of knowledge of spelling shows that you're just another know nothing nut-case showing your ignorance in a public forum in front of strangers. (Did you go over what you wrote? It seems not) That seems to me to be bit of evidence of a serious psychotic personality.
Your rantings mean nothing.
What if YOU'RE wrong and Christians are right? I'd rather have lived my life in the belief of what the Bible says and find out I'm wrong than to live a life of unbelief as you people do and find out I'm wrong. If Christianity is false, I will have lost NOTHING, but as a scoffing non-believer as you are, you will have lost ETERNITY if the Bible is true.
My suggestion to you is to get a Bible, start STUDYING it, join a Bible study group and get some REAL answers instead of parroting some know nothing like yourself.

2006-07-15 12:09:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Indeed, my flesh will feed the worms, and anything else that deems it necessary to gnaw on me when I'm dead..
Indeed, the Bible is an old book, that I hold tightly to, with all my heart.
I don't live beyond my means.. how is that a way to teach our children?
Do you honestly believe that Christians are the ones responsible for ALL the disaster in this world? Aren't you giving us far too much credit for doing all this ourselves?

2006-07-15 11:48:02 · answer #9 · answered by sassy 6 · 0 0

We are going to destroy the Earth eventually. Unless everyone stops having babies, the planet is doomed. And I don't think you should generalize like that. Christians should know that we are charged by God to take care of what God has given us. I don't know ANY Christians with the nonchalant attitude you are implying that we ALL have. All of my family and friends who are Christian know we have to take care of the Earth.

2006-07-15 11:44:10 · answer #10 · answered by cucumberlarry1 6 · 0 0

Wow ... lots of misconceptions out there about Christians and Christianity.

The latest one -- the idea that polluting the earth is part of Christianity.

And calling people names like "imbeciles" is not going to do your argument any favors. Nor is your spelling.

2006-07-15 11:42:22 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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