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IF a light weight skeleton fram was made that attached to a person's body, and esch joint had a small generator in it, how much energy could be stored in rechargable batteries built into it.
If EVERYONE used said invention, how much could it help with situation energy we now have?

I LOVE to see science fiction come to life (this is my idea but I gladly share it and if others had the same or similar idea, COOL!)

2006-07-15 11:28:46 · 6 answers · asked by athorgarak 4 in Environment

The general idea is simple-
The generators charge the batteries when we move and do our normal routine. The batteries are discharged into a larger power system in the house. I just wondered, for the sake of discussion, what a plantet of 5-6 billion people could produce, daily, energy-wise.

2006-07-15 11:44:20 · update #1

As I stated, this is an idea of pure science fiction. In most science fiction, we see all
other humanoid life have the entire planet under one world world governments and they all dress aloke and so on. I just wondered ho this might affect a civilization that was not so dependant on high energy use. and I suppose the thought of a batterry and transfer system (it is fiction after all) of 90% efficiency would be useful.

We usually eat way too much and therefor these machines would help health as we would burn more calories of what we already intake.

2006-07-15 12:23:53 · update #2

6 answers

georock1959 said it best this idea has been played around with a couple times though the army is fooling around with a boot that has a generator in the heel so every time you step you pump it generating electricity the grand plans of helping save the world are not really feasible not matter how big or little of affect you want to have though cause in the grand scheme of things you use more energy to make and transport the device to the point of origin than it will ever produce even at max efficiency the army hopes were that in the future the could reduce power usage enough on say a GPS unit so that it could be charged by this alone or by your boots and a solar cell on the back as it is you could probably get away with powering a watch purposed civilian applications assuming an increase in the efficiency of our appliances (hey it is sci-fi right) would be clothing that could charge a cell phone while you were wearing it on the belt and since were getting "futuristic" here we now have watches that can operate off of body heat alone so in this "sci-fi world" one could use nano sterling engines built into clothing and maybe even have the exterior collect solar energy as well all interesting ideas that are fun to play with but in the end now matter how futuristic we get a hyper efficient refrigerator would go a lot farther to saving us on the energy field if we can reduce how much power we use right now then other options like solar become much more feasible for a single household and that can have a huge effect on the big scale

2006-07-16 19:04:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

There are three reasons this won't work:

1. The law of conservation of energy says you can't get energy for free. So the human body would have to exert more energy to drive the generators, which means you would have to consume more food, which means more energy would be used in agricultural production.

2. The amount of energy that would be produced would be miniscule, maybe 1 or 2 watts if you flailed your arms and legs as hard as you could. The average home requires about 1000 watts - an average over a 24 hour period. If "everyone" (lets say 300 million Americans) wore your body generator and flailed as hard as they could 24 hours per day, driving your generator at peak capacity of 2 watts, you would end up with about 18 million kwh per year - only about 0.4% of the 4 trillion kwh of electricity the US consumes every year. Now if we plug your suggestion of 6 billion people into the equation, we would get:
6 billion people x 2 watts x 24 hrs x 365 days = 105 billion kwh. Still nowhere near what the US alone consumes. The world consumes about 15 trillion kwh of electricity every year.

3. Storage of electricity in rechargeable batteries wastes a lot of energy.

But every idea is still an idea. A better suggestion may be to harness exercise equipment with generators that actually feed electricity into a home. Very inefficient, but the energy may as well be used for something!

2006-07-15 12:10:58 · answer #2 · answered by minefinder 7 · 2 0

THAT would be SO cool!
There is stuff like that but most of them use fuel, so your idea would be better :)

If you can get it affordable, and if you can by pass the Safety RISK and not have it band ... THEN yeah!!! Tottally!

I WOULD USE it as long as it's safe enough, screw what congress says, if the manufacture has 3rd party studies to show the % of how safe or unsafe it is, if it's safe enough in MY EYES then I'll USE it.

I could travel the world on my own time! ! !
(this is why they'd probebly band it, b/c of immigration fears, but heads...)

But I'd use it to go get a Mangosteen from South Asia LOL and hang out and see the sites there LOL
Not to mention other places in the world...

PLEASE SOME ONE MAKE it!!! And make it Affordable so that everyone can have it, sell it TO EVERYONE, then they can't STOP us all from using it!!! Yeah!

PLEASE invent it, and make it safe for humans and the Earth

Oh wait a minet ... I reread it and READ it all this time...
Hmmm you mean a skeliten that makes energy from our movements... THAT would be SOOoo COOL too Dude!!!
There would have to be like mini turbines in the suit though... I would think...

WHAT dress the SAME you gotz ta be crazy, H3LL no I'm not dressin' like everyone else, I like my personal prefference...!!!
That's part of my FREEDOM!

Ok you lost me...
At first I thought it was a flyin' skeliten machine, then I thought it was a skeliton thingy to produce energy from your movements... now I'm just confused...
can you make it more clearer???

2006-07-15 14:14:01 · answer #3 · answered by Am 4 · 0 0

This specific idea wouldn't work but looking for alternative opportunities to harness electricity is a good idea.

2006-07-15 18:41:07 · answer #4 · answered by Report Abuse 6 · 0 0

What does this attachable skeleton do for us? How would it potentially help the energy situation?

2006-07-15 11:32:52 · answer #5 · answered by FaerieWhings 7 · 0 0

I knew it; I knew it...I knew you were into comic books. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

2006-07-15 11:32:54 · answer #6 · answered by LaContessa 4 · 0 1

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