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amnesty wont work and cheap fences won't work . what about a wall along the lines of the great wall type not quite to the extreme but. what if we require all the people wanting to be here and be legal volunteer a portion of there pay (must be a taxable legal job) say 10 % on top of taxes and they will have a set amount of time they will have to volunteer to build the wall and a set time they will have to take english language and american society courses ( they gotta pay for em) .
they would be helping slow the problem they are causing and paying for it as well. I wouldn't have a problem legalizing them if there was something along this line set up maybe a little more strict even. If they want to be here legally lets make em earn it.
And for those that aren't willing to participate in the program automatic deportation with no future chance to come back.....It is possible to fix the problem by using the source of the problem without a financial strain on american citizens

2006-07-15 11:26:49 · 7 answers · asked by wardancer 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

I forgot to mention state and federal aid would not be available to them during this time.Once your legal then you have rights till then you gotta work to get ahead ..

2006-07-15 11:30:16 · update #1

7 answers

What about removing your eligibility for ANY public aid, or the capacity to hold residence, unLESS you're lawfully within our borders? I see NO problem with actively enlisting the aid of the mexican government on this one, and if they fail to render such aid, at that point we stop holding open trade. We can grow our own food, we've done it for decades, and we sure as hell don't need foreign labor to do it.

As a nation, we've been played. We've been played into a dependent state wherein we're told that if we don't have all this global trade, we'll collapse. We're told that if we don't hire illegals, the economy will fold up. We're told that we have to use foreign imported energy, or again the economy will collapse. The economy, the economy, the economy, this badly bruised and battered bit of rhetoric ignores the fact that the US got on for quite a while all by itself, thank you, with NO imports.

I want to see enforcement first, on immigration, and many want to see enforcement ONLY, and I can't say as that I blame them.
I think there's a humanitarian angle to all of this, but I think it's been over-played, frankly it's time for americans to pull their socks up and stop being so touchy-feely about all this stuff.

The border issue is simple. It's a line on a map, that demarcates the physical division between a relatively rich country, the US, and a relatively poor country, Mexico. Mexico's GDP is one trillion dollars. America's GDP is 12 trillion dollars. In other words, compared to the rest of the world, Mexico's doing all right.
The whole bleeding-heart spiel with the illegal immigrants is just a play to embed themselves further and deeper and more permanently into our economy and social infrastructure, hopefully for all perpetuity. We're gettin' played like a fish, on this one, and at the end of the day the answer is simple, most of Mexico needs to move home, and they need to do it NOW, anchor babies and drug dealers and ID theft and mass poverty and the whole flippin' show.

The way americans can help see to it that this happens is a) don't hire illegals yourself, if you find someone in your employ that speaks little or no english and is obviously from mexico, start asking questions and making phone calls, b) start lobbying your city council to do likewise with local employers, and c) don't be afraid to write your representatives on the issue, or your local papers etc.

As a society, we've been kind, polite, and tolerant, told that 'diversity brings us strength' and other election-slogan pabulum. As a society, we're being led down the garden path by the scruples-impaired who've gained high office and apparently answer to someone else besides american voters.
As a society, we're being taxed, fee'ed, and bled on purpose, all for the 'economy' etc. None of this happened by accident, none of it is going to change or go away by accident. People need to turn out in FORCE at the polls in November, and express their opinions on the matter by choosing representation that truly understands the level and degree of frustration that voters, US citizens, taxpayers, are feeling on this issue.

I feel that a play is being made for our integrity as a nation. While the 'weapon' of choice may be squawling babies on TV instead of threats of bombs etc., nonetheless it's politicial aggression from Mexico, and should be answered with some clear, effective, and well thought-out policy.

There's 6.5 billion people that live in this world. What kind of country we end up living with as the world booms to 8-10 billion is up to our leaders,leaders who ultimately end up having to live in our country, too. They can do a better job of what they do if they hear from the people, not the lobbyists, not the big corporations, but again the actual rank-and-file citizens, and hear their experiences and grievances on the issue. We don't have to tolerate watching our cities and communities take a downhill slide and become re-populated with foreign citizens. But, in order to prevent it, we're going to have to present a united front, appropriate to the United States, I think. Either we all hang together, or we all learn to habla espanol separately...

2006-07-15 12:56:05 · answer #1 · answered by gokart121 6 · 3 2

My border idea is that I will let the American border patrol intensify national security to keep illegal Mexican immigrants from coming into this great nation of ours for no apparent reason unless they have to go through all kinds of intensive training to become naturalised American citizens who can live, work, and go to school in this country!

2006-07-15 12:38:35 · answer #2 · answered by Daniel L 1 · 0 0

We have to get the politicians to do what is right for us. This new Totalization Agreement with Mexico that Bush wants to sign is even supposed to give illegal immigrants social security benefits!! This is so totally wrong since we paid the money into it and our immigrant ancestors built this country and came thru legally.

2006-07-15 12:06:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is as good an idea as any that has been shot through the senate or congress in my opinion. Shoot it out to your state reps,just to hear them gasp around. lol.
And, This idea is a helluva lot better than anything the pro criminal types have come up with, all you get from them is fairy tales and excuses.

2006-07-15 12:08:39 · answer #4 · answered by renegadesho_ban 3 · 0 0

Who would pay for their education and other services? Mexico doesn't have universal education which we subsidize for our poor people, even when they pay all taxes. Essentially, the illegal immigrants want us to pay for them and their families too. The wall won't address education funding or health care funding.

Sorry, I don't think it will work.

2006-07-15 11:47:33 · answer #5 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 0

You spelled border wrong. B O R D E R. border

2006-07-15 11:33:25 · answer #6 · answered by prancingmonkey 4 · 0 0

we would desire to alter the regulation, unlawful infants get deported to the mothers and fathers county or foundation, alongside with the parent. we choose docs to be to blame and turn pregnant illegals into regulation enforcement for deportation.

2016-10-07 23:16:04 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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