Oh absolutely. And I'm not that old either. Children were cared for by mom and not strangers. Anybody will "watch" kids for money. Family values were intact, morality was intact, men felt like men and therefore insecurities among men was not an issue. Unhappily married women in the workplace are like a smoking cigarette in a dry forest. It's just a matter of time before somebody makes them feel like they don't feel at home. Their fault or their husbands who knows. They earn their own money, learn about independence and are poisoned by hateful, bitter divorced women slowly. Am I against equal rights for women. No. But I am against any "rights" that leads to the dysfunction and decline of the nuclear family. And I believe mommy not raising her kids and an unhappy wife/husband in the workforce does just that. Sometimes we need to stand still so that our children can move forward. Some material things just aren't worth the sacrifice of the family.
2006-07-15 11:34:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Funny....it never occurred to you that millions of years of rape, incest, molestation, child porn, and the degradation of females (all at the hands of males) has lead to the random sex and promiscuity today. Men have sent the message for thousands of years that woman are only to be viewed as sex objects, so now women are responding to the call. Maybe if we had been valued for our minds and our opinions, we wouldn't have felt the need to gain men's acceptance through sex.
Women gaining "equal rights" was just our way of trying to even the playing field at our jobs. Because, once again we weren't valued for our talent or our intuitiveness, our skill or our smarts. The message was, "You can work in a man's world, but we won't pay you a man's wage. If you want respect, stay at home, on your back with your legs spread or barefoot and raising children."
I married, stayed at home, listened to my husband and raised my son, but my life was far from decent. When I divorced, and put the power into my hands over how my life would be, my son and I both lead a much better life. He is a productive adult now with a wonderful respect of women and of life and of hard work. And for the record, I never once dated randomly for sex nor did I do anything promiscuous while raising him. His father on the other hand has been married five times so that he can at least justify having proper sex in his mind.
2006-07-15 18:43:03
answer #2
answered by bloomquist324 4
Men have been portraying women as sex objects for a long time. When women "stayed at home and listened to their father, husband etc" they were sex objects then, only to a smaller crowd. It wasn't a choice if you wanted sex, it was a wifely duty. I can understand how a male ego would believe that was a better era. But before this "equal rights" stuff, battery and child abuse were OK too. Is that what qualifies as a decent life?
2006-07-15 18:56:05
answer #3
answered by wzrdsndrgns 3
Women have always been 'sex objects' to men. We're still a long way from genuine equity in that department.
No, giving human rights to women has not caused the 'degeneration' of our culture. If we're having problems, it is due to many more complex things than letting women lead independent lives. Those things include static wages, the inability for a single earner to support a family, rising prices, isolated families and fractured social lives and stuff like that.
Don't blame women. Blame your leaders, and the greedy global corporate conglomerates. Ask why a CEO makes 415 times more money than his workers. Solve that problem.
2006-07-15 18:34:58
answer #4
answered by sunfell2001 3
Hmmm in that good wholesome society Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth were not 'sex' objects? Equal rights did not lead to the degeneration you seem to see, women are merely better educated now and see we don't have to be in the home 24/7 if we choose not to. My father, who was born in 1930 and raised in that 'wholesome' era and he was the one who told me to go to college, have a career I loved and that I could pick any career I wanted and to only marry when I felt good and ready. He also said a woman doesn't have to have children to be validated. Smart man my dad. So, I took his advice... I went to college, I work in the field of Science & Manufacturing and I married when I was older and I don't regret it one bit.
As far as sex and promiscuity it has always been around just not shown to society in general. Start researching back and you will find a lot of babies born a few months after the wedding. You will also find a lot of divorces in the 1800's and it was mostly asked for by women for the charges of abandonment, cruelty or adultery. Society hasn't changed only our willingness to let it be in the open has.
2006-07-15 19:45:30
answer #5
answered by genaddt 7
The degenerated society we live in today is a product of an ALWAYS degenerated society. Equal rights is not the issue here, it is parenting in america that is to blame. Before all this "equal rights" stuff, no, they didn't lead a decent life, because Men deigned us secondary to them, and that would depress anybody. They listened because if they didn't, there'd be some "home correction" and she'd spend a week and a half trying to hide the bruises. The desensitization of our society can be directly gauged by the crap on television. Women are not to blame here. Ever since television, attention has been drawn away from God, and so the degenerate society you see on your television is a product of said machine. Parents have been sitting their children in front of the TV to avoid being a parent and actually be with their children, teaching them and loving them, and then 18 years later, now they are wondering just how they screwed up. Because now their kid is cussing them out and is moving in with her boyfriend, because I am pregnant and he "LOVES ME." *smacking with sarcasm, the child hasn't felt loved in years*
Women fix most of the things men screw up. Who feels me?
2006-07-15 18:41:58
answer #6
answered by Lauralanthalasa 3
Interesting assertion you are making that the society is "degenerated." You already have a very negative outlook on the world today, which some do and some don't.
Here's my view:
I am not comfortable with the promsicuity that is around today, but I do not believe society is "degenerated."
Equal rights for women have empowered women to make choices. You'd think that "before all of this" father, brother, husband get married lead a decent look. However, that's only seeing it from a man's prospective. Women could not get a divorce and could not choose their own career path. The economical handicap for women plays a huge role. Because women didn't have the necessary education, they could not get decent jobs that payed well. This naturally gave them less of a voice when it came to family decisions.
Equal rights for women in the job place (which government have greater leverage) has given women an incentive to study (another basic right). This is evident by the number of college graduates today (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0607120181jul12,1,81585.story?coll=chi-news-hed)
That article is from 3 days ago. Remember World War II? Women played a huge role in filling the roles of men who went away for war. This gave women a sense of greater responsibility outside of the traditional boundaries of kitchen and bedroom. This is all part of the "equal rights" that women have pushed for in the last 60-70 years.
Women also may choose to divorce, which they couldn't do before. This has given them a larger freedom in terms of love, family, relationships. I don't believe this is "degenerated". It may suck for men who get dumped, but I see no difference for men. It would suck if men couldn't choose their divorces.
The reason for the random sex and promiscuity is part of the development of our human society. If you blame random sex and promiscuity on women, then you have it all wrong. Men are just as promiscuous and willing to have sex, no sh!t. Part of the reason is because the world is becoming less religious (in the traditional sense). How many people today worry about how their actions will affect them in the say... afterlife (which is what religion mostly revolves around). Is this to say our society is degenerated because of a lesser degree of religious beliefs? Possibly, if you're a pessimist.
But I don't blame it on "equal rights for women." It is just like saying that after we freed the slaves with the 13th, 14th, 15th amendments, the world has become degenerated because African Americans live in the lower echelon of the economic ladder and all the gangs and violence is due to the "equal rights of African Americans." This statement is equally ridiculous.
Many women choose to live the traditional role of the mother, which is totally fine and I support it as long as they're content. But if they want to pursue their own dream just like men, they should be given the opportunity.
But to pin random sex and promiscuity on equal rights to women is baseless and closedminded. Random sex and promiscuity is based on the overall equal rights of human beings. We as humans believe we can make more choices without punishment from greater forces (See God, Vishnu, Allah, and Zeus). This is the reason why we have random sex and promiscuity.
2006-07-15 18:50:33
answer #7
answered by krazyreapr 2
Life is better when freedom is given to All. Not just citizens of The United States of America, but the rest of the world too. No one is born a bigot. We are all entitled to the same rights as everyone else, and I believe that was the way God intended. Have a nice day! =)
2006-07-15 18:31:53
answer #8
answered by resilience 6
No, look at all the things men are responsible for, one thing that tops the list is war, if women were truly equal, I believe that the world would be so much better off, and no woman are not responsible promiscuity today. Men are just mad, because for once they are doing to men, what men have done to them for thousands of years.
2006-07-15 18:35:06
answer #9
answered by mitchec725 2
NO! I dont even understand the connection that you're trying to make between gender equality and promiscuity. How is gender equality related to women being portrayed as sex objects? It's not a logical argument!
2006-07-15 18:32:10
answer #10
answered by T4Toyin 4
No way. Please tell me you're kidding.
If women weren't give the option to be equal to men, you know what would happen?
By now, men would have turned us into sex objects against our will! You think prostitution and random sex didn't happen before suffrage? It did, women were just forced into it.
Now, at least women have the option to go to school and get jobs.
2006-07-15 18:30:02
answer #11
answered by prkswllflwr 3