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Genetic causes of homosexuality are proven. DO NOT ANSWER IN DENIAL OF THIS FACT, IT IS USLESS TO DENY FACT AND THAT IS NOT THE PURPOSE OF THIS QUESTION. Here are links in reference to the proof but DO NOT debate them.



If you still deny fact perhaps you have the infinite wisdom to think hypothetically and answer with the notion that homosexuality is genetically determined in the womb. I’ll disregard questions that don’t adhere to genetic proof or a hypothetical instance of genetic proof.

Will Christians begin aborting the homosexual fetuses in the womb to avoid raising a child that is an abomination to Christianity? Even against the Christian view on abortion? Will Christians continue to have their homosexual children; trying to change what is a part of them the child? Will Christians continue to mess up healthy, normal minds then kick them out the door?

2006-07-15 11:13:45 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I can't believe I have to explain this to you angeltress since I didn't want to discuss it in the first place. There are genes that are hereditary (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heredity ) so yes they must be passed down the homosexual determining gene is hereditary. Just because we have same sex partners doesn't mean we can't have children via surrogate mother's or sperm donation. That takes care of multiple generations.

Genes can be recessive (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recessive_gene ) so that both the parents need to be carriers. Lastly, when a gene is dominant (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominant_gene ) it will always overpower a recessive gene and will be active. So in the end depending on which genes are dominant and which genes are recessive and paired up depends on the homosexual outcome. Get the right combination with a surrogate mother or a sperm donation and we can pass the gene along. There goes your idea of it dying out.

2006-07-15 17:21:45 · update #1

There is also a study that is currently trying to determine whether the gene is getting stronger. Basically as the gene gets stronger it's more likely to be dominant in any situation which means that homosexuality would be on the rise.... creepy huh?

2006-07-15 17:25:53 · update #2

Please stop quoting the bible and the passages against me. I can just as easily quote some scripture that contradicts your scripture since the bible is full of hypocrisy and double standards, in fact, watch me...
(About you judging me)
Matthew 7:1:
Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Romans 2:1:
Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that 1judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
…Whoa, God says you’re gay if you judge me.

John 8:7:
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone…I love that one

(My love is just as righteous in the bible)

JOHN 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

JOHN 4:11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.

you see, your bible is easy to use against itself...

2006-07-16 14:22:05 · update #3

46 answers

As I suspected, those who think gay people choose to be gay also would never agree to abortion.

I'm certain those poor children will have all six of the biblical condemnations of homosexuality memorized before the age of 10. They will be tortured and forced to live a heterosexual "lifestyle" as dictated by their straight, religious parents.

When these children reach adulthood, they will hate their parents and much of society due to their parents wrecking their self image and view of the world.

It has been stated in these answers and numerous others that these people will not abort the child but harass the child to be what THEY THINK the child should be until the child rebels completely and then they will blame the rebellion for the situation.

Choices are given to parents all the time. Choose to accept, support, and nurture a child of homosexual orientation or choose to destroy what ever security the child could ever have. We see the choice most will make.

There is a very special place in hell for parents who torment their children this way. It is child abuse, without doubt. The child would actually be better of aborted, than to live out it's life knowing that it's parents don't love and accept them for who and what they are.

This new paradox will bring about some interesting changes in popular opinion... but many children will suffer before the changes are fully made.

Thank you, christians.

2006-07-16 01:50:43 · answer #1 · answered by Dustin Lochart 6 · 8 4

You say not to deny this fact... that's like asking "Why is the sky orange? DO NOT DENY THIS FACT." I'm sorry, I have to deny that fact. Or at least, I will tell you this - perhaps there is a chemical or biological difference between people of different sexualities. However, to say that you can "determine" how someone will turn out, before birth, as you would determine their sex, is totally wrong. For example, there have been plenty of biological markers of aggressiveness, but it's not as though any doctor says "your child will be a serial killer." Moreover, when it comes to sexuality, it's not so black-and-white. You can't determine in the womb whether or not a child will turn out to be a prude or a shameless sexpot, and aren't those more important characteristics when it comes to sexuality?

Moreover, the type of people who are so up in arms about abortion and homosexuality don't really seem the type to understand much science anyway. So, to answer your question, hypothetically as you ask (since I don't believe the question is valid anyway), no, I don't think they will start aborting fetuses. I think a lot of people believe they can raise their child as they see fit.

2006-07-15 11:21:31 · answer #2 · answered by rebeccajk42 2 · 0 0

Well I sure can't speak for everyone else but I can tell you that I would not anymore than I would abort a child that was handicapped or mentally defective - and no, I'm not putting homosexuals in that class. I am merely saying that when one makes the choice to have a child, they should be willing to live with what the good Lord gives them. Moreover, I learned a long time ago that when it comes to any significant other in our lives - be it children, parents, extended family members, or friends - it is possible to love without necessarily liking everything about that person or the choices they make. Would the mother of a child that grew up to be a homosexual say they liked it? No, but that should have no bearing on their loving the child. The same thing could be said for many homosexuals. They may not like their parents attitude toward their sexual orientation but that doesn't mean they don't still love them. I speak from experience here. Am I glad that my child is a lesbian - that because of her sexual orientation she is castegated by many, that she faces obstacles to being able to find a mate with whom she can be happy. No, but don't you dare question whether I love her or even once would have thought of not having her had I known she would be a lesbian. God gave her to me for a reason and he knew what she would be before she was born. Who am I to question his wisdom.

2006-07-15 11:26:53 · answer #3 · answered by Sonie 5 · 0 0

Increasingly it seems to be religion going into denial against medical science, there is almost undoubtedly a genetic component to being gay, there is also evidence to suggest the hormonal environment in the mothers womb can also heavily influence sexuality as well as familial & societal influences...and a myriad of impossible to identify factors ...a combination of all these factors... and none of them can be chosen.

Homosexuality is just a natural human variation like height or IQ.

The abortion thing would be a conundrum for Christians many of whom are anti-abortion, that's if a homosexual foetus could be identified and so far it cannot. Anyway perhaps it is time to change the doctrine now we know sexuality is not a choice...if that is possible with people so wrapped in an ossified and absolutist dogma...but they managed to change the rules for divorce and remarriage so there is already precedence for change...these absolutists and fundamentalists really are cherry pickers...they'll deny it of course, no intellectual honesty.

2006-07-15 11:21:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is a deep and pro-found question. I can only answer what I would do, not for other Christians.

I can even go one step further. I think my son, whom I love dearly, he is 6, may be gay. He seems a little fruity to me. At this poin, being he is only 6, I dont try one way or another to figure it out. I am also a Christian, and I disagree with homosexuality, but I love my son, and I would no matter what. If he is gay, I would believe he was from birth.

Now, I myself would NEVER abort my child, if it was homosexual, neither would I if it had down syndrome, or spina bifida, or even for that matter any other genetic, yet livable condition. That thought is just degrading to life. I would let my homosexual child live, make its own choice, and love it no matter what.

2006-07-15 11:16:10 · answer #5 · answered by sweetie_baby 6 · 1 0

Sexual preference is not completely genetic and it's probably not completely environmental either. However, mankind always has a choice. He is never compelled to do anything. If you believe that you cannot make contrary decisions, then you are a fatalist and believe that man is powerless to his own natural urges.

I refuse to believe that he is without choice and therefore your question means nothing in my view. But hypotheticaly speaking, we all know that Christianity is an old religion that didn't have the benefit of observational technologies we have now so obviously their doctrine is going to have conflicts when presented with new facts or beliefs.

2006-07-15 11:21:38 · answer #6 · answered by Justin 4 · 0 0

HI. I'm a christian, and i think it's very unlikely that anyone would abort a child if they knew it would be homosexual. It's homosexual acts that christians don't agree with, because it says in the bible that their not the best that God intends for us, they'll damage us.
It's the same with all things that God says aren't ok - they'll cause a rift between us and Him, because he's so good he can't be around 'sin' (the name for things that aren't right). So really homosexuality is seen more as a temptation, and only when we endorse those feelings ourselves by fantasising or sex are we sinning. So being pregnant with a homosexual fetus is fundamentally no different to being pregnant with any other baby - because we're all tempted to do things that aren't right.
God asks that we would love him, and you know when you're in love with someone you want to avoid things that upset them, so that's the motivation for not following temptations. He also asks that second to that we would love other people in the way that we love ourselves. That's not mushy love, but real, solid love - he actually asks that we would be able to sacrifice oour own lives for the sake of other people. So to abort a child because they have the potential to do wrong things is completely the opposite of christian beliefs.
Practically speaking (and i don't have any kids so don't know that much about bringing kids up) if i had a child who was homosexual i would love them and teach them about what i believe to be right and wrong so they can choose for themselves, and pray that they wouldn't find life a real struggle. And because i don't believe that being in a homosexual relationship is the best thing, i would pray that they would change, but i don't think it would make me love them any less because of it, like i love my friends who are homosexual. I believe that God wants to restore things to how they were before sin came into the world, so repairing relationships and bringing physical healing and helping us be ourselves without fear. God really throws us a line, and when we ask him for help with sin he forgives us and pulls us close to him and gently changes our hearts so we don't want those things as much, and shows us how life could be more fulfilled for us and the people around us.

2006-07-15 11:39:46 · answer #7 · answered by Rachel 1 · 0 0

It depends how strong they view their faith.
They must keep in minds these thoughts.
1. Which sin will God cast the first stone against, homosexuality or abortion.
2. If they are true Catholics, they have no choice but to ignore abortion.
3. The line of the song is "God loves the little children, all the children of the world." Not just the " straight" little children of the world.

2006-07-15 11:27:55 · answer #8 · answered by Michael M 6 · 1 0

I believe that homosexuality is genetic as I also believe that I was born to like other girls.
Who knows what sort of paranoia this will cause among homophobic parents. As there is no test to determine whether a fetus is gay or not, they might just do it to "take chances". Either that or they'll look upon their family, count how many GLBTQ people there are and decide from there.
My mom is Christian, my dad is Jewish. They both accept me for who I am. Why cant other parents be the same?
In this world of violence and hatred, isnt love all we need?

2006-07-15 11:17:35 · answer #9 · answered by Wolf 3 · 0 0

Any one who uses a book to navigate life is lost. Now that that is out of my system, I think what would probably happen is the Christian leaders would come together and try to manipulate some more of the vague language in the bible to justify one way or the other. However, first Christians would have to believe the science behind this question, and that could take decades.

2006-07-15 11:23:58 · answer #10 · answered by spkmyer 3 · 0 0

Your asumptions are that ALL Christains hate abortion abd homosexualy, while a majority do bot ALL of the do. I know many Christains thar are pro-choicce and for gay/lesbain rights, but in answer to your main question, I believ that some fanatics would but most would not. And while those websites are interesting, I'll need more PROOF than that before I believe homosexuality is genetic.

2006-07-15 11:18:38 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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