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In almost every nation which is a muslim majority, woman have deprived freedom, and communal riots is at the highest.Why is it like thta? Is it that majoruty of them are really assholes?

2006-07-15 10:58:13 · 20 answers · asked by Eric 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Islam is a religion of violence. They solve all their problems with violence, and they don't value the lives of women or non-Muslims.

2006-07-15 11:02:39 · answer #1 · answered by Farly the Seer 5 · 0 1

What a friend and I have come up with to answer this (and I'll admit we'd had a couple of beers that night, so let's see how it stands up in the light of day!) is as follows:

And I preface this by saying I am generalizing. A lot. So much so that you should go get your salt shaker now... I'll wait...


The Koran/Islam was an amazingly progressive religion in the day when it was created/formed/written down/whatever you want to call it. Whlie other religions were trying to decide, for example, if "god given rights" applied to all people equally (i.e. men & women) or just men with lessor rights to others, the Koran side stepped the whole thing and proclaimed in big bold letters: WOMEN HAVE RIGHTS. It even listed a number of them. Given the time period, this was AMAZINGLY progressive and forward thinking.

Then the problem set in when the Koran further stated that it was complete and that no further law would be coming from God. The muslims further solidified this with their ferverant belief that, because the Koran was originally written in a language that is still in use today, that it doesn't suffer the "mistranslations" that are found in other holy books. That the Koran is exactly the "Word of God" because the language hasn't changed.

So, we have an amazing progressive movement that gave women rights but that is set in stone because "the word of God is absolute". Time passes and we enter the present. Because other cultures and religions have a certain amount of wiggle room, they can evolve to meet the needs and demands of the present -- Islam can't and what was the first big boon to women's rights in the last 2000 years has become a millstone in the Islamic culture because the enumerated rights are not allowed to evolve.

Before you flame me, yes I have partially (but not completely) read the Koran. Yes I have read commentaries pro and con about Islam. Yes I admit that I generalized and simplified a lot above. And I also admit that the core of it came from talking over a few beers. But it makes more sense to me than most of the "justifications" I hear from pro islamic sources about how Women are treated.

2006-07-16 18:46:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ive lived in Muslim countries Egypt..Jordan...their women are not deprived of anything they vote they work they are granted all the same rights as men,they choose their own partners they go to university...what u r talking about is not an Islamic thing its a cultural thing...Egypt is a Muslim country so is Saudia Arabia,in Egypt women can work and vote and go out in the street alone and do anything a man can...in S.A women cant vote their work options are limited in some places they are not allowed out at all and cant drive..you see two Islamic countries two different cultures...its no about religion,but because no one fully understands they make assumptions

oh and Isabella have u actually read the Quran?

2006-07-16 06:47:19 · answer #3 · answered by Sherry Baby ( Ethan's Mama ) 6 · 0 0

That is not true. How can you say 'almost every', when only a few are actually like that. The only countries that you can say are like that are Iraq and like 2 other middle eastern countries. I agree anyone who deprives women of their freedom is an asshole, no matter what religion they're from. What you have to understand is that religion and culture are different. There are Chinese Muslims. There are Spanish Muslims. There are German Muslims. Those people in certain countries who do that, are doing that not because they're Muslim, but because there Iraqi or whatever race they are. Likewise the Christian women from those countries are also deprived. Again not because they're Christian, but because they're from whatever country they're from. I'm American and I'm Muslim and I'm just like any other american girl. I'm not deprived of my rights in any way.

2006-07-15 18:11:02 · answer #4 · answered by bttrfly* 3 · 0 0

Depriving a woman of freedom is not only a Muslim thing; christian women had the same problem..eg, being burnt like witches..When did the women in the country you live first allowed to vote????? However, the Islamic countries have gone too far; women in the Middle east should demand some rights.

2006-07-15 18:08:21 · answer #5 · answered by Roxton P 4 · 0 0

Pretty Much,Or They Let The A$$holes Lead Em Around By The Nose

2006-07-15 18:02:46 · answer #6 · answered by dogsx11 2 · 0 0

It's a coincidence.

Muslims are actually very good to their women through their teachings and religion studies, but the culture that is mainly Muslim is not.

Plus, in many many nations where other religions are the majority there are very big women's rights issues. I.e. Sub-saharan African nations, Central and South America.

2006-07-15 18:02:56 · answer #7 · answered by C-Mick 3 · 0 0

It is all down to their faith. Men are 100% dominant even to the point of taking the lives of their women if they break certain rules. In the UK there have been cases of Muslim guys "Executed" by their family for changing faith.

They are totally barbaric in every way.

Pest control is the only answer since they have now decided to try to inflict their barbaric faith on the world at large.

2006-07-15 18:03:56 · answer #8 · answered by Shado 2 · 0 0

Their Unholy book the Q demands KILLING! Takfir!

Death for Muslims who fail to pray

July 7, 2006

Somali Muslims who fail to perform daily prayers will be killed in accordance with Koranic law under an edict issued by a leading cleric.

The requirement for Muslims to pray five times a day under penalty of death appears to confirm the hard-line nature of the increasingly powerful Sharia courts in the Somali capital, Mogadishu.

"He who does not perform prayers will be considered as infidel and Sharia law orders that that person be killed," said Sheikh Abdalla Ali, a founder and high-ranking official in the Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia.

"Sharia law orders the killing of any Muslim person when he fails to perform prayers," he said in an address at the opening of a new Islamic court in Mogadishu's southern Gubta neighbourhood.

2006-07-15 18:01:35 · answer #9 · answered by whynotaskdon 7 · 0 0

Most of the answers were insulting others faith(the question itself is) and which is the result of simple ignorance.if anybody is really interested to know what was the condition of women before prophet muhammed(p.b.h) was given prophecy please go through history books or ask someone who knows.and if people with Muslim names(not faith) are doing wrong things please don't blame real Muslims who do not believe in violence.(if it is all about names what about those christian/Jewish named people killing others in countries like Iraq,Palestine,Lebanon,Afghanistan etc..?,will their book become unholy?) Try to be informed and read original stories before commenting on others belief.In this world of information technology it is a shame when u are spitting wrong comments.To get an information on what is Islam and what is not go to any website listed in one of the answers.Good luck all

2006-07-17 09:28:45 · answer #10 · answered by hakk 1 · 0 0

Deuteronomy 20:13-15 Kill all the men and boys in the cities that God “delivers into your hands,” but keep the women for raping.

Deuteronomy 21:11-14 If you see a pretty woman among the captives then just take her home and “go in unto her.”
"Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as christ also is the head of the church, he himself being the savior of the body. But as the church is subject to christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything." (Ephesians 5:22-24)

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (1 Timothy 2:11-14)

• "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." (1 Corinthians 14:34)

2006-07-15 18:04:35 · answer #11 · answered by Biomimetik 4 · 0 0

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