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21 answers

I am not a Christian, but I have to point out that the Crusades were not the horrific attack by western powers they are made out to be.

Christianity started around 30 AD.
Islam started around 600 AD

First off, Middle Eastern societies were far more advanced socially and technologically than the relatively barbaric Europeans of the time.

Secondly, by the time of the Crusades circa 1200 AD, Muslim invaders had pillaged and over run numerous previously Christian territories in the Levant and throughout Northern Africa.

Muslim raiders and traders took control of parts of Spain and were growing in power and influence in Constantinople, the richest European city of the day.

Europeans of the time rightly felt threatened by this aggressive expansion.

Not every crusader had noble intentions, but the ideals of being a poor knight in service to a cause, the sacrifice of comfort and security to band with foreign men of common religion to defeat and aggressor faith has the ring of honor to it for me.

Bottom line: there is no "Crusades card". There is no more shame in the Crusades than there is for World War II.

2006-07-15 11:09:02 · answer #1 · answered by aka DarthDad 5 · 0 0

Because everyone from any group (religious, cultural, national, ethnic, etc.) thinks they have the hold on the truth and that they're coming from the perspective of righteousness. When Christians do this, it's only natural to remind them of the historical horrors done in the name of good. However, you're right -- we need not go back that far. We need to look around today and see that many carry the same negative thoughts that were behind the crusades. We all do -- christian, non-christian, etc. The key is to be aware of these dynamics and try to let them go.

2006-07-15 17:58:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is handy to pull out the Crusades card when you're talking about this mock war, for we ran the streets with their blood, and for this we have been labeled infidels. When arguing against Christianity, it is handy because "Thou shalt not Kill" and we did just that. (We being the Anglo-Saxons, trying to help?) I think the biggest argument against Christianity is this- if Jesus taught love, then why do so many Christian Answerers respond with hatred to anyone who has different beliefs? The answer to my question comes full circle to the crusades-because you don't know how to agree to disagree, and live and let live. Most of you, anyway. I have read some very enlightened posts from Christians that do not bring hatred and predjudice with their answers. I was brought up Catholic, and attended a Catholic school from K-5. We moved to the bible belt and the kids- the children! 12-year-olds!- once they found I was Catholic, they told me I was going to Hell. And chances are, at 12, they probably didn't even know why Christians think the Catholics are wrong-but they ostracized me anyway. I told them I loved God. That I knew that God loved me. They disagreed. So if I may take you down a road, let's travel together. Hitler Youth. Stories I have heard of nazi children stoning Jewish children to death, walking home from school, that big yellow six-pointed star they had to wear- for everyone to see! When faith is sold to the people as a tool to brainwash a nation into hatred, you see children killing children. Ok, let's come full circle. Because those kids told me that, and they were so mean, I eventually became Atheist just to quiet the rage in my heart for all the wrong I see in the world. But ten years later, I have thrived, learned a hell of a lot, and am now proudly pagan. Mother Mary walked with me even when I had myself convinced she didn't exist. The enlightened Christians of the world, who do not bring forward predjudice and hatred, they see me for who I am, not what I label myself. And so, I hate when people argue against any religion. The Crusades happened a long time ago, and the karmic debt is being leveled out. I just want all you who actually read all this, to pray for our Mother Earth, and all who live upon it, no matter what creed or race; I will be doing this as well. Our society is going through a turbulent time that we may not survive, if this hatred keeps spreading. This Earth has had to purge us before, I believe in Atlantis and Lemuria's existance and their downfall, but even the bible speaks of the great flood... I want us to have peace. So let's pray.
Blessed Be, to all of you readers.

2006-07-15 18:21:46 · answer #3 · answered by Lauralanthalasa 3 · 0 0

Many times it is used not to argue against Christianity, but to point out that historically, not all Christians have behaved in a Christian manner. I use it when someone gets overboard in professing how wonderful a Christian they are and how their's is the only religion accepted by God. Maybe it's just a way of tweeking them a bit. I think the concern shouldn't be whether a person believes in the correct God, but rather, does God believe in them?

2006-07-15 18:01:13 · answer #4 · answered by sparkletina 6 · 0 0

The Christian crusades was in defense of Christian lands from Muslim aggression. The Muslims were taking over a lot of territories and forcing conversion by the sword. That's why today many formerly Christian countries are Muslim.

Try this link about it:
Crusades-The Real History

While you are at it, you might as well also read what is at this link:
The Real Inquisition-Investigating the popular myth

This is a good one, too:
The Myth Behind "Separation of Church and State"

2006-07-15 18:00:25 · answer #5 · answered by Life 2 · 0 0

Because, most other religions have never large "Holy" war for bogus reasons. Most Christains (from my experience) try to hold themselves all high and mighty and believe that the CHURCH never makes a mistake, and the Crusades blow apart both of those beliefs. Christianity has a long and bloody history, but most people choose not to learn about that and just stick their heads in the ground and believe everything is alright when it is not.

2006-07-15 18:04:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yea that really does apply to today, I'm always seeing Christians killing people in the name of God, today in my backyard for example. Are all Germans Nazi's? Are all Chinese Communists?

It's handy because it's easy to point out a terrible incident that happened a long time ago, back when killing was an everyday occurrence done by all religions, all groups, etc.

2006-07-15 17:59:44 · answer #7 · answered by James P 6 · 0 0

Because the Crusades was a period when so many people were killed because they chose to believe in what they wanted to and not what the Roman Catholics wanted. If you were not professing to be a Christian at that time you were killed on the spot. And remember this one the so called commandments stated thou shall not kill and love thy neighbor. So go figure!!

2006-07-15 18:00:46 · answer #8 · answered by shana t 2 · 0 0

Because it is an excellent example of violence in the name of religion.

It's not really used in arguing against christianity, so much as it is used in arguing that christianity is no more righteous than any other religion.

2006-07-15 18:09:37 · answer #9 · answered by extton 5 · 0 0


1) Because they were Christian.
2) Because they used their holy book to justify it.
3) Because Christian churches supported them.

To me this is no different from asking 'Why do people keep mentioning the holocaust when arguing with neo-Nazis?'

2006-07-15 17:57:15 · answer #10 · answered by XYZ 7 · 0 0

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