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you could invite Jesus in your life right now and receive this free gift!!

" God, I confess that I am a sinner. I acknowledge my sin against You. I believe that you sent Jesus to save me from my sin. I open My heart to You right now. I believe that You sent Jesus to save me from my sins. I confess Him as my Lord and Savior right now. Jesus come into my heart and life today. Help me follow You all the days of my Life. Amen."

This may be the biggest decision of your life..... if you haven't already given your life to him....Good Luck & God Bless<><

2006-07-15 10:05:17 · 28 answers · asked by Marilyn 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Yes I do know for sure whether or not I will go to heaven.

2006-07-15 10:07:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is a false god that people worship - Jesus' original message of unconditional love and non-individuality was changed to make it an ego story where people get rewarded for accepting Jesus and others do not. What really happens is that in THIS life we have the option of trying to get the same experience of Ultimate Reality that Jesus had. It is in this life that we find heaven or hell.

2006-07-15 17:08:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes I am sure that I will go to Heaven to be with my Lord Jesus Christ...my Savior for all eternity. Praise be unto people like you who have the courage to speak out to all who care to listen that there is hope for this world!

May God trully Bless you now and forever!

2006-07-15 17:11:50 · answer #3 · answered by Lyndee 4 · 0 0

If I died tonight, I have no shadow of a doubt that Saint Michael would be leading the pack of all those spirits who have known me and loved me, welcoming me back home. I understand why you posted this, you want to help people. So I ask you- being Wiccan, knowing God and Goddess on a personal level, and acknowledging that Jesus was a divine prophet, sent to this world to try to get humans to be more mindful...Would you tell me I am going to Hell tonight? Most Christians deny the fact that Muhammad was a prophet. But most Muslims accept that Jesus was a prophet. I see a problem there. Muhammad taught almost the exact same theology as Jesus- love one another, and judge not. Know thyself. But still, we are killing one another in the name of god, and "Thou shall not Kill" didn't come with the exception in small print "unless they disagree with you..." and the Idols that get in the way of our knowing God? "You shall have no idols that you keep before me.." People would rather talk about movie stars than God. So before you judge me for being Wiccan, think some on the fact that we sit our kids in front of the television from birth and then when you try to get them to turn it off, they can't. And they don't want to read the bible because their favorite show is about to come on, don't you just LOOOOVe that actress... We were warned about false idols. These are celebrities. Not Hecate, not Pan, not Brigit... Britney Spears, the Backstreet Boys... the celebrities who thrive on your compulsive need to know what drama is going on in hollywood. I think the biggest decision in a person's life is how dependant they are on their televisions, and if they could go for a month without it. Then they would begin to wonder just where all this beauty came from... and realize that God is God is God, and that in all of us there is a tiny sliver of that divine spark, lying dormant, waiting to be acknowledged. Enlightenment calls you, and this is your path to the divine. Enlightenment called me, and this is my path to the divine. Can we agree to disagree, or will you cast me into hell because your scriptures say so? Or would you acknowledge the fact that all God's creatures should be allowed to come home, regardless of what creed they vowed allegiance to?

2006-07-15 17:35:05 · answer #4 · answered by Lauralanthalasa 3 · 0 0

I gave my heart to the Lord and was Baptized in 1996. I still confess my sins everyday because no one but Jesus is perfect. Thank you Jesus for saving my soul....I KNOW I will go to heaven and I am ready....Tomorrow is a blessing.....never a promise!................AMEN

2006-07-15 17:13:22 · answer #5 · answered by Donna 3 · 0 0

Nice try, but nobody knows for sure whether they are going to heaven or not. Who knows which of God's commandments we have actually broken, or which other sins he has held as punishable by eternal damnation. Do you know that you aren't supposed to mix fabrics . Ever worn polycotton blend, then you are breaking one of gods laws. Ever eaten a cheese burger, that's considered meat and milk in the same dish, and against God's rules. So, you know, don't be so sure about that before you read genesis again.

2006-07-15 17:13:00 · answer #6 · answered by judy_r8 6 · 0 0

the short answer is yes, but having been through an operation or two, i still pray to make sure He remembers me. :)

that said, while this is a forum for religious discussion, i do not think that it should be use to "preach".

rather, i would like to see a logical approach to a question or debate, that proves at least the historical facts of the bible, and therefore leads to the enlightenment of the mind that there is indeed a God and a Savior.


2006-07-15 17:09:27 · answer #7 · answered by eaglemyrick 4 · 0 0

I know for a fact that there is no such thing as heaven

Letting someone guilt trip me into accepting silliness as reality is a bads deal ...
Gods plan ... everyone goes to hell except the ones who accept my right to murder my own son ...
It is immoral to follow the god who planned and carried out a premeditated murder of his son so guilty people could go free!

obviously there is no such god.

We only have our life on earth and I intend to do something useful with mine.

2006-07-15 17:18:57 · answer #8 · answered by PlayTOE- 3 · 0 0

God Bless You.

2006-07-15 17:11:38 · answer #9 · answered by Agent Smith 4 · 0 0

As an ignostic, I don't really care much about that, either. All I'm sure about is THIS life. And I'm not about to waste a single minute of it with any superstition. Thank you anyway. I know you mean well. But I'm busy living my real life.

2006-07-15 17:12:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

been to heaven hope i never return, cause i draw the bodies for h and n and its a funeral procession for My father who died when i was V and his father really had a missing part of arm. So technically I became an orphan and bible beleivers should have ensured I got my rights for all eternity. so heaven occurred for Me in 1973.

h=god=good angel=angel of death

but i have problems cause people wanted my rights and since JESUS and your GOD JEhovah were never their to advise me vocally like the demons personally talking to Me now I will hate them forever.

f=loser=don=police=hells angels

winner=b=a DI stitched together=Death

so its really all about ME.


M=IVI stitched together

so ME=IVI stitched together [iL

thus through chance god who is said to control everything has given ME a sign that I am to care for only ME and my chosen loved ones, so the rest are loser.

but church is jealous and is tormenting Me cause i am better looking that the pope and all his angels in spirit of My heart which their god visited personally in winnipeg. and i absolutly beleive in god but i refuse to worship because of REV. 9.11. so that an italian MADE and they fought poorly said HITLER your great white hero. and like the loud mouth B.Batts in the movie they really don't desrve your praise they are as criminal as the Nazi's were.

and can jesus save my neck which has a pain in it right now?

2006-07-15 17:20:41 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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