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As if maybe the whole "Hell" thing could be a creation of mankind's to trick people into behaving. Or possibly that God himself invented it for the same reason, but that he wasn't cruel enough to allow it to be real. And it turned out that there was no reward for all your hardwork, belief, and good deeds; as if good deeds were meant to be their own reward. Would you be upset?

Is there anything in the bible which would suggest I'm wrong?

2006-07-15 09:40:08 · 29 answers · asked by Doctor Biobrain 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Yes, I would be disappointed because it gives me so much comfort to think that all of the people who have said bad things about me will be down there frying away... I've devoted my life to the schadenfraude of salivating as I picture all the people who ever picked on me being condemned to a lifestyle if torture... It's given me so much opportunity to be holier-than-thou about everything. When I was a child I could just tear off my Barbie's head while thinking, 'This is you, Kenny!' but since finding Jesus I've found a whole new way to vicariously live out my fantasy of tarnation for the humanity I hate so seethingly...

Oh wait, I don't believe any of that. I'm an atheist.

Forgot for a minute there...

Okay, then no.

2006-07-15 09:48:46 · answer #1 · answered by XYZ 7 · 0 1

I would then finally be redeemed, validated for my non-belief in this Hot Vacation Spot! And I think the rewards we earn go towards our next life; but I certainly get my rewards here in my life, they come back times three. If I get no reward for my good deeds on the other side of the veil, I shant care, I'll see how much good I did and how many people I helped and won't desire a reward. The good deeds were in and of themselves the reward, for it has been said somewhere that you don't get into heaven but carried by those that you have carried. Godliness in human form is what ascends us, so that we won't have to incarnate again. The closest thing you'll find to hell is this place. All this hatred, but it's so beautiful, why can't we just BE, and stop fighting? There's plenty in the bible to suggest that you are wrong. That's why people tell me I am going to hell for being pagan. so I tell them, see you there my friend, and boy does that piss them off....

2006-07-15 16:52:42 · answer #2 · answered by Lauralanthalasa 3 · 0 0

As for Hell, it is real. However I don't believe God sends anybody there. Hell is Satins home. It does say in the Bible that God threw Satin into Hell. The only other being I believe that has ever been sent there is Jesus Christ. (for 3 days)

No, I would not be upset about if nobody was sent to Hell. I mean think about it. Could Heavan truelly be Heavan without a close friend or a relative. Could you imagine going to Heavan and looking for an immediate family member only to realize they went to Hell.

2006-07-15 16:52:56 · answer #3 · answered by darksphyx 5 · 0 0

Being alive on earth is the "hell". Being dead, unaware and decomposing is the reward that probably awaits us.

I was raised to believe in heaven & hell but as I get older and understand science a bit better, science is easier to comprehend.

I will be "upset" if I live too long and become a burden to family.

I want to do what old indians used to do.... just wander off into the woods and become part of the food chain.

2006-07-15 16:56:49 · answer #4 · answered by rman62 2 · 0 0

This is a topic I find interesting.

Do I believe there is a hell - yes. For the simple reason that God doesn't violate free will. I think God sends out invitations for heaven - you freely decline in this life, or accept.

Ultimately, heaven and even hell are a choice.

2006-07-15 16:46:26 · answer #5 · answered by redcarol57 2 · 0 0

You can rest assured that there is indeed a hell. God created it for Satan and all his kind. He is enlaring it every day because more and more people are going there every day. I know there is a hell, because my Bible and my Lord says there is. If I didn't believe this, then not one iota of my faith will do me any good whatsoever.

You seem to know something of the Bible, but not enough. You should keep reading. Don't just read, but study.

2006-07-15 16:47:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no and that's not the point - I am not doing what I do for a reward - I have God in my heart and my life because it makes me feel good and complete now. I know many do not accept this or believe it but well this feeling is not meant for unbelievers which is sad. But I don't make the rules I just live by them.

2006-07-15 16:46:25 · answer #7 · answered by Savage 7 · 0 0

All arguments will fall in category "faith"
GOd lied several times and in the bible and Christains do defend this by interconnecting galaxies and saying that what it was.
Every generation of Christains using different interpretations influenced by time and enviroment. Now its kinda cute to USe "Faith" to explain anything.
may be GOD uses us the same way we use animals for food. BUt he would not tell us that would he?
He just hides his evil reasons and forces ppl to belive it. After all he is god right? So if he decide to lie he can lie and call it truth. He can do anything.
Therefore GOD was first who killed animlas and create skins for Adam and Eve.

2006-07-15 16:45:16 · answer #8 · answered by PicassoInActions 3 · 0 0

There are definitely things outside the bible that would suggest your right---- The revelation in the bible is by John but there is one by peter as well, it wasnt admitted into the bible essentially for two reasons, one there was already a version of the end, and that peters version was too peaceful for sinners

2006-07-15 16:44:11 · answer #9 · answered by ChuckNorris 3 · 0 0

Living a life of kindness and goodness is it's own reward.

Do you do everything in life only thinking of what you Will get out of it?

It's God's place to judge others, not ours and if He deems them good enough to live with Him then who am I to question.

***BTW - I think "Hell" is a state of mind that will be created when we have all knowledge restored and realize what bliss we could have had if we had just had enough faith to live well. ****

2006-07-15 16:48:57 · answer #10 · answered by BigBadBoo 3 · 0 0

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