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my five year old has a problem with this arm (he was stuck at child birth) But uses it better now he is also inmature for his age and i want to put him in pre-k insteed of starting him in kindergaten.and put him in for next year but they want me to go ahead and let him stay 2 years in there and i dont want to what will happen If i say i will not do it will i go to jail????He needs speach theropy and i think waiting will be better ANY ADVICE

2006-07-15 09:37:51 · 24 answers · asked by skylergail 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

sorry i meant please help

2006-07-15 09:38:48 · update #1

24 answers

Why would "they" put you in jail, for trying to educate your child, at a slower rate than they want. I would agree with you, based on what you wrote.

2006-07-15 09:41:51 · answer #1 · answered by G. M. 6 · 0 0

Let's start at the bottom. Speech therapy - the earlier the better, regardless of whether he goes to pre-school or kindergarten.

His arm - has he been seeing a doctor? Does he need to do special exercises to help him regain full use? Does he go to physical therapy?

As for immaturity, as long as he can get along with others, use the toilet by himself, I don't see where that's an issue either.

Now, the crux of the issue - you don't want him to go to kindergarten and the school want you to. Depending on his exact birthdate and the state you are living in, you probably have the right to hold him back. That being said, pre-school often borders on babysitting, whereas in kindergarten, they have a more complete curriculum. You should also consider his size - if he is an early five (that is birthday in Jan or Feb), he is going to be nearly two years older than some of the kids in pre-school. While this may be an issue his 2nd year kindergarten, the kids are older, which makes the age difference easier to deal with.

You also should consider the possibility that he just needs school to bloom and mature. If you put him in pre-school, he is stuck being a year behind. If you put him in kindergarten now, you have the option of seeing where he is at the end of the year. If he is ok with everything, he'll be in his age group for the next several years - which is good. If he needs to be held back, you can still do that.

2006-07-15 09:56:08 · answer #2 · answered by IWasWondering 3 · 0 0

Do what your gut is telling you. Holding your child back one year *might* be a good idea. He will get a chance to learn and catch up. However, I think that two years will be harmful for the child's social life in the future. Not only will he feel weird as a seven year old going into kindergarten, but all the kids will think so too. One year is *probably* okay. I know a lot of people who were held back. It really does affect some of them, but others just don't care.

You cannot go to jail if you hold your child back one year instead of two. As a parent, the final decision is up too you. You need to consider their points, but also keep your son in mind.

Don't jump to conclusions. Don't sign him up for two years right now, because you don't know how much progress he will make this year. Neither do his teachers for that matter. Talk to people that you know and trust, and then make the decision you feel is best for your son.

Note: Your child should be getting a physical at age five to see if he is ready for school. You can check with your doctor then. Also, many schools offer speech classes for those who need them. If the school your child is going to does not offer them, the local university or college should.

2006-07-15 09:47:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

regardless of what you decide is best for his starting school, if he needs speech start it NOW! as a matter of fact, starting at 3 is ideal!

the school will not put you in jail, and I understand that you are his mother and feel that you know best for your child, but sometimes it is better to let the professionals weigh in on these situations because they are able to make decisions that are not based on emotion unlike parents.

2 years of kindergarten will NOT hurt your son. but placing him in pre-k could. children learn from their peers and by example and if he is in an environment that challenges him a little, he may flourish and not need a 2nd year of kindergarten after all. but if he does then what is the harm in that?

it sounds to me like your son needs an IEP team first and foremost and if your school has not approached you about this, you should approach them. whatever you do please get him in speech ASAP! you will be doing an injustice to your child if you ignore this problem any longer!

2006-07-15 14:52:08 · answer #4 · answered by Lois Lane 3 · 0 0

I would look at it from your sons perspective.

It is better for your son to start in Pre-K, then move on WITH his peers into Kindergarten the following year. This is a better alternative than putting him right into Kindergarten, when you know, or intend to hold him back to repeat it. If you make him do Kindergarten twice, he will notice that he isn't moving ahead with the kids from his first year, and will feel somthing is wrong with him. Because they are all moving on together without him.

Whereas if he goes to Pre-K this fall, and gets a grasp of what group learning is all about, what his role is as a student, and the basics of learning and speech, he will be ready to move on WITH his friends, into Kindergarten the following year.

Just my thoughts.

2006-07-15 09:57:31 · answer #5 · answered by momof2kiddos 4 · 0 0

He is best served by going into Kindergarden. Speech problems are not intellectual problems, and they probably don't want to slow down his intellectual development. As for maturity, kids grow in that department leaps and bounds, so don't worry about that too much. If you really think that keeping him back will serve him well, home school him for one year. Remember, maturity is gained through social interaction, especially for five year olds. Remember to foster his self confidence so the problem with his arm is not a problem at all. Since he will be getting services, ask your service coordinator, or whomever is in charge of your case what they think as well. Good luck.

2006-07-15 09:46:21 · answer #6 · answered by Lady Sardonyx 5 · 0 0

The school system here tests the kids before they start kindergarten to see where to place them and if they need any additional help (such as speech therapy or physical therapy). You need to ask for some help. If your son hasn't been tested for kindergarten readiness yet, then you need to find out about it. You also might want to look into an advocate, that will help you get what you need for your son. I do think that starting school at the correct age will be good for him, socialization is important at this age. Fight for the help he needs, but don't hold him back from school.

2006-07-15 09:46:21 · answer #7 · answered by mightymite1957 7 · 0 0

Sit down with the potential teacher and principal for his kindergarden and explain your worries to them. They'll be able to help you place him where his needs will be met best. The school really will give you the advice they think is best, not just a bunch of hog wash.

And on a side note, if he's having trouble with his speaking and English skills, you may want to work on your own English use. No offense, but your son will have a better understanding of spelling and punctuation by 3rd grade if you don't. If you don't care to learn, why would he?

2006-07-15 16:06:02 · answer #8 · answered by immortal_angel_01 2 · 0 0

He needs speech therapy? Go trough your Medical insurance because what they offer in the school system is not enough.
You are required to send your kid to First grade.. Kindergarten is a choice. Let him go to Kindergarten so he can mature some.. He may surprise you...You have to work at home some extra with him so he can go to 1st grade.. With time and lots of love you can get him there. You should always push him to do better, do not hold him back for his sake. I am speaking from experience with my daughter, she still in speech but progressing rapidly. I am surprise how good she is doing because as a parent all I want to do is baby her cause I think she needs me the most. I felt like I had to protect her, but it wasn't helping her.
Good Luck and have Hope...

2006-07-15 09:50:17 · answer #9 · answered by Kelly,TX 4 · 0 0

i know u want to protect him from some pretty mean kids but just think of all the cool friends he can meet. i take care of a person that had a speech impediment as a child his mom and family coddled him he went to school at 6 did really good.the kids got to know him and always OK but they didn't MAKE him have therapy because they thought it would be OK.well in high school they moved new kids and since he would not talk to them (he tried to pretend he had no problems) well all u know what hit the fan!!! he was in fights all the time, he developed deep anger issues that still go on today...he talks to me..i understand him as my family does but to others he Will not talk. he tries to pretend that there is nothing wrong with him (Speech)now in his 40s he has a lot of problems he can't work because of his lack of speech.he is highly intellenge but still so in mature...i help him to function in life..(he is like a brother to me )so my advice to u is let him go to school.like my friend his parents are not there to coddle him anymore. if and when u are gone who's feet will he have to stand on His own..he will do well. but be diligent there is a lot of good help out there USE IT that's what u pay taxes 4... i know he is your lil boy but he has to grow up...i dont mean to say that u r like my friends family but some times people do not see what is right in front of their face...let him grow up and learn.he will do ok just do all u can to get him all the help he needs

2006-07-15 10:19:31 · answer #10 · answered by meemeemee40 5 · 0 0

I would go ahead and put him in kindergarten and see how he does. If he is immature for his age it really won't help him to hold him back another year. Put him in with kids his age and let him grow. It will help him. My middle daughter was the same way and she caught up, but it took her a few years. It will help him to be with his own age group.

2006-07-15 09:45:22 · answer #11 · answered by nana4dakids 7 · 0 0

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