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11 answers

There is some dispute regarding the exact calculation of time between the origin of the earth and the current day.

Using a LITERAL interpretation, according to the Bible, and using the shorter Hebrew calendar (360-day years, instead of solar years) what we now think of as the biosphere (relatively modern species) originated within the last 21.6 million years.

Using a LITERAL interpretation, according to the Bible, and using the common solar year calendar, what we now think of as the biosphere (relatively modern species) originated within the last 22 million years.

Some people take a HUGE shortcut and try to say that the Bible purports that the earth is merely 6,000-10,000 years old, but the shortcut approach ignores vital Scripture.

It is important to realize that the Bible says of the pre-biosphere earth only that "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." [Genesis 1:2]

Therefore, the Bible does not contemplate certain aspects of geologic "history," many of which "scientific answers" are called into question by modern cosmology; however, an intelligent discussion of cosmology is far beyond the scope of this question.

2006-07-15 09:56:24 · answer #1 · answered by wireflight 4 · 0 0

The creationists believe that the Earth is about 6000 years old. They arrive at that number by tracing the generations of people mentioned in the Old Testament.

2006-07-15 09:41:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Church does not venture to say. Since a day to the Lord is as a 1000 years and a 1000 years is as a day. We have only 5000 years of recorded history, but before that I would say that only God knows.

2006-07-15 09:40:25 · answer #3 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 0 0

it doesn't MATTER what the church says.

It matters what the BIBLE says, and it DOESN'T say. Its silent on that fact. The Bible doesn't say if the Creative days were 24 hour days, 1,000 year, 7,000,000 years or whatever. In other words, God pretty much thought it wasn't important that we needed to know this fact, along with such items as Jesus birthdate, the date of Adams creation, the date of the flood, etc. Why? Because, Man gets so wrapped up into "dates" and glorifing them. Why help him concentrate on something other than God?

2006-07-15 09:45:40 · answer #4 · answered by AdamKadmon 7 · 0 0


Seth born in year 130, [Gen.5:3]; Seth was 105 and had; Gen.5:6;
Enos in year 235, Enos was 90 and had; Gen.5:9;
Cainan in year 325, when he is 70 he has; Gen.5:12;
Mahalaleel in year 395, when he is 65 he has; Gen,5:15;
Jared in the year 460, when he is 162, he has; Gen,5:18;
Enoch in the year 622, when Enoch is 65, he has; Gen.5:21;
Methusaleh in the year 687, when he is 187, he has; Gen.5:25;
Lamech in the year 874, Lamech is age 56, in year 930 and Adam dies Gen.5:5;
Methusaleh is age 243 when Adam dies,
726 years to flood is age of Methusaleh when he dies at age 969
Gen,5:27; born year 874 + 969 = 1656,
it was year of the flood when Methuselah died.
Lamech born in year 874, was age 182, he had, Gen.5:28;
Noah in the year 1056 [Adam dead 126 years],
Noah was age 600 Gen.7:6; [born 1056 + 600 =] the flood came in year 1656.

1656 + 350 years after the flood, Noah died in year 2006, Gen.9:28,29; At age 950.

Shem age 98 at time of flood , and age 600 at death, died 25 years before Abraham died. Gen.11:10[Shem was age 100, two years after the flood]; He was age 448 when Noah died, and age 450 when Abraham was born, Abraham is son 20 in the genealogy of Jesus Matt.1:1-17; Abraham Gen.12:4[age 75]; 25:7[age 175 died];

Shem age 98 in 1656 + 502 = 2158
Abraham 2008 - 175 - 2183 Gen.25:7;
Isaac 2108 - 180 - 2288 Gen.35:28,29;
Jacob 2168 - 147 - 2315 Gen. 47:9,28;
Joseph 2258 -110 - 2368 Gen 50:26;
Levi 2249 - 137 - 2386 Exo.6:16-23,26;
Job 2293 - 140 - 2433
Aaron 2430 - 123 - 2553 Num.33:38,39;
Moses 2433 - 120 - 2553 Deut, 34:7;
2553 - 301 - 2854 Judges 11:26;
2553 - 480 - 3303 1Ki.6:1; + 36 = 3069 Solomon dies 1Ki.11:42;
3069 - 391 - 3460 Babylon # 3 Judah Kings End After Adam.
3460 - 606 - 4066 Roman Empire over Judah at 4004 After Adam.
4066 Christ Jesus in Roman Empire, 2006 years ago.

2006-07-15 09:56:14 · answer #5 · answered by jeni 7 · 0 0

Some guy one calculated that the earth was created in 4004 bc.... so 6010 years old...

2006-07-15 09:46:01 · answer #6 · answered by Thomas NP 2 · 0 0

According to the Bible it is approximately 6200 years old.

2006-07-15 09:40:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In my years in the church, Ive never heard anyone say. I don't think anyone knows.

2006-07-15 09:39:50 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

as old as water

2006-07-15 09:48:14 · answer #9 · answered by KingCoconut 2 · 0 0

As old as the pope is...

2006-07-15 09:38:02 · answer #10 · answered by ChuckNorris 3 · 0 0

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