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for real im a mess. marriage sucks,job sucksim depressed clinically and nedd meds. im fat sad lonely and dontknow what to do.i feel like a fraud a loser...

2006-07-15 08:55:25 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

NO NO !! don't feel that way....like the person said it's all in ur head....get it out of there...LOL !! and even if you feel like giving up remember that GOD is here for you ....believe me he is...i felt depressed too and felt my life was gone....but... i started praying and things started to get better...just gotta have patience.
things won't happen that fast ..just go through it there is a reason for this stuff seriously...seek GOD and things will start changing not right away but it will i promise you that. And no ur not a loser ok so stop saying that....and if you feel like no one loves you or whatever...i'm here to say i love you..ok bye !!

2006-07-15 09:03:15 · answer #1 · answered by lalalalalove 1 · 0 0

First of all , u need to believe in ur self and promote the feeling f confidence that no matter how much and to what extent are things wrong , u'll make it work, with of course God's help, meditate and think what are the things which need be fixed first I think u should first of all start get active and start working out which will not only improve ur physical shape but also promote mental illness ,when u will start feeling better , u will be able to think better , I can assure u this works , and then confront whatever ur problems are , u r not an imbecile idiot who would let things take toll on you , come on get active and start taking ur problems one by one , think over them and then decide what's best in your interests and act accordingly , u won't feel like a looser , take back the reins of life in your hands yes u can do it!!!!!!!

2006-07-15 16:57:04 · answer #2 · answered by doc san 3 · 0 0

Since you have indicated that you are clinically depressed and are prescribed meds BUT are apparently out of meds, I have a couple of things that can REALLY help you.

1.) If you are out of your meds ie. Wellbutrin, Zoloft or other meds of this type, ask your doctor if he has any patient samples. ALL doctors get visits from pharmaceutical representatives on a regular basis to entice the physician into prescribing their medication more than another companies'.

2.) You know you're depressed, I know you're depressed. Below I have included a link to the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. (NAMI) I learned of this when I was at one of my lowest points in a mental ward. Funny thing, when I was in that ward, everyone in there was either suicidal or homicidal. And believe it or not, but just by being around them and hearing their problems it actually made me feel better. Now I'm not saying you should go to the psych ward. Being off of the correct dose of your meds can have a devastating impact on your mental health.

So, even if your doctor's office is closed today, please visit the site below. It is really a self-help site. Besides, just reading it can help take your mind off your problems. I know, I'm bi-polar.

God Bless and hang in there! Monday's coming! Get back on those meds!

2006-07-15 16:43:50 · answer #3 · answered by Rollover Mikey 6 · 0 0

Hey honey, I am here to tell you that you going to be OK, you know why, because there is a God who is standing and waiting to help you in whatever situation that you are in. You were given a powerful thing when you were born and that is chose. You can choose to NOT be fat. Choose a new job and you are in control of what happens in your marriage. For example, I was having problems a few years ago and attempted suicide and was put in a ward at the hospital. A lady prayed for me and I decided that enough was enough. Girl, I started praying to God to make changes in my life. I started seeking his face and not just his hand. I joined the YMCA here at home. I do Pilates and water aerobics. I love to dance so I do praise dance on the side. God worked my relationship out. I am now married and I was lead to a new job working part-time making more than I was full time. God is your answer, and then you pick yourself up and put it in motion. I want to hear your testimony in a few months OK =)

2006-07-15 16:18:28 · answer #4 · answered by Reghan 2 · 0 0

Go to your communitys health center or your communitys state building and ask for assistance in getting your meds... once your meds get back on track evaluate if your marriage and job still sucks and if it does look at how you can make your marriage better and change your job to something you enjoy... but by all means, please pray for guidence in all things, he's actually a lot closer to you than you think. oh and as far as the fat part? if it aint medical then start working on it.. cut out your fats.. take walks with your spouse.. and enjoy life again.. its possible but only you can control the outcome

2006-07-15 16:10:06 · answer #5 · answered by monie99701 4 · 0 0

i am not one to preach demons, although i believe that they exist.

that said, you do need to ask for devine assistance, if you so believe in God.

if not, i can tell you that you should see a counselor, or even a clergy. not all clergy will preach God to you. instead they will assit you in finding a root cause, or causes for your depression.

i cannot tell you to leave God out of this, because that goes against my teaching.

you have taken the first step, and that is to ask advice. please read and "listen" to what is said here. escalate your desire to better your health, your job and certainly your marriage.

as for being fat and lonely, that can be taken care of, but only if your spririt is willing. it does not have to be fast or immediate, but a loss of 2 pounds a month equals 24 pounds in a year.

i wish that i had lost the 1 pound a month and kept it off, since i was 25, i'd be 150 again.

have faith, if not in God (yet) then in the abilities of trained counsel.


2006-07-15 16:06:24 · answer #6 · answered by eaglemyrick 4 · 0 0

You never know what's round the corner, till you do turn the street. And if there's nothing new, there's still another street to cross. I felt like you a few weeks ago. Now, I'm extremely happy I carried on. I'm living something I didn't think I was even entitled to, a very short time ago. I hope it happens for you in a very short time, too.

2006-07-15 16:14:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Peace my friend, peace. You need to take a deep breath.

You sound as if you are suffering from soul sickness. It happens to everyone from time to time. There are easy things that you can do to fix this - but it will ultimately be up to you to fix this.

I have gotten so much help in my own life from a book by Louise Hay called You Can Heal Your Life. So inspirational and so empowering, she explains what we need to do to take back control of our lives and it is as easy as changing our mind.

The fact is that we are all here learning a lesson of our own choosing and our only way to affect this life is with our thoughts and feelings. We get what we expect in this world - and the powers that be hear what you have going on in your mind and understand your beliefs and then makes it so by sending more of the same.

If you could take some time to meditate in nature and really rest, you will have the strength to tackle these difficult mind sets and make the changes necessary for you to get your life back on track. You can start right now by sitting back in your chair, closing your eyes and imagining yourself happy and at peace. As vividly as you can, imagine your self slim and carefree. Once you have gained enough strength for yourself, imagine your husband happy and loving. See what it was in him that first attracted you to him - vividly see you both together, loving and laughing. Do this for 3-5 mins at a time as often as you can, after just a couple days you will see a real difference.

The universe needs to "see" what it is you want. Don't dwell on the negative, see the world as you want - change your beliefs and thought patterns to support what you want. Rather than repeating over and over in your mind "my job sucks" say "I love to work in the right opportunity". Or instead of saying in your mind "i am so fat" say "I am getting slimmer every day - I am lightening up". You will be amazed at how well this works.

You are a wonderful, beloved, divine creature of the Universe and you deserve every happiness. Take the time to heal yourself. Nourish yourself first, then you will have strength enough to help others.


2006-07-15 16:16:43 · answer #8 · answered by carole 7 · 0 0

If your are on meds. hopefully you are under a doctor care. Try getting outside
in some fresh air and sun shine. Going for a walk can't hurt. Knowing that you are love is also important.

1 John 4:9-12
9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

2006-07-15 16:26:31 · answer #9 · answered by always a friend 3 · 0 0


Jesus never let anybody alone, God's deciples once being so scared because they could not see Jesus while they were crossing the lake (as in the bible)... but jesus said: 'fear not, you may not see me, but I am always there for you' (everyday life translation)

And when you pray to God, He will give three answers.
1. Yes, I will fulfill what you ve requested
2. Yes, but not now
3. No, you dont need/deserve to get that, I will give you something more special than what you have requested Me.
(as in the books of E.G White)

so dont feel down when you didnt felt your prayers being answered... He always answered it in many kinds of ways.


God bless you...

2006-07-15 16:13:50 · answer #10 · answered by onnicked 1 · 0 0

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