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2006-07-15 08:42:54 · 33 answers · asked by David i 2 in Health Mental Health

33 answers

This is going to sound incredibly cheesy and cliche, but you have to get past that and actually hear what I'm saying and think it through.

I've been very unhappy for a very long time. I now have a wonderful boyfriend who is making me very happy. You just need one thing in life to cling to, to draw your happiness from. I'm sure you mentioned in a past question that you were in love. Does this woman not make you happy? If something has happened and you're no longer together, then do you have a friend or family who make you happy?

Once you have someone like this as a base, you should begin looking around. I deliberately changed my POV on life and started looking at small things. It's amazing what things make me happy now. I can stand looking at the sea for ages just taking it i and wondering at it. I got my video camera out and zoomed in on things in the garden, like flowers. Fascinating how they look up close. I started asking myself about everything, and trying to find out about it. Knowledge makes me happy.

What makes you happy? What do you enjoy? Ask yourself and start doing little things to help you. Even if it's something silly like buying yourself an Xbox 360 and playing the latest games. Concentrate on spending time on the small things you like, and realise THEY are the reason to be happy.

2006-07-16 22:38:27 · answer #1 · answered by old_but_still_a_child 5 · 4 2

Ah, I'm sorry to hear this. You could seek a therapist to speak to. It takes time to find the right person for you and they are not miracle workers, you have to do the work of change. Once you find someone with whom you can have a useful two-way discussion with, about anything, someone who feels like a friend basically then gradually you can begin to open up and you have someone you can trust to always be there for you.

Unfortunately there isn't much NHS funding given to this sort of thing so it costs. £35 an hour which is probably a high bill for most people. I visit my therapist or life-coach once every two weeks which makes it just about affordable. It has helped with my problems (not depression).

Having had little experience of depression it is hard to offer much constructive advice. I wonder what depression is like. I wonder what thoughts you focus on that make you feel unhappy. I wonder if having a reason to be happy ultimately requires something of a leap of faith.

I suspect that most people who seem happy on the surface are actually faking it and lieing to themselves in some way (me included), other than the ones who are in love. Rather than focusing on getting happy (which probably begets sadness anyway) you might focus on doing something, doing anything really, but focus on just doing it and doing it well, not on the happy/sad feelings that it generates.

Hope is important x

2006-07-17 11:43:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you are very depressed it will be difficult to see any reason to be happy, whether it's a positive reason (the sun is shining, the birds are singing, your belly is full), a negative reason (your feet don't hurt, you are not starving, you are not being bombed). It will tend not to work.
I can only tell you what worked for me:
I believed it wouldn't last for ever.
I tried to keep busy.
I tried to get out of the house and go for a long walk.
I tried not to keep away from people too much.
If something is going round and round in your head( some sorrow or some wrong that's been done you) try to throw it behind you.

Once there was a man. All he had to eat was a banana. He decided to hang himself, but first he would eat the banana. He took a rope out into the forest, climbed up a tree, set up the rope. Then he pealed the banana, tossed the peal down to the ground and ate the banana. While he was eating the banana another man came along, saw the skin on the ground, cried out with joy, picked up the peal and gobbled it up. Then he went on his way singin. The first man felt ashamed, climbed out of his tree and went back home.

Remember, however low you feel there is always someone who is worse off.
The world we live in is the only heaven or hell we will ever know. We decide which it is.
"Two men looked out of prison bars. One saw mud, the other saw stars."
Try to see the stars.
Good Luck.

2006-07-15 09:31:38 · answer #3 · answered by hi_patia 4 · 0 0

i often think like you. i say to myself what reason is there to be happy? and for some reason when i walk into the basement, something about my location there with respect to the house and civilization makes me feel better and more optomistic. its like therapy. i've heard of feng shui, and magnetic therapy and electroconvulsive therapy. i think its something like that. something about the earth feng shui meaning of the room. im still not sure if its sitting or standing between the basement doorway or the actual basement that works, but its both in my opinion. i first noticed it when i started to go down there when i was depressed. i would open the door and stand between inside and outside the house. i would smoke a cigarette, and than the edge of the depression would dissinigrate. its like some kind of aroma therapy. i dont know. it wasn't the cigarette, because i've had the same sucess without the cigarette. cigaretts are bad by the way. do not endorse it. my personal belief is that im skeptical about the aroma therapy, magnets, st.johns wort, sam-e, and i've heard good things about electroconvulsive therapy. i have no experience with any of that. i used to take fish oil and will be getting back on it once i get the money. fish oil worked for me after about eight weeks. i took carlsons brand of 800 mg's of Epa and 300-600 grams of the Dha, lemon flavored oil. i also take lamictal for my manic depression.

so i take lamictal
will be taking fish oil again
and the basement is therapeutic as well.

2006-07-15 10:25:40 · answer #4 · answered by Backtash123 1 · 0 0

You should be happy because it feels better to be happy!!!
It sucks to be depressed.

Just remember, happiness is a choice.
It is up to you to choose to be happy.
If you are experiencing difficult times, and you can't change the negative things that are going on, at least you can change your attitude - it's up to you!

Smile, even if you're not happy, it might help.
Smiling actualy triggers a chemical reaction in your body that will improve your mood. Try watching a funny movie. Laughing always makes me feel better.

Your life is not a dress rehersal, you are worth experiencing life in a positive way. Choosing to be happy is something you do for yourself.

Best wishes :)

2006-07-15 09:14:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Look around you. I am sure you have things to be happy about. Life isn't perfect and tough stuff happens to all of us. Look around you, people in your life, friends, family, living an adventure. You have the internet, so you have the ability to look around online, and discovery hundreds of millions of things. Pictures to laugh at, jokes, stories, even contact with other people. The world can only contain the part of you, that you allow the world to control. I work 2 jobs, I have 6 siblings, my parents are divorced, my car is a piece of crap, but I still smile everyday, I laugh everyday, I live life the best I can, and when things look bad, I just think to myself, "Someone has it tougher than I do, at least I'm still alive and can walk, talk, and breath with out the assistance of machines." Instead of looking at everything that is depressing look at everything that is amazing.

2006-07-15 08:53:02 · answer #6 · answered by pikegulla06 1 · 0 0

Count your blessings. To mention a few, you can read and write, you have enough to afford a computer and internet... Which means more than a lot of the world's population has. Think of children and grown-ups starving in Africa, think of people being bombed in Beirut... be happy you are not one of them.

Read Pollyanna (very much recommended, if you have no other way to locate it, it is available among the other books at www.gutenberg.org).

2006-07-15 08:48:47 · answer #7 · answered by AlphaOne_ 5 · 0 0

I used to be that way then I got tired of being sad and just decided to be happy...probably dosnt help much but Im not sure why I quit being depressed...I guess I just accepted my life and am trying to make the best of it. If im going to be around I may as well enjoy it

2006-07-15 09:13:55 · answer #8 · answered by erik c 3 · 0 0

The future might have a lot to offer you - even later today may find you happiness.

The weather is nice, vacations are upon us, new babies were just born, flowers are blooming, you know how to spell and punctuate, it is the weekend, people love you, God loves you, and each day is a gift.

If you don't feel better really soon, go to the emergency room and get some help - you are worth it!

2006-07-15 08:55:03 · answer #9 · answered by Holiday Magic 7 · 0 0

Focus on other people's misery. The German's have a word for this, Schadenfreude. This always makes me happy but then I'm not a very nice person.

2006-07-15 08:50:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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