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I once saw lake Chad on a map in elementary school, I was recently informed that lake Chad in Africa is just about gone now. I once wanted to see lake Chad, and now by the time I see it, there will be NOTHING to see. I once saw majestic pictures of snow covered mountains, I new someday I would go see those great sights for myself in person. Now the very mountains I wanted to hike and see covered with snow, is drying up with nothing but brown dirt and trickling snow patches at its best.

The generations before were so greedy, they left me and the rest of their youth NOTHING in return. They got to see and have all great things that came from the Earth, and we ARE now left with NOTHING.

This is what I and other youth have to say after seeing “An Inconvient Truth”, the generations before us only left us pictures, and that’s pissed us off because we’re deeply jealous now at them ALL.

2006-07-15 06:38:18 · 19 answers · asked by Am 4 in Environment

“…Everyone’s ashamed of The Youth cause the truth look strange, & for me it’s reversed, we left them a world that’s cursed & it hurts…”
Quote token from the song “Ghetto Gospel” by 2Pac

F*CK ALL U Mother F*CKERS! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

2006-07-15 06:38:27 · update #1

It’s not my fault that I have to live in a world that yall created, all I can do is clean up yalls MESS!
I’m grateful for the few that tried, but I say there’s plenty that didn’t try hard enough or at all. If it was truly important then we wouldn’t be facing this dilemma right now. Yall didn’t work hard enough, and yall call us (the youth) lazy. PSHhhhh PLEASE, yall lazy! It’s not anger it’s Rage and Jealousy (get it right foolz).
We ARE tryin’ to clean up yalls mess! ! ! That’s why I say “F*CK U” …

2006-07-15 07:04:44 · update #2

Quit blaming the youth, or pointing the figures, and TAKE YOUR Consequences BABYS! (We’re more mature then yall will EVER BE!)

2006-07-15 07:06:51 · update #3

I’m just being blunt, and saying “F*CK U” out loud to yalls faces! B/c Yall deserve a reality check, c0z we the youth say you need one b4 yall die! ! !

2006-07-15 07:16:21 · update #4

19 answers

You have every right to be angry. We messed up big time and the problem is we are not stopping it now. We leave a mess for you youngsters to clean up. Hope you have what it takes to do it. Apologies from my generation, myself included.

2006-07-15 06:44:27 · answer #1 · answered by antiekmama 6 · 2 2

Unquestionably, what you're saying is true. However, to imply that all such damage lies at the feet of past generations is not quite fair. Consider what's being done to the rain forrest, not by generations long past, but very recently. Another example is a developer who was loaned an enormous amount of money by the World Bank to build an industrial base in a third world country. Plans called for a reservoir to provide water for the proposed factory(s). So the contractor built a dam which indeed created the lake, but also flooded hundreds of people off their tiny farms which had been both their homes and source of food for generations. These people were literally left holding a few personal belongings with neither food nor shelter. The kicker is that the developer, after building only the dam, absconded with the balance of the loot.

So long as the profit motive exists, motivated and ambitious people are going to strip raw materials and resources from the land by any means they can get away with. They are going to exploit the market place to the extent that it's legal. And this is going to happen, going to be perpetrated by every generation so long as there is anything to mine or harvest. It is undeniably tragic, but it's a fact of life.

2006-07-15 14:16:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can you say "ANGER MANAGEMENT" ?
Face it! You were never going to see Lake Chad in Africa or hike snow covered mountains. Your glass is half empty and it always will be if you continue to think as you do now. The truth is that there are many, many wonderful sights to see on this earth. Hell, in this country! So, "buck up soldier" consider yourself taking one for the team. Stop blaming everyone for giving you a horrible existence. Instead, why not try making the best out of what you have to work with? Every generation can blame those before us for SOMETHING. But not all of us do. Adopt a new 'tude, you'll see things differently.
signed...one of the m*****f****rs !

2006-07-15 13:52:24 · answer #3 · answered by N0_white_flag 5 · 0 0

You need a little history update. Not all The people were joyful, for all that has happened to this planet, yes there are greedy prick** out there, how would sell their mother for a quarter. Don't blame all of us though. As long as you drive, work in an industry plant, take an airplane, or train, or even take a bus. If you write, or drink from bottled water, use hair sprays, deodorants, you are helping the very people you are persecuting. So How dare you accuse us of the crap you are doing as well. Always put something back into nature, so it can replace, rebuild, and replenish itself.

2006-07-15 13:50:02 · answer #4 · answered by spiritwalker 6 · 0 0

What do they say,Don't whine with your mouth full.We too where left with a shithole,All the rivers polluted,can't even feel safe eating a fish.Radioactive waste,didn't do it,but I benefit from it,as do you too.
I always said to people better hope I don't get into the time machine.They say why,cause they won't be any white people here.I'll go back and tell the Indians to kill every white MF that hits the beach.Not all of me will be here,but some of me will be.
So,when you want to blame its starts with all the people that are dead already.The industrialization of America.Now who is that the Peon's like US..No its Big Business.Its always been big business too.As for me I turned my ex. employer in to Fed.Gov. and NYS,for polluting the Hoosick river.It feeds the upper Hudson River.What did you do to stop them polluting?I did this over 5 times too.What was done..Not much..they moved to Columbia,SC. now.Bought and payed the politicians ,that's big business.Well,take a guess what we made...Copper Foil for all your PC's,cars,TV's and any other electric appliance you can think of.Big Business,Run's the show here,they always have too.Oh,bye the way I ended up with lung disease to make your MF copper sh!t too.You know what I get....Nothing but an early death.So,EDUCATION is the answer,Change the Laws,So,All these scumbags are held responsible,close all the loop holes for them to escape.Make it a Death Penalty for polluting the environment.So,Your Mission is to Stop Big Business,and the Slimy Politicians whom are in bed with them.Make nothing that can't be neutralized and be Earth Friendly.

2006-07-15 21:38:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First, I resent you accusations at the end. I was there at the very first Earth Day and i have fought to keep this planet green and healthy.

My voice is not enough when the rapacious oil companies feel that anything goes to sate their greed and cupidity and they feel they can buy off any congressional member to further those goals.

I want the glaciers. I want the Ross Ice Shelf back. I want to see the Snows of Kilimanjaro.

The question is what the hell are YOU doing, aside from whining one about what previous generations did wrong.

2006-07-15 13:45:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i just answered a question for some idiot who insists that global warming is fake ,a political trick .

here it is for your interest

so its nice to see your question that follows that,

mountain glaziers and snow ,world wide represent a lot of water that feeds rivers ,forrests,agriculture and human habitations
this is disappearing, and when the over pumped ground water supplies run out people wont know what hits them
when drinking water and rivers that they have always taken for granted ,will not be there any more

these smug guys in the city,who are yelling the laudest about it all being a lie ,will sing a different tune ,when water is more expensive than whiskey,and they must wash in rain water ,if it rains again ,and this will be full of polution.
75 % of the worlds sweet water is locked in ice ,and we are in the process of loosing all of it
the north pole is melting ,so is the ice in Greenland ,and the south pole all of it running into the ocean to become salt water,the snow on the mountain tops and the ice of the Glaziers are joining it

2006-07-16 01:30:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your question has troubled me greatly. I have been concerned about this issue for many years now. I agree with you that all of us born prior to about 2000 will not be remembered kindly by future generations. The problems you describe are going to be worse for your children and worse yet for your grandchildren. We and for several generations before us have made some very unfortunate choices about how to structure civilization and the consequences will be thrust upon our offspring for the next several thousand years.

What is done is done. Now we must do what we can to minimize the pain for those who will follow us.

2006-07-15 14:48:35 · answer #8 · answered by Engineer 6 · 0 0

I had my second kid when I was 45. I sympathize with you, and I feel the same way. It breaks my heart that so many animals from Africa which were on posters and in books during my childhood are on the Extinct/Near Extinction lists. Let's continue to be positive examples that others can copy.

2006-07-15 14:16:19 · answer #9 · answered by Zeera 7 · 0 0


How much energy is YOUR computer using?

Do you drive or ride a bike everywhere?

Do you recycle EVeRY SINGLE plastic water bottle you use?

It takes the efforts of EVERYONE regardless of your age.

You statement is like griping about the president when you didn't even vote.

2006-07-15 13:50:10 · answer #10 · answered by iggwad ™ 5 · 0 0

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