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“When in the course of human events………” Not my words, but important words.

Personal example of a true event. I sent this, it doesn’t matter where to, just it’s point.

Hello, my name is Luci.

In your tradition, Peace be unto you.

I would like to address a series of events which have occurred over the last 14 days at one of the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. This may initially come across as a complaint and it is not. I believe that somewhere at some point in time there seems to have been a huge misunderstanding. I am not going to mention anyone's name because I am not looking to place a blame on anyone.

2006-07-15 06:38:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Several years ago I said a prayer to God. Not to any other. To me, at that time I had no concept of anything but that there is one God. Later that day about 3 in the after noon I had a dream that came from God. It was one of those unwavering moments in life in which a person cannot deny that God was in the building. This dream repeated itself for two more days at the same time of day.

2006-07-15 06:38:37 · update #1

I said this prayer to God because I was tired of everyone fighting all the time. It just got to me. I said to God that I would give up my light to the lowest so that people would know that salvation was something that was for all people.

On the 12th of this month a friend of mine called one of your parishes to try to get some help for me and to try to find someone who understands what I was talking about. The next day on the 13th I went to one of the parishes, the one which she called to speak to one of the Fathers. When I got there, it was the exact place from the dream I had several years ago.

2006-07-15 06:39:30 · update #2

The first visit the following occured:
We had polite conversation. I took with me the language tables for the 7 Pillars. I wanted to give them to the Father because they are Roman letters and I thought it was the right thing to do. I showed them to him and he told me to keep them. To take a turtle's pace and that maybe I was supposed to take Adam and Eve's place and to avoid jack rabbits, specifically. He told me I knew enough to be really dangerous. I tried to explain to him that I got it from God. He was very nice and everyone was very helpful and polite. Before I had gone there I had been feeling ill from all of the enlightenment I have received and I was hoping that they could help me. I had missed the mass for that day for transportation reasons and getting my child to a summer school program. He said he understood and asked me to try to make the next mass. I said I would try to do so.

2006-07-15 06:40:18 · update #3

When I left I did feel much better. There was goodness in the air, except for one odd thing, he suggested that I not pray.

The second visit:
I went the second time, on the 20th, and managed to make it to mass like was asked of me. I was trying my best to be respectful of your customs. I am a baptized person, baptized at 2+ months of age on the first day of winter. I did not feel that there was anything wrong with me participating in sacrament, so I did so.

2006-07-15 06:41:10 · update #4

After the mass I realized something. The same good feeling was not there. It was as if the thing that was making me ill had taken itself upon the Father I had spoken with on the first visit. I bought a candle. It blew itself out in the sanctuary. I knew something was wrong for sure. I light a candle every day.

2006-07-15 06:41:53 · update #5

I waited to speak to the Father as he invited me to come back again. When we sat down to speak he denied everything about the previous conversation and came across as very dark in comparison to our first visit. I was really startled by it. I spoke to him about another person and suggested that they were having an effect on my personality that was unhealthy. He remarked again that he had no idea what I was talking about, but he wanted to know did I remember all of the information from the Pillars and did I still have them. I told him, I don't need to papers, but that yes. He was very interested in that one point. Then he invited me to return for mass and to come to see him again. I said that I would try to do so.

2006-07-15 06:42:09 · update #6

At this point I would like to note that in my dream from God, I went to this parish and we went around 3 times.

After returning home from my second visit I thought about it quite a bit. It had occurred to me that the thing that was making me ill, I believe, had taken itself upon the Father. After careful thought about the dream that I had somethings became much clearer. I wanted to go back and make it right and God had shown me how to do so. So, I decided to return on Sunday's mass, trust in God and remedy the problem because it is not the Father's burden, it is mine and I cannot apologize enough, but then again God is always right on time.

2006-07-15 06:42:31 · update #7

The third visit:
The evening of friday before the Sunday of the 25th mass I sent a communication to the parish telling them I would be there and that I would like to see the Father and that if needed I would wait. Trust in God. Maybe it was not in enough time, maybe it was....God has a strange way of always being right on time for me.
I went to the mass on Sunday. I tried to be very respectful and I wore the traditional white with gold thread scarf over my head for peace in the sanctuary to show respect. When the service opened I uncovered my head to show that I was just as naked as everyone else in the sight of God. I tried to look my best out of respect for my grandmother, she would have wanted me to as entering the sanctuary I was not only respresenting myself but my family. I always thought of my grandmother as being very much a lady.

2006-07-15 06:42:51 · update #8

During the time that I started on this journey and have come to this point I have come to realize that I am hebrew among alot of other very enlighting things about myself. So I decided to wear my woman's traditional hebrew headcovering of blue and white.
During the portion of the service when they ask visitors to stand up, I stood up. The service was beautiful and then they called people to sacrament. I went to participate with everyone else in the sanctuary. When I reached the Father leading the 9am mass, he looked at me and said I couldn't participate because I was not Catholic. Then he put a mark on my head.

2006-07-15 06:43:21 · update #9

I was so stunned, and I would be a liar if didn't admit that I was a little irritated. I made a motion that indicated I felt like that was 3 times I had been denied in the parish and then I opened up my hand, kept my mouth shut and tried to be gracious and just go outside rather than be disrespectful. I felt a little humiliated but I got over it.
I stood outside by the fountain. It is where in my dream I was supposed to stand and wait for the Father I had visited the previous two visits. He did not show up for the first mass. I thought ok, I'll wait patiently here until he comes. I sat there patiently.

2006-07-15 06:43:46 · update #10

The Father who had directed the service came up to me and said you're the lady who was asking for sacrament. Asked me why I was there and was polite. I told him why I was there to speak to the other Father in the spirit of their patron saint. He told me I cold come in and wait and I told him this is where God wanted me to wait, but thank you for offering. He responded to me and said that, "Oh, I must be doing pennance", and then walked off. This puzzled me greatly. But I continued to wait. Several people asked me who was I waiting there for and to come inside. I politely said no thank you but that it was ok, I trust God. He won't give me anything I cannot handle. The Father who I was waiting for showed up and just kept walking inside, after looking at me. I thought, well he had clothes on a hanger so he has to put on his Sunday robes, give him a minute.

2006-07-15 06:44:16 · update #11

A few moments went by and the Father walked past again went straight into the sanctuary. I thought, ok. Be patient. So I continued to wait. I recovered my head from the noon sun I was starting to get a little baked. The mass continued inside and I waited patiently. More people talked to me and they were very polite. The mass was over and people let out from the second mass. I was very patient, tried to smile and be as polite as possible. This is no small task after a couple hours standing in the direct sun next to a fountain. Parched would be an accurate description. Several children came up to put pennies in the fountain. They were precious. One child was going to single handedly feed all the sheep.

2006-07-15 06:44:32 · update #12

After the mass the Father walked right past me, again. So, I waited again. I felt like they wanted me to walk away from God. I did not like this feeling. But I smiled and continued to wait. After 3 and a half hours of waiting and being really burned in the direct sun, I am supposed to trust in God so I stayed there, the Father walked out of the building to go home.

2006-07-15 06:44:50 · update #13

I said, "Excuse me Father, but I wanted to talk to you for just moment." He came across as annoyed and said come back on at the next Tuesday mass. I told him that he was being rude, that I had sent him an e-mail. He responded how could I have his email address. I was implying the parish e-mail. At this point I informed him not to talk to me like I was stupid, that he was being very rude and that I had come to tell him something. I told him, " I had 3 coins, one for friendship, one for guardianship, and one for him. I placed it on the edge of the fountain and said, "If you want it, there it is." Then I just politely turned away and went to my car. I didn't want to say anything I didn't mean, I was at that point heat exhausted and thirsty at 1:30 in the afternoon.

2006-07-15 06:45:11 · update #14

This is not what I had wanted to say in full, but rather than be rude, I just walked off. I thought it best at the time.
This is what I wanted to say to the Father:

2006-07-15 06:45:35 · update #15

I felt like I had been denied 3 times, but that I understood what was happening and that it was ok. That God had wanted me to give a message of peace. That the person I had mentioned in the second visit that had and ill effect on me did not have that effect on me that he should have known better and that I knew he was aware of that. I was going to express that I felt like what had made me ill was having an effect on him and that I wanted to give him one of three coins. They have absolutely no financial value. They do have a meaning behind each of them. The first for friendship, the second for guardianship, and the third one has a crucifix on it on one side. The other side reads, "With God all things are possible." Mark 10:27 Peace be to you. Then I was going to just quietly go home.

2006-07-15 06:45:50 · update #16

I knew what was going to happen. I was rather hoping it would not have happened in the manner that it did. But it's ok. The Gospel of John is fulfilling itself and I understand that. I know this as truth because I am the woman whom two angels rolled back a stone and answered a question for me. I did not plan for this to be this way, but here we are. I trusted in God and he did not give me anything I could not handle.

2006-07-15 06:46:06 · update #17

I wanted to send this to you and witness this event so that you could see something. Please make this coin which I have given grow.

May blessings and may peace fill your houses,

Is it really OK, when people’s lives are at stake to just walk away?

2006-07-15 06:46:24 · update #18

4 answers

The mark that was put on your head was a cross. If I knew peoples lives were at stake I would become a raving maniac just to save them.

2006-07-15 06:52:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This was not a question.
I think you feel angered that the priest was not moved by the description of your dream or whatever was going on with you (which is incredibly confusing) in the way you were hoping and now you are looking for someone to agree with you and tell you that you are justified in feeling this way.

I am sorry for whatever it is you are going through and I hope that you soon find peace in your heart and in your soul.

I wish I could say that I actually believe your story but when you said that the priest that was celebrating mass refused to give you Communion and put a mark on your head, I knew that either this never happened and at all or in your own mind you felt as if you had been marked.
When someone who has not yet made their First Communion goes up to receive Communion, the priest lays his hand on top of their head and gives them a blessing. He does this to any adult or child of any religion. A priest would not rebuke someone just because they have not been Confirmed a Catholic but he absolutely cannot offer the Body of Christ to someone who has not made the sacrament, no matter your circumstances. He has made his own vows to God and to the church --whether you agree with them or not. You seem to be saying that your own experience with God supersedes the priest's.

God bless you.

2006-07-15 14:15:56 · answer #2 · answered by mamabunny 4 · 0 0

Thank you for sharing this.


2006-07-15 13:41:46 · answer #3 · answered by John 6 · 0 0

This is a Question??

2006-07-15 13:42:30 · answer #4 · answered by whynotaskdon 7 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers