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I read a lot of question like: "do you hate god?", but in order to hate something you have to admit that it exists. Religioius people want to make proselytes, but they like to think that whoever doesn't want to believe then they hate god. Well... they wish that nonbelivers hate god for the simple fact that if you hate god, implicitly you admit that god exist... what kind of twisted mindless hypocrites whores are those religious people!

2006-07-15 06:32:57 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

You have to remember, their invisible friend encourages them to remain ignorant. Take whynotaskdons response for example. The notion that Einstein accepted Jesus as his savior is one of the great Christian lies. I think it's something they've come to believe in so they can justify the "power" of their deity enough to sleep at night.

One can loosly say that Einstein believed in God. Born a Jew, Einstein eventually came to believe in what he called "cosmic religious sense" and followed the philosophy of Spinoza, a pantheist who believed that God was a product of nature, not the creator of it. Since Einstein espoused these beliefs while he was alive and healthy, that leaves his deathbed.

Einstein died of an aortic aneurism. In point of fact, the only person present while Einstein died was a hospital nurse, who reported that he muttered some words in German that she did not understand before he died.

But lets pretend Don's right, and that Al did convert in his final hours. Lets take a look at who the Christian church targets for conversion. Children, the poor, the elderly and people who are dying are the prime targets of the faith. They are people who are at their weakest. The poor are handled outright by these clowns. Listen to a sermon and they'll feed you. Convert, and they'll maybe put you in a home for a few months.

However, the young have not got the wit or experience to make the distinction between truth and b.s. The elderly and dying are often in a state of fear of the unknown. Many times they feel that they have not done all they wanted to in life, or are wracked by guilt because of the things they did in do in life. Certainly they cannot be blamed when someone comes along and says they will live forever, or that they can be free of guilt in their final hours.

Back to your question though...

Racism is an idea worth hating, as are misogyny, slavery, murder, child molestation, animal cruelty, and rape. These things actually exist, but the mere concept of them inspires hatred. God, as an idea, represents ALL of these things, therefore the concept of God is worthy of hatred even though he does not exist.


2006-07-15 07:29:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

How can you claim to hate something that you think doesn't exists
That is like saying I hate the 1,000,000 in my bank account that's not there. There is a God. The fact we all came from monkeys don't cut it. The people who don't want you to believe will push science to the hilt. Any way , If you believe in God , and live a good life there will be rewards And if there really isn't a God you still lived a good life , is there something wrong with that?, If you have the opportunity to experience God and say no I don't believe then there maybe bad consequences. If there is a total Godless world I don't want to be here.
This world takes all kinds. because you may know a religious hypocrite does not mean all believers are Hypocrites. The religious had been told by that Jesus guy to teach Love, and to help your fellow man allot different than osama. One thought , get a BIBLE and read it . then make up your own mind , don't let MTV,NBC ,CBS, or Hollywood tell how you should think.

2006-07-15 13:52:49 · answer #2 · answered by flyboy5051 2 · 0 0

Okay, this is a very transparent analogy, but maybe it will help. Say there was only one king who ruled the entire world and he demanded that each and every person come before him individually and acknowledge that he is the king. You cover your ears and close your eyes and walk around saying there is no king, he doesn't exist because he's never come to your house and you've never seen him, and all the people who follow him are morons anyway. If he exists he's not coming here to get me anyway. You don't get why everyone thinks you hate the king when you can't hate someone who you don't think exists. Then one day he forcibly hauls you before himself and asks why you didn't come to him, why you didn't serve him, why you didn't give the allegience he demanded, why you hated him. You tell that king that you didn't really hate him because you can't hate something that you don't believe exists. Do you think that king will punish you for not doing what he asked or do you think he will pat you on the head and say "Well, that's okay, you didn't believe I was real, so therefore I wasn't, and you couldn't hate me." ?

God isn't like Freddy, telling yourself He's just a dream (or nightmare depending on your view) won't make Him any less powerful or real. That's why Christians lump people who don't believe in God in with people who actively try to fight God. To ignore Him is to deny Him what is rightfully His, so therefore constitutes "hating". I realize there is a fundamental spiritual difference between people who actively go around trying to cause trouble because they hate God, and people who don't believe, but in the end it's a difference that won't really matter.

2006-07-15 14:31:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dear Avalancas,
Its illogical to say that there is not any God. It has been proven scientifically. The Quran is the MOST SCIENTIFIC religious scripture available on the face of earth. Not a single scientific statement mentioned in the Quran has been proven to be scientifically wrong. I CHALLENGE you to point out a single mistake to me in the whole Quran. But there is a part of Qura'n which has not been proven scientifically correct, neither it has been proven to be wrong. This part is ambiguous.
Suppose 80% of all that is mentioned in the Qur’an has been proven 100% correct. About the remaining 20%, science makes no categorical statement, since it has not advanced to a level, where it can either prove or disprove these statements. With the limited knowledge that we have, we cannot say for sure whether even a single percentage or a single verse of the Qur’an from this 20% portion is wrong. Thus when 80% of the Qur’an is 100% correct and the remaining 20% is not disproved, my logic says that even the 20% portion is correct. So the concept of belief in one God falls in that 20%.
Suppose there is an UNKNOWN OBJECT which no one in the world has ever seen. I ask u to tell me the first person who will be able to explain the mechanism of that unknown object??? Manufacturer, Producer, Creator.. right? Qura'n tells us that Every living thing has been created from water. Quran told us this 1400 years ago. Science has gotten to know it just yesterday.
Quran says that the light of moon is the reflected light. Quran told this 1400 yrs back. Who could have written it??
Quran describes the water cycle in great detail.... Who could have mentioned it in the Quran fourteen hundred yrs back?
It gives us EXACT shape of an embryo during its early stages. Quran says embryo is a leech like substance, something which clings. It has been proven by science today that embryo and leech have a striking resemblance.
Qura'n explains the circulation of blood which was first discovered by Ibn-al-Nafees during 13th century. But Quran mentioned it before him. Who could have mentioned it?????????????????? tell me..
Quran gives us the exact GEO-SPHERICAL shape of the earth. Quran was revealed 1400 yrs back. Who could hv mentioned it in the Quran 1400 yrs back.????
Is it possible for a human being to mention all the scientific facts mentioned in the Quran?? more than a 1000 verses in Quran speak about science, out of which not a SINGLE VERSE has been proven to be wrong.
Do u know about the theory of probability?
Lets apply this theory to the Quran. If you do this, answer would be ZER0000.
Albert Einstein has right said, "Religion without science is blind and science without religion is lame".
If you can just give me the answer that who could have mentioned all these and various other facts and prophecies in the Quran 1400 yrs back other than God (Allah), then i will agree with u. Allah says in surah Anbiya, Ch:21:
"Will you not then believe?"
Quran is asking you the question. It wants reply. You are seeing the signs of Allah, yet you do not accept them.
For more information and reference, you can refer the following sites:

You can email me for any further information at ammara_intelligent@yahoo.com

May Allah bring you to the path of believers!

2006-07-15 13:59:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let me answer your question in a christian point of view, ok.

So, the bottom line is that you're a free thinker, am i right? In the bible God states that he does not like people to be "lukewarm". He wants us to have choices. To make choices. It's either we love him or hate him. Standing in the middle is dangerous, because, in christianity, the only key to heaven is through believing in God. Sure, you need great faith to do that. Believing in a God you can't see, but personally, trusting in God has made me feel so free and I'm not afraid to die cos i know where I'd be heading when i die... Do you want that kind of happiness? That kind of "freeness"?

It's your choice.

Remember God loves you.

He knew you and loved you even before your life began. =)

God Bless You!

2006-07-15 13:42:23 · answer #5 · answered by gracephua91 2 · 0 0

No, it doesn't mean that you hate Him. If you don't admit God exists then it just shows a person's pride and sinful nature. God exists, people just refuse to admit it. There are so many proofs of His existence; all one has to do is look around. He reveals Himself in so many ways.

2006-07-15 13:42:09 · answer #6 · answered by soccerloverls 2 · 0 0

How can you hate something you don't believe in? And what kind of god damns people simply for not believing in him? I believe in god but I am not a christian. I find most organized religions to be to strict in this or that belief. I just love god, but if you don't, hey that's ok, too. I'm sure god is big enough not to take it personally.

2006-07-15 13:38:06 · answer #7 · answered by anthonydavidpirtle 3 · 0 0

You'd have to believe in something to hate it. So no, you don't hate God if you're unsure of its existence, or don't believe altogether. You can hate the concept of God (but that doesn't mean that you do by default), but not the being itself.

2006-07-15 13:35:33 · answer #8 · answered by DougDoug_ 6 · 0 0

How could you HATE something you don't believe exists?

Albert Einstein believed in GOD.

Maybe one should hate Albert for "letting down the side?"

2006-07-15 13:36:39 · answer #9 · answered by whynotaskdon 7 · 0 0

you are agnostic.

Agnosticism is the philosophical view that the (truth) values of certain claims—particularly theological claims regarding the existence of God, gods, or deities—are unknown, inherently unknowable, or incoherent, and therefore, (some agnostics may go as far to say) irrelevant to life.

2006-07-15 13:35:50 · answer #10 · answered by Iomegan 4 · 0 0

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