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Ok I know this sounds nuts , but do you feel bad for satan and anyone else that will end up in Hell, the worst place ever imagined, if a thief and murder could be forgivin by Jesus then why can't the ones who are going to hell be also forgave?

2006-07-15 06:15:20 · 25 answers · asked by its_ok_im_here69 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

Hell is self-created and self-inflicted.

2006-07-15 06:17:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I dont feel sorry for them becase they had a choice. The burning purgatory of hell doesnt exsist but if you choose not to go to God when you die, you wont be in a pleasant place either. Those people that are in that bad place, chose to turn away from God, how can you feel sorry for someone when they made a choice that hurt them?
Addition: Satan doesnt exsist either. It seems as though you are questioning christianity. I will let you in on something that many christians dont realize. Both the New testament and the Torah( Old testament) were written in hebrew. Roman paganists 2000 years ago took the Torah and mistranslated it and then added some stuff to it that is a bunch of lies. The words that Christians mistake for "Virgin" in the new testament actually mean "young woman" no where in the "Bible" does it say that mary was a virgin. The prophecy of the messiah states that he will be the son of 2 MORTALS, end all world suffering and war, be a descendant of David on his fathers side(even joseph was not a descendant of David) There wasnt a single prophecy of a cruxifiction or a ressurection! its all made up! every single word of it. Christianity is the biggest lie ever told because so many people believe it. The Torah never speaks of purgatory or Satan, and it was the ORIGINAL word of God. I think we should make a new name for the New Testament, Not Testament.

2006-07-15 13:20:30 · answer #2 · answered by E 5 · 0 0

That is a trick question...I may have to say...I don't feel bad for the Devil...because he was there with God....he knew what was right and wrong.... He knew first and what he was doing and the consequences. But we human, we here are all misled by religious teachings. Things have been twisted for thousands of years. And what the truth is is taught in different languages, with different meanings. I tell you , it is hard to know the truth through religion.
There are so many ways to commit a Sin that it's unbearable to not too. The things you eat, the way you think, the things you say, that go on in your mind, We say well, if you believe in Christ you will be saved. But how many actually worship like you are told. Every breath you breathe you sin,,,,whether you are thinking sexually, revenge, hate, greed, vanity, lust, The clothes you wear, to the people you talk too, so may things, that just thinking you are sinning. There are also things that you are to do everyday that you do not...as far as alter offerings, helping the poor, teaching the word of God...For the bible says" it is better to have not known , than to have known"
I don't wanna go to hell, and I don't wanna see anyone in my family.. But yes...the murders, rapers, all that commit a very sinful sin, and that does not repent, then yes, they had a choice. But maybe God will forgive us, " because Jesus said to God..."Forgive them , Father ,for they know not what they do ." I pray I make it...As I pray for everyone else.... I believe inGod...and try to do what is right.

2006-07-15 13:54:17 · answer #3 · answered by Chocolate_Bunny 6 · 0 0

No, in christianity, we should not feel sorry for Satan! Do you know why we're living in this fallen world today? It was because of satan! Sinners who end up in hell does not deserve heaven. Why? Instead of accepting God as their saviour, they rejected Him.

"I am the way, the truth and the life." Only through accepting Him will you get into heaven. The thief beside Jesus on the cross deserved heaven because he realized he was heading to hell. He admitted his sins to Jesus sincerely and accepted Him before He died. The theif then died peacefully. He did not mock Jesus like the other man who said "If you are the Messiah, why can't you save yourself?" The answer to that question is because he had to die for mankind, so that they can be forgiven.

People who ends up in hell, deserves it. I don't mean to be crude but it is true. They were given a chance to accept Jesus and God and to be with Him in heaven forever. But instead, they turn their backs on Jesus and worse still, hurl insults at christianity. They used up their one and only chance to enter heaven, and God will not allow a second chance.

Accpet Him today!

God Bless You! =)

2006-07-15 13:37:41 · answer #4 · answered by gracephua91 2 · 0 0

There is no fiery burning hell; that's a manmade idea, not Almighty God's.

The long-taught idea of “hell” or “inferno” depends upon the doctrine of a human soul being something separate and distinct from the human body that cannot die; spiritual and invisible, something that we cannot feel with our sense of touch. Common sense tells us if that were so, the pain of fire could not be felt, as fire is an earthly element requiring the physical body to sense. Also, the Bible is very clear in stating that the soul is subject to death, saying: “The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.” (Ezekiel 18:4, 20)

Pagan religions are noted for teaching red-hot hells. The ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Persians, Grecians and Hindus taught flaming hells. The Buddhists teach a hell wherein people cook and sizzle in blazing kettles. Is the Bible hell as hot as the pagans paint theirs? Here is the answer.

Hell corresponds to the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek Hades. It also says that hell comes from the English word helan, meaning “to conceal.” So the early meaning of the word “hell” carried no thought of any kind of heat. It merely meant “concealed.” We have found, too, that the original Hebrew word, usually translated “hell” in English Bibles, is Sheol. Now what does Sheol mean? It simply means “a hollow place.” So the original Hebrew word perfectly corresponds with the original or early meaning of the English word “hell.”

The vital question is, Did the inspired Hebrew Bible writers say that conscious life and red-hot activity exist in Sheol or hell? No, quite the opposite! Instead of blazing fire it is described as a “land of darkness.” (Job 10:21) Instead of a place of soul-chilling shrieks it is described as a place of “silence.” (Ps. 115:17) The Catholic Douay Bible, at Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10, says: “The living know that they shall die, but the dead know nothing more. Neither have they a reward any more: for the memory of them is forgotten. Whatsoever thy hand is able to do, do it earnestly: for neither work, nor reason, nor wisdom, nor knowledge, shall be in hell [Sheol, AS], whither thou art hastening.” So, since the “dead know nothing more,” or as the King James Version says, “the dead know not any thing,” it would be impossible for them to know conscious torment. And since there is no work in hell, how can there be activity, red-hot or otherwise?

2006-07-16 08:26:43 · answer #5 · answered by Maia-Kine' 3 · 0 0

I feel sorrow in my heart for all those who are lost or have not found the light. I forgive all even those who do wrong. I do not wish for a single soul to be cast into the lake of fire although I know that is not up to me. I do not like evil but I understand that it is here to stay because that's how things are. I do not like to hear when someone as hurt another and I do not like when man judges another. I can not stop the evil from happening in this world but I can stop it from entering my heart.

2006-07-15 13:22:36 · answer #6 · answered by Savage 7 · 0 0

No I don't feel sorry for those *doomed to hell* because there are no such people and no such place either.

To suggest you'd feel sorry for them is to put yourself above them in "knowing God". That is arrogance. No one can be this and remain humble. Therefore "according to the Bible", that very person would be the one doomed to hell.

According to different religions and cultures, there are different pre-requisites to reach heaven/paradise/everlasting life. Who knows for sure which, if any, are the correct ones to please God?

I believe any creator will love all their creations equally and want to see each of them in happiness and peace. If one of my children turned out to be a horrible human being, I would be disappointed and sad but never stop loving him or wanting his happiness.

I'm happy to know religion is a man-made thing and not from the *mouth of God at all. Use it for self-discipline and a moral base but please don't believe that our Creator is so fiendish and ridiculous as to loom over us with the threat of a burning pit.

God is Love. God is Peace. God is all things, that which we call good and that which we call bad/evil.............just as we are. Those things are ours along with the free will we were gifted with.

Any hell received is received right here on earth. It is the consequences of our own actions and thoughts. In that respect there are those I feel sorry for. Drug,Alcohol and other Addicts who lose control of their own behaviors...... When in recovery or prison, or hospitals, they realize things they've done, they suffer immensely. That's hell.

2006-07-15 13:32:04 · answer #7 · answered by purplewings123 5 · 0 0

I feel bad for Satan coz even in his evil he can't reach GOD. For exmaple dream of the dreams for Devil would be destroying human civilization and look who did it. GOD him self in Great Flood. Once again Devil was put down by magnitude of GOD's love and genocide the whole world.
Devil is a child play compare to GOD's murders

2006-07-15 13:19:49 · answer #8 · answered by PicassoInActions 3 · 0 0

FAQ: Do Swedenborgians believe in Hell or the Devil?

Swedenborg states "a perception of the sphere of falsity from evil that flows forth from hell has often been granted me. It was like a perpetual effort to destroy all that is good and true, combined with anger and a kind of fury at not being able to do so, especially an effort to annihilate and destroy the Divine of the Lord, and this because all good and truth are from Him. But out of heaven a sphere of truth and good was perceived, whereby the fury of the effort ascending from hell was restrained. The result of this was an equilibrium. This sphere from heaven was perceived to come from the Lord alone, although it appeared to come from the angels in heaven. It is from the Lord alone, and not from the angels, because every angel in heaven acknowledges that nothing of good and truth is from himself, but all is from the Lord" (Heaven and Hell n. 538).

"It has been believed heretofore in the world that there is one devil that presides over the hells; that he was created an angel of light; but having become rebellious he was cast down with his crew into hell. This belief has prevailed because the devil and satan, and also lucifer, are mentioned by name in the Word, and the Word in those places has been understood according to the sense of the letter. But by "devil" and "satan" there hell is meant, "devil" meaning the hell that is behind, where the worst dwell, who are called evil genii; and "satan" the hell that is in front, where the less wicked dwell, who are called evil spirits; and "lucifer" those that belong to Babel, or Babylon, who would extend their dominion even into heaven. That there is no one devil to whom the hells are subject is evident also from this, that all who are in the hells, like all who are in the heavens, are from the human race (see n. 311-317); and that those who have gone there from the beginning of creation to this time amount to myriads of myriads, and every one of them is a devil in accord with his opposition to the Divine while he lived in the world" (Heaven and Hell n. 544).

2006-07-15 13:25:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is unfair. Life on earth is a "blip" of time in comparison to eternity.

You screw up for a 'blip' and get eternal hell.

I feel bad for those who do not believe in heaven or hell, then find out that they are in hell after death. Gee, that's a nice trick by God. Whose fault is that?

Too bad. I am athiest and won't go to hell (or heaven).

2006-07-15 13:21:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I feel bad for anyone who believes in Hell and has not taken the time to do their research. I especially feel bad for all those who pass judgement on others.

2006-07-15 13:34:45 · answer #11 · answered by malisimo 3 · 0 0

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