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If you don’t want to believe what we do, that’s your choice, God gave us all freedom of choice. Why do you have to joke on and label us, we don’t do that to you, we just give you what we believe and try to help you. We try to get you to change your mind; you just try to make fun of us, which one shows more intelligence?

2006-07-15 05:09:13 · 36 answers · asked by mfougnie 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I will admit that not all of them are so cruel, and not all of us are so nice. But in general...

2006-07-15 05:14:29 · update #1

What i am tring to get across is that, Atheists seem so defensive about not beliving, like a child who knows hes wrong but wont admit it. No offense, and if you think i am incorrect onthis, tell me why.

2006-07-15 05:16:24 · update #2

Just a note to the Atheists who may read this,
We Christians are not, and do not claim to be perfict, just forgevin.

2006-07-15 05:25:35 · update #3

36 answers

Hey, good question, but it does go both ways. A better question is why are people so cruel to other people based on something that doesn't really matter in the long run? As to why I am agnostic, I refuse to accept someone else's Dogma. I cannot prove that God does or does not exist, and frankly I could care less. I am more concerned with how I treat the people around me. I do use some of the teachings of Christ in basing my decisions, but I cannot accept that "without Jesus there can be no salvation". There are too many other faiths that express similar ideology without the mandatory acceptance of a savior. Besides, I accept responsibility for my actions and refuse to allow anyone else to. I instead strive daily to be a better person, which is what I think religion is supposed to be about in the first place. As and example you may appreciate, If all men are brothers, are you your brother's keeper? I can't say I am, but I try, and I think it is the struggle that's important, not the destination.

2006-07-15 05:26:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

You can hate me for saying this, but Christians took the easy way out. They wanted and easy answer and they got one. I'm not Atheists, but I can see where all the animosity came from. Most people have been confronted, since they were children, by God fearing Christians. (Can you believe it? God-fearing was considered a good thing for thousands of years amongst the Christians) Being that, I myself, were often terrified by Christians telling me that I'm going to Hell unless I believe in the Bible, but it's all just tools of manipulation if you think about it. If I wanted to control the people of my church. The best way to do it is to instill fear into them.

Atheists can be just as blind as Christians in saying that they KNOW for a fact that what they believe is true. Most Atheists never exercise the possibility that there might be a God. Don't let them get to you, because they're mainly releasing negativity from some personal issues they're dealing with. Christians are just an easy outlet.

At one point I hope that humanity has more interest in finding truth over religion. I believe that all the answers can be found within each person and that you don't need a book or a person to tell you what it is. I've found my peace and I hope the same for everyone. It's nice to have something to believe in, but it's even nicer to have something you know.

2006-07-15 05:26:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All you have to do to refute an atheist is to prove that God exists.

If people believe in God they should have some rational reason for thinking God exist or any of the other things they believe in like souls, heaven, hell, devils, etc., and should be able to show and convince the most skeptic atheist. If you cannot do that there is something seriously wrong about your beliefs. That means that your beliefs are based on nothing more than what you want to be true, whether it is true or not. Atheist are humans just like you. The only difference is that they are not satisfied by being fed nonsense and think it is meaningful.

I suspect that is what you are really concerned about. Being shown that your beliefs are foolish nonsense and have no validity. You fear having your promise of eternal life of ecstasy and pleasure taken away from you by the "cruel", "heartless" athiests. It is more like being waken up from a wet dream.

It is actually a good thing that beliefs are now being challenged. The authoritarian world where beliefs could be protected from analysis, criticism is over. It is sort of interesting that the internet is what makes that possible. Authoritarian religious leaders no longer can pushish people who challenge nonsense. And the days where silly beliefs could be protected from ridicule are also over.

If your beliefs are being challenged that probably means you have some work on cleaning them up for inspection, analysis, and criticism for people who know that beliefs are not enough to produce truths by themselves.

We live in a world where we don't have the luxury of wallowing in silly unscientific beliefs. Most beliefs conflict with each other and people kill each other over beliefs. Religious intolerance is rampant. Our lives depend on being tolerant and reasonable. You have a choice: Work towards a world we can all get along with each other in, or work towards a world in which your beliefs will be in endless conflict with others.

Good luck. Atheists are actually doing you a favor.

2006-07-15 05:51:00 · answer #3 · answered by Alan Turing 5 · 0 0

Your could easily come from an atheist complaining about Christians being cruel towards atheists. This cruelty happens both ways . Let's take of the blinkers.

Reread the question you asked. A few minor changes and the tables are turned.

"If you don’t want to believe what we do, that’s your choice, We all have freedom of choice. Why do you have to joke on and label us, we don’t do that to you, we just give you what we believe and try to help you. We try to get you to change your mind; you just try to make fun of us, which one shows more intelligence?"

Again, Take of the blinkers. Both sides do it.

2006-07-15 05:33:28 · answer #4 · answered by Cindy 2 · 0 0

Read the stories of Galileo, Descarte, Bruno, Kepler, etc. Christianity has been and continues to be one of the fundamental obstacles to the progress of the world. If you say "Oh, it's not like that now" then you are simply wrong. Closely read the arguments presented against Galileo, and you will see they are exactly the ones being recycled in the science vs. creationism debate. The sociology of Judaism, Christianity and Islam require logical fallacies to support belief, indicating a dangerous lack of (at least the willingness for) reasoning on the part of the "faithful". If someone is just being obnoxious, that's one thing. But the point of most arguments against Christianity (and the others) is not cruelty towards the "believer", but disgust for self chosen ignorance.

2006-07-15 05:31:56 · answer #5 · answered by neil s 7 · 0 0

Atheists are getting revenge. You people say we are persecuting you when you do the same. When you tell someone that their beliefs are wrong, and they will burn forever, that is persecution. I tell people that there is no god, for revenge. You say you do it to save our souls, well I just try to stop people from wasting their Sundays. If you believe in god, that is great, but keep it to yourself. According to you, god gave us freedom of choice, so let us choose atheism. You say you don't label atheists, well your question did. I try to change peoples minds too, and even if you don't want to believe it, Christians do make fun of atheists. You ask who has more intelligence. Well telling someone who does not believe, that there is a sky fairy looking down at us, and making a list like Santa. That has more to do with insanity than intelligence. You say you are forgiven? I have nothing to be forgiven for by anyone.

2006-07-15 05:34:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think atheists are defensive because christians are most often stubborn and try to convert us to their way of thinking. I don't believe in god but, as a paleontologist, appreciate and am in awe of all the creatures that we inhabit this planet with, and the history of those animals (including us). And really, does it matter that there is a god at all? I think it is more important to be empathetic to everyone and everything around us. I would like to think that god would be happier with the world if everyone had differing beliefs and got along than if there was no god and everyone killed each other. If he exists, I don't really think it would bother him that much if we didn't acknowledge his existance but did acknowledge others'.

2006-07-15 14:19:36 · answer #7 · answered by jedisaurus 3 · 0 0

Since your whole life is dependent on a Deity, the fact that I breath is cruel to you. The potential that I'm right would make your life meaningless and human nature as it is makes that a scary and cruel realization.

I don't mean to do that to you -- but its your own insecurity at play.
The stupid thing about Christian's though is you think I'm selling a religion (atheism), I don't have on how can I sell it!

Plus practice your own religion, live and let live, god can judge me when I'm dead, you can spend your time doing things more meaningful things.

If god does judge me when I'm dead and sends me to hell, I'll be the happiest person their for being wrong. I'll sure be glad the rest of you actually had the chance if if I didn't.

Love you man.

2006-07-15 05:39:53 · answer #8 · answered by ihavetobeme 1 · 1 0

Christians love God and Jesus and we try to live the life we are supposed to live to please God. Atheists don't believe in God or Jesus. They are heavily influenced by Satan i.e. the Devil. The battles between good and evil don't necessarily happen in space, it also happens here on earth.

Each time a Christian encounters a atheist, we as followers of Christ are also tested by our faith too. In each situtation, the potential danger is present that we may not believe in God or not believe enough in God. This is why we as Christians must pray often for those that don't believe in God or Jesus and read and know what the Bible says and teachs.

I always look at it this way, "If God is for us, who can be against us?"

No matter what people choose to believe in, the ultimate judgement will be made by God. He knows our hearts and minds and He knows who is for Him and who is against Him. He will decide who will be in Heaven and who will be in Hell.

I hope this helps. May God Bless you now and forever!

2006-07-15 05:27:36 · answer #9 · answered by Lyndee 4 · 0 0

This is what I feel. Athiests are trying to say that we are infringing on their constitutional right of freedom of religeon. Most athiest groups are the ones trhing to take god out of our community and state. Saying that public display of religon is infringing on their rights. But in reality by making christians remove these public displays is really infringing on the rights of the christian. Our country was founded on the principals of christianity. The Constitution say's we have freedom of religon, Not freedom from religon. For all the Athiests reading this, The reason we try to tell you of the great news of Christ is because we are christians and we love you, we want everyone to hear the good news that we can live forever in the presence of the Lord. If you don't want to believe that is your choice (what was given to you by the Lord) ( free will) The Lord says love your enemys. A true christian loves all for who they are, not what they believe. We are just telling you what the Lord wants you to hear.

2006-07-15 05:24:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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