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In most cases, if a Christain asks a Question to his Pastor, or Someone religious, or his Parents, if his question is not answered, he turned himself into Atheism... Why don't they check for other religions honestly, at least they will know the right choice, because Atheism isn't a religion, it is just a simple belief, no rules, no books, no anything... Atheist are more worst than those who worship the Sun, Moon, and other things that God created...

And why is it that many parents never worried when they realised that their Son never believe in God any more?

I made this question to christains because most of those who turns to Atheism were Christains before...


2006-07-15 05:05:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

"Why is it that most of the Atheist were Christains before?"
If you asked this question in India, the answer would be that most atheist were hindus. Most people in this YA section were raised in christian countries, therefore they are former christians. In other countries, claiming you are atheist ain't much of a good idea, you know, some religions do not understand what "freedom" means at all.

"Why don't they check for other religions honestly"
A lot of atheists I know checked other religions, I did myself. This is a shameless generalization, I doubt you have any evidence to state this.

"Atheist are more worst than those who worship the Sun, Moon, and other things that God created"
Are worse than those? With what basis have you decided we are worse? Do you mind to elaborate? Since you've already judge us for our lack of belief.

"And why is it that many parents never worried when they realized that their Son never believe in God any more?"
Some parents understand some things, like religion, are a personal decision. Indoctrination by force is close to "psychological abuse" than to "faith".

2006-07-15 05:54:34 · answer #1 · answered by Oedipus Schmoedipus 6 · 2 0

In the Muslim world to become an apostate is often a sentence of death. For a Muslim to give up their faith is an act of suicide. I suspect that in the Muslim world there are many people who are closet atheists who do not dare say what they actually think.

So, most atheists tend to come from those religions that don't kill them outright. Of course that doesn't mean that atheists in Christian societies are not considered second class citizens, lose their jobs, force to move, shunned, and have to endure other social pressures.

It is a mistake to call something that is the absence of a belief, a belief. This is simply an error created by those who cannot imagine a world without beliefs. The implication about no rules is that atheists are amoral or without ethics. That is not true. People are moral and ethical no matter what their religions are or whether they have a religion or not. Religions are how some people justify their morals and ethics, not the source of their morals and ethics.

My own son claims to be an atheist although I don't think he has as clear an idea of what he is saying as would be desirable. He was not a Christian before that although we went to a church when he was young. I would guess that most young atheists were not Christians first. Christianity is somewhat unimportant in the process of becoming an atheist.

It would seem to me that the main reason why some people become atheists is that they think beliefs of any religion are silly nonsense. People of beliefs feel put down and insulted because they identify with their beliefs. Sort of like a "like me, like my dog", except it is "like me, like my dogma". It is unfortunate that people cannot realize they are not their beliefs. But this is a very human error to make.

2006-07-15 13:26:54 · answer #2 · answered by Alan Turing 5 · 0 0

Once you've been somewhere you know the truth of it, and if that truth was that what you were taught was a lie, then you are going to believe you are an atheist.

As a parent I have a child that told me he doesn't believe in God, no this doesn't worry me, because I know what he doesn't believe in is church, not necessarily God. Because society tries to force us to go to church, and I personally don't like being forced, neither does my son. What's there not to believe in? That the history book title "THE BIBLE" might be wrong - well I haven't read a history book ever that was 100 percent right anyway. I don't believe there is some dude in a white robe floating around on a cloud either, but I still believe in a creator of all, a beginning, whether that be energy or spirit or mass, doesn't matter to me.

I once believed something, all my life I believed it, and then a traumatic experience made me realize that what I was taught was a lie. I did not stop believing in the essence of the teachings only in the human failings of the teachers.

2006-07-15 12:31:38 · answer #3 · answered by arvecar 4 · 0 0

I don't think its possible to have been a Christian before becoming an atheist. I am an atheist, and was never religious. The definition of a Christian includes always being true to the faith, and if you become an atheist, this shows you were never true to your faith, proving that you were never an actual "Christian".

I have been exposed to several different religions and decided that none held total truth. A simple belief is all I need, as only one train of thought agrees with all evidence presented, and that belief is singular in nature. I need no books or rules to tell me what to believe, as I can determine that for myself.

2006-07-15 12:24:21 · answer #4 · answered by reverenceofme 6 · 0 0

Atheist here. The problem with what you're saying is that you're coming from the stand point that there is a god and us atheists choose not to believe in him. We see it completely diifferent, there are no gods to believe in. There have been thousands of gods created through history.

Atheism is what happens when you realize that absolutely no one has any way to know the answers to the who, what, when, where, why questions concerning origin of life.

You as a believer, think you know, but you just believe.
Since belief does not make something a fact, people capable of thinking for themselves, not needing a religion to tell them, become atheists.

The truth is that I don't know the answer to the origin of life question. Ceationism? Intelligent design? Evolution? What I don't do is create answers to these questions just because I don't understand. Believers, christians in particular, base all of their knowledge of the origin of life on a book that was written 2000 years ago by the eqivalent of cave men compared to todays standards of knowledge. These people could't figure out how to keep their teeth from rotting out much less the origin of life.

So what's the point? Why go on if there is nothing to look forward to? Exactly! We go on because there is nothing to looking to look forward to. Atheists have no reason to want to die. Christians have heaven to look forward to (with all its aborted babies) Muslims have the virgins, and every other religion has their rewards. Atheists live for today and tomorrow because we know that this is all there is. You don't need belief to understand the difference between right and wrong. It's as natural as the five senses.

I've read the bible, have you read about atheism? You can't learn about atheism for your own religion. They're viewpoint is biased.
Find out your religions opinion of atheism then find out for yourself.

All believers I've ever met have all claimed to be open minded, so look into it for yourself. Does your religion have knowledge or just belief?

Gods are just pretend.

Thousands of gods?

2006-07-15 12:50:31 · answer #5 · answered by downdrain 4 · 0 0

I don't think what you say is true. But since there are millions and millions of Christians, and Christianity doesn't have your family killed if you turn atheist, statistically speaking, a lot of atheist would would have to be former Christians. Not a lot of former Muslims in the atheist community, because the backlash of becoming an "infidel'" ranges from being forever ostracized to being tortured to death while your children watch in horror.

2006-07-15 12:17:49 · answer #6 · answered by Jimmy R 1 · 0 0

Becoming an Atheist is not loosing "faith" in one religion and chucking the whole business out the window, it is coming to the realization that, in as much as I was not around to see how everything came into being (and neither were you),I say, "I don't know ..... YET!" To assume that some god, my less than intellectual ancestors made up, instantaneously farted the universe into being, is absurd

2006-07-15 12:26:07 · answer #7 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 0 0

I can only speak for myself.

Raise christian.
Never able to get satifactory ansers to my questions.
I beleive in a higher power (nature - the universe), but I do not believe in the christian god.
I believe that anyone who thinks they have "the answer" is only fooling themsleves.
Does this make me an athiest? I don't know or really care.

2006-07-15 12:13:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To me it's pretty simple, the vast majority of the people around you are xian. That's why. if you were in a muslim country or a hindu country, any atheists you met would have been those religions 1st.

2006-07-15 12:11:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

accountability. being a christian has rules and we need to be accountable to something or someone.
When we see the hyprocrites in church we decide god doesn't see them. But the only one they are fooling is there self.
Never lose the faith keep searching, read the bible

2006-07-15 12:10:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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