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21 answers

It dosn't matter. Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within You.

This means that its not in a building called a church.

Its not on a cloud somewhere called heaven.

Its right where Jesus said that it was.

Going to church can't help because All religion is man made, it all makes the same claim that it comes from God. This claim is partially true but people can never stand to leave Gods word alone. This is because god’s word is consistent and does not mesh well with their personal preconceptions and bigoted ideas. So they make little changes here and there injecting their thoughts into the mix tainting the word with nonsense. For this reason you should not put much faith in these ideas about god that come from others. If God wants to tell you something He is perfectly capable of telling you directly.

Maybe you should stop reading what other people say about God and ask him to tell you what he wants you to do directly. Stop reading; clear you mind and listen. When you pray get you’re talking over as soon as possible and listen. He is trying to talk to you but your mind is full of nonsense from the bible and other sources. Don’t be surprised if what you hear does not sound much like what you have been told about God. You will be hearing Gods message minus the nonsense.

In your bible study have you ever heard of the small still voice? You can't hear it if your mind is otherwise occupied with other people’s silly ideas about God. Just try it you will be surprised

2006-07-15 04:36:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't think about it anymore, Pray, God show me where to go, search for churches in your area and go.
And right now, the best you can do is get in the Word, "The Word giveth light" "Light will drive out confusion, and darkness" God doesn't change and he hasn't changed his plan or love for you, it is the love (mercy) of God that brings people to repentance (back to God" don't let the enemy beat you up, the battle is in your mind, put the Word in there instead.
Heres a question I answered recently might be of use to you too:

need good bible q&awebsites to learn bible?
tryin to learn more
16 hours ago
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

To study the Bible online go to:

Creation Evidence Museum is a great site:

My favorite site where I read articles and even watch teaching and preaching online:

TBN christian television (all denominations have shows here) in my cable it is 370 (time warner pittsfield MA), you can watch movies like the omega code, the ten commandments, Jesus of Nazareth, etc And their programming live and also archives from the last month:

if you like motorcycles and cars you'll like to learn the Bible here:


http://thepottershouse.org (TD Jakes' site)

Charles Stanley

Most of them are nondenominational (if you know what this means), tbn is everybody and Stanley is Baptist (I'm not but I learned a lot when I started my walk listening at him everyday on the radio, I've been around a lot and I have found that everyone that has Jesus in their hearts no matter what denomination and wants to share him with the world is awesome company, and always have humility and passion to talk about the Word without creating conflict, I guess if you are in the mission field there's a sweeter spirit and never have come with doctrinal conflicts looking for the unity in Christ is our number one mandate " So the world will see Jesus"

God Bless you in your search of Him.


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thank u

2006-07-15 05:16:51 · answer #2 · answered by Maria 3 · 0 0

BS. considering the fact that at the same time as is the United Church of Christ no longer Christian? Edit: BLT is in basic terms one among many interpretations of Gospels that different denominations have. it is depending on the existence and teachings of Jesus Christ. And Wright's church became nevertheless in UCC, it is Christian. they have self belief that Jesus became the son of God, died on the bypass for guy's salvation, rose from the useless etc. it is the essence of Christianity Jesus did loiter round with the undesirable, socials outcasts and folk oppressed by the Roman Empire. So BLT isn't that some distance fetched. inspite of the actual undeniable reality that it is uncertain that Jesus, if he existed in any respect, became genuinely black, it isn't some distance fetched to say that Jesus supported the undesirable and the oppressed. and obviously blacks were oppressed contained in the united states. There are 38,000 different Christian denominations contained in the international excellent this second. who're YOU to say that a particular interpretation of the Gospels isn't "Christian".

2016-11-06 10:03:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Church is a place of fellowship, which is why it is important to go to one. Christians must fellowship one-on-one with each other in order to grow spiritually. Spiritual growth is God's purpose for establishing churches and ministries. I have been awarded by God with a circuit ministry, preach and teaching in prisons and anywhere else I am called to proclaim the word of God. I have another circuit ministry that I associate with and I have a home church that I attend and work out of every day. As I am typing this response to you I am doing so from my home church where I have other duties other than preaching. Yahoo Q&A is a part of my ministry, a part of my outreach to a world filled with hurting and confused people---you are not alone, my brother. Church attendnce is rewarding, and I suggest tht you find a good, Bible believing church to fellowship with---you will not regret it. You cannot loose your salvation because you have not attended church in a long time---once saved, always saved. However, by not attending you deny yourself God's rich blessings that come through fellowshipping with your fellow saints. Television and radio preaching are not fellowship and are never a substitute for personal contact. Jesus loves you.

2006-07-15 04:44:32 · answer #4 · answered by Preacher 6 · 0 0

Church never saves anyone but many feel that missing Church is a sin. My opinion of Church is that there are a few reasons we would choose to go to Church. Associate ourselves with others that believe as we do and believe in Christ Jesus and his ministry. Our visual testimony that we associate ourselves with Jesus Christ and God. By going to Church we are showing and demonstrating that we believe in God and Jesus Christ ministry. To learn more about Jesus Christ and His teachings. While the Holy Spirit applies the spiritual truths to your life and heart, as a Christian, the Church is used by God to teach His followers. The Church can also be a mission to the world and the area around the Church in different ministries and the Churches members therefore are the outreach of the Church. There are several reasons that going to Church would be beneficial to a Christian but it should never be used to beat someone over the head for not going. It also is a collection of imperfect people sinners that come together to celebrate their forgiveness.

2006-07-15 04:43:31 · answer #5 · answered by alagk 3 · 0 0

I'm a christian too and I also haven't been to church in a long time but that doesn't effect my faith. I don't believe you have to go to church to get to heaven because being a christian is all about having a personal relationship with God.
I do, however, believe that church is good for fellowship and it helps you study the word of God better. (kind of like a class)
It also gives you a place to turn to for encouragement and prayer from other people who will befriend and support you.

2006-07-15 04:43:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unless you are physically unable to go to church, I think you should be in a church of your choice. There are a lot of good churches that teach the Bible the way it is supposed to be taught. Scripture calls for us to meet together and lift each other up. Do you think that Satan can attack a group of believers better than he can attack one solitary believer. I would suggest that you find a good church and worship with believers. Religion is not a solitary experience. Twelve years is a long time to go without church but it is never too late. Think of the prodigal son who left home and when he came back the Father welcomed him with open arms. As a matter of fact the Father didn't wait for the son, the Father ran to throw his arms around the son and welcome him home. That is exactly what your Heavenly Father will do for you. He will welcome you back with open arms and it will be as if you never left.

Jesus loves you so much. He wants you to just make that first step and before your foot hits the ground, He will throw His arms around you and love you as He always has. We all fall away at some point whether it is a period of personal doubt, a time of personal hurt, or just a time when we think that we don't need to be with other believers. But Jesus will welcome you back and all of the Angels in heaven will rejoice to see you come back where you know you should be.

Hope this has helped. I will pray for you and I hope you will pray for me. We all need prayer.

2006-07-15 04:50:33 · answer #7 · answered by racam_us 4 · 0 0

It does nothing if you are in fact true to your faith and follow that question "What would Jesus do?". If you live your life like a true Christian, it doesn't matter whether you attend brick and mortar services. I would much rather meet someone like you than those many who go to church three times a week, claim to be "Christians", and treat much of the human race with total disrespect. People like this turned me away from Christianity long before 1994 ... I was confused too as to how people who proclaimed themselves to be of this faith could be such pompous jerks.

2006-07-15 04:37:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Even though I'm not christian, I feel that if you truly believe in your heart and are strong in your faith then there is nothing to worry over. You don't have to step inside a church or attend church regularlly to be a christian. Don't let anyone tell you that either. Stay strong and brightest blessings to you!

2006-07-15 04:56:48 · answer #9 · answered by lilbitadevil 3 · 0 0

Being a Christian and going to church are two different things. I go to church because it is a tool to help me be a Christian. Some folks don't need that. Suit yourself without guilt.

2006-07-15 05:32:47 · answer #10 · answered by DelK 7 · 0 0

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