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Y shud I believe in Christianity or Islam or Hinduism or any other religion?? Y is the whole basis of religion not just a guideline for someone to follow in his life?? Y ppl take everything written in their scriptures true(about judgmnt day,about all the miracles performed)? How can the theories propogated 1000's of years b4 can still be applicable to our life having seen the whole world changed since then...?? Y we dnt just choose to live our lines with morals and dignity being virtous and kind, rather than line by line following the scriptures?? rest alot later...if sumone can answer these starting question plz...:):)

2006-07-15 03:54:32 · 16 answers · asked by Chillz 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Because if you don't believe, a lightning bolt will hit you. Now get cracking and worship my lord! >.<

2006-07-15 03:56:24 · answer #1 · answered by Golgo-13 2 · 0 0

Well! first of all what you have in mind would be true if you were the creator of yourself but look at you and the surroundings around, can you create them by your hand ? do you have that power ? can you control the funtunction of your body ? can you live in this world without air and water ? can you survive in this world without yeilding anything from the soil when you sow seeds for your grains ? where were you before a hundred years ?The list does nt end here and the answer is NO we cant or we dont know. WHY because this is bestowed to us by our creator, all this is a gift to us to survive in this world, our life itself is a gift to us. So this same creator has created you and has asked you to worship and have faith in him alone in this life, now should nt you think its our first priority to obey HIM, should we be so selffish that we take all that is given to us and in return not do anything of what GOD has asked us to do. I think we will be called the most selfish people on earth in this case because just sit and think what all has been created for we human on this earth, its amazing,marvellous and superiority and all this was created only in a span of 6 days.Yes we can choose to live our lines with morals and dignity being virtous and kind, but we are humans and tend to go wrong in every step, ofcourse even satan is there to divert us from the good path always, this is what he has promised, so GOD has Written down all this in scriptures to help us, following which we will be good,kind and not only virtuous but will also be rewarded by our lord after the Judgment is over.
And what do you think the scriptures tell us, to follow all the good qualities which will keep us on tract perfectly well, but if you dont obey this then there are a lot more chances of the satan interfering into your life to make it all the worst for you, so brother pls read and follow and be on the right path because this is what we are going to take with us for the hereafter nothing else. Neither our bank balance nor any single thing in this world will accompany us in the grave, its just we and our deeds. So prepare before its too late as the life after death is based on the good and bad deed of this world. Read the translation of the HOLY QURAN it has many things which will make you understand why you should follow this scripture..Goodluck

2006-07-18 16:12:04 · answer #2 · answered by sks 2 · 0 0

Who says you have to believe it? You are given freewill aren't you? Is the theory of life real just because you can see it and touch it? Maybe this is death an we just don't know any better, and when we "die" we are actually THEN "alive".

There are only two reasons for the scriptures 1- a history book, and 2 - you are correct, someone out there thought we were really messing things up and gave us scriptures to go by so we wouldn't destroy ourselves kill ourselves off or whatever. They saw that we were going in circles not understandingn anything and not increasing in knowledge, so they gave us a little push, in what they thought was the easiest form for us to accept at the time.

2006-07-15 04:09:01 · answer #3 · answered by arvecar 4 · 0 0

Religion grew as a natural progression of man's interest in the stars. Religion is basically cosmic myth. The stars, as well as the sun and the moon "predicted" when to plant crops, when to harvest crops, when the Nile would flood etc. It was logical since the stars would "predict" or have control over nature in this fashion, it would also have control over the lives of men. Thus cosmic myths, seers, astrology, and religion was born.

People would dream about dead people. they would talk and meet with dead people in their sleep. This beget the idea of souls. Stone carvings of individuals were placed by their graves so their soul could occupy them. Poor people just got a rock. When nations were conquered these monuments were destroyed in order to destroy their "gods."

The Bible is an ancient cosmic myth. For example the twins in the Bible is Gemini. Argo is the ark. The blinding and cutting off the hair of Sampson is the winter solstice.

Religion evolved away from this aspect with Greek philosophy. It combined their Greek idea of God together with the old cosmic faith to give you what you see today as "the true religion."

Feel free to believe what you want.

2006-07-15 04:10:34 · answer #4 · answered by mikeledo 2 · 0 0

yes and yes, you asked why u should believe something that is written some 1000 yrs ago, well why do u believe all your science theories, ur maths theories written some 100 years ago, y do u still follow it, this religious theories are just the same, u can say they r proved (science and maths) well religious theoris are too u may not have known it. if religious theory hasn't existed how whould people would have known how world was and what was the truth of life, u may not believe in them but you can't deny the fact that there is some power exist other than manpower do u?if u do, u certainly must believe in these theories.

2006-07-15 04:14:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Scientist may dispute God because they can not prove he exist. This is a very poor logic. Using statistics it is very logical that God does exist. The odds of spontaneous generation of life from inanimate substance is a zillion to one, the odds that that life would live more than a few seconds, is a zillion to the power of a million to one, the odds that more than one life form would begin from nothing is a zillion to the power of a zillion to one, the odds that this life from nothing would evolve into an infinitely complex design that can support itself and that man can not destroy even if he wanted to, is infinity to the power of infinity to one to the negative power of infinity.
Somebody designed this infinitely complex world we live in(not to mention the universe). Who designed it? That is where faith comes in. My faith is in Jesus Christ. His life is very well documented. Our time is kept in reference to his life (2006 A.D. means after death of Christ). I have studied his story and something inside me tells (faith) tells me he is my savior. The Bible does help in every day life but I believe it is a lesson for life to come. Scientist are proving the Bible stories true (unintentionally) more and more every day. There is one scientist that has a method of tracking your mothers lineage countless generations. So far, everyone has done this to he comes back to the same person (Madigal Eve). News Week had a cover story a few years ago explaining a point in history when countless life forms began at the same time in parallel. Like a big bang. There have been no life forms found before this point then many after with no evidence of evolution. If God is so great he could create life, the universe, and everything couldn't he send us his word? I have faith that he did. If God, the almighty, sent what he thought we should do with the life he gave us, shouldn't we at least read it? Study it? There are movies made all the time where aliens leave something behind and we study it. Well God sent us a message, you only need faith and you could hear from the one that created EVERYTHING.

2006-07-15 04:30:48 · answer #6 · answered by Rich E 3 · 0 0

Religion is not a theory. How many people do you know who can choose to live their lives with morals (where would they get them if there's no religion) and dignity, being virtuous and kind? Personally, I need help and re-inforcement to manage that, which is why I turned to religion. Don't worry. God loves you anyway.

2006-07-15 04:02:47 · answer #7 · answered by Delora Gloria 4 · 0 0

Many religions have texts from which to read and interpret. Those guidelines are in theior texts, and they are commonly referred to as scripture- or divine texts.

Many of those religions, within their divine texts, disallow the belief in other religions.

Thus, the nature of the religion is revealed: they want to eliminate all other religions.

Some will do it with radical bombings. Some will let God do it.

2006-07-15 03:59:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are right in your belief that free will not a blind following of scripture is the way to go. But you know....... in asking such a question every religious nut job out there is going to come out of the wood work.

2006-07-15 04:00:55 · answer #9 · answered by jackson 7 · 0 0

You said:
Y is the whole basis of religion not just a guideline for someone to follow in his life??

it is...pick on that fits and go with it....

2006-07-15 03:58:52 · answer #10 · answered by nittany128 2 · 0 0

Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers. " - Jesse Ventura

2006-07-15 03:57:40 · answer #11 · answered by bryanocarr 3 · 0 0

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