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10 answers

Theory of gravity is called a theory, and if you got the last discover magazine in the mail a guy has been spending the last 20 years showing how everyone since einstien has it wrong, and now its becoming accepted

same with evolution, in 20 years someone is going to show how the current theory of genetics and all this junk is wrong or whatever

while we in the evolutionist camp agree we come from a single cell that changed over time we aren't certain how, but thats what seperates us from junk science and others, we keep researching

2006-07-15 02:45:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Evolution is a theory and not a fact.

Status as fact and theory
The word evolution is used to refer both to a fact and a theory. The existence of these two distinct meanings, and confusion over the relationship between and scientific definitions of fact and theory, have often caused misunderstandings among laypeople about the scientific status of evolution. In common language, the word fact is used to mean simply "something known to be true", but in science the word more specifically means "a confirmed observation". Likewise, while theory often means "speculation" or "conjecture" in nonscientific contexts, its scientific meaning is "a well-supported explanation".

As a fact, evolution is actually a commonplace occurrence that is regularly observed in a variety of forms. For example, evolution occurs whenever a new species of bacterium evolves a resistance to an antibiotic which previously was lethal to that bacterium. Biological organisms change over the course of many generations, as descendants are seen to go through a process of genetic modification that distinguishes them from their ancestors. The modification is most often the result of natural genetic synthesis, and the differential traits manifested may be translated into changes in the genetic composition of the population.

The modern scientific method seeks to formulate testable hypotheses—ideas which can be tested directly through experimentation and analysis of the evidence. After a hypothesis has been found to be consistent, and has held up under extensive testing, it is generally agreed that it represents a justified explanation of the observations, or facts, available: it becomes a theory. It is important to note that even though theories represent the best scientific explanations for observed phenomena, in no case is a scientific theory free from further testing and revision, nor is it necessarily considered a sufficient explanation of the observations to the exclusion of additional testable hypotheses. The same applies to scientific facts: a fact can always be replaced if the observation it is based upon turns out to have been misinterpreted.

In the case of evolution, the observation of organisms evolving, a fact, is explained by a theory of how they evolve. Past theories of evolution have either been refuted (e.g., Lamarckism) or expanded and revised (e.g., Darwinism), so that the modern theory of evolution—that is, the accepted explanation for how evolution occurs—is known as modern evolutionary synthesis. Modern evolutionary synthesis is considered a theory because it has stood up to extensive and repeated testing, and is consistent with all other theories and past observations. The broad scientific consensus is that it is the best explanation that has yet been proposed for the fact of evolution.

Reasoning from the general to the particular; logical deduction.

2006-07-15 09:50:53 · answer #2 · answered by Michael C 3 · 0 0

Concerning the debate going on about intelligent design and evolution: is it possible that the final answer about which of these two seemingly opposite ideas is correct could simply be yes?

With one position firmly held by the believers and the other just as fearlessly defended by the non-believers, if you happen to be in a position somewhere near the middle, it does not look all that complex. From this position, you wonder why either-or has to be the answer.

If you believe that some higher being created the universe by intelligent design, what more elegant and intelligent design could there have been than a self-regulating system that continually checks its own errors and makes its own corrections in mid-stream as an integral part of the process.

This all seems quite logical to me although it probably won’t satisfy the believers because they are afraid to see any truth other than the one they have been told to believe in. Inversely it certainly won’t satisfy the non-believers because it leaves them stuck with a god that they are so obviously terrified of.

To sum up this view from the center, it might be most easily be explained by saying perhaps the designer was intelligent. Problem is, the designer was likely so intelligent that those seeking to prove that it is intelligently designed may be incapable of ever understand it well enough to see it for the elegant self regulating design that it has always been.

The nonbelievers will be similarly handicapped due to the internal terror the have about the idea that there may be a God. Neither side being able to leave their entrenched position for fear they may have to admit they were wrong. While the rest of us stand by trying to figure out what all the fuss is about. Personally I don’t think anyone is wrong, I just feel both sides are about half right.

2006-07-15 09:49:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Theories are Theories, however the facts supporting these theories can be interpreted in many ways. It's a matter of your presuppositions as you approach these facts.

"Evolution is just a theory"
"What people usually mean when they say this is “Evolution is not proven fact, so it should not be promoted dogmatically.” Therefore people should say that! The problem with using the word “theory” in this case is that scientists use it to mean a well-substantiated explanation of data. This includes well-known theories such as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Newton’s Theory of Gravity, as well as lesser-known ones such as the Debye–Hückel Theory of electrolyte solutions. It would be better to say that particles-to-people evolution is an unsubstantiated hypothesis or conjecture."

2006-07-15 09:48:38 · answer #4 · answered by bobm709 4 · 0 0

The definition of "theory" in the scientific usage doesn't mean just an idea or a good guess. From http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/theory

2006-07-15 09:53:28 · answer #5 · answered by Sweetchild Danielle 7 · 0 0

Becuase in any science or area of study they use words differently than in normal conversation. What nobody ever asks is "Why does everybody BUT scientists use the wrong definition of theory?"

As for fact, b/c when you get down to it, there is almost nothing fundamental about the universe that we can state as fact. We may learns something tomorrow that will change our minds. Of course, I can state as a fact that there is no elephant in my room. But I mean fundamental laws.

2006-07-15 09:50:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Theories become FACT when all the unknowns are known and there is proof to prove it. For now, there are still MANY unknowns in that theory, and not enough proof to prove it's true.

Short, simple and to the point! :)

2006-07-15 09:47:32 · answer #7 · answered by CoastalCutie 5 · 0 0

http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/theory;_ylt=AuR3uzb3wOIEr4Xf1ryV3lKsgMMF The definition of theory may help you understand. Theories are devised. Devise is to imagine or presuppose.Basically shoot in the dark, take a wild guess and hope you are right. Theories are all hypothetical questions and answers.

2006-07-15 09:57:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

micro evolution is a fact - it has been observed and tested
macro evolution is theory - it has not yet been observed

just like the big bang is a theory, it has not been observed either, therefore it cannot be tested

2006-07-15 09:44:28 · answer #9 · answered by Brad 4 · 0 0

What? Ok now what Brad saiid makes more sense. I didn't know what you meant.

2006-07-15 09:43:19 · answer #10 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

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