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Unconditional love, but somehow the windows of heaven opened up . . . and there were conditions to be on that ark

2006-07-15 02:37:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

5 answers

The premises of your question are flawed.

God is whatever you expect Him to be: if you think He's a cruel taskmaster, that is how you will perceive Him. If you think He's a psychotic freak that imposes capricious penalties against certain members of His creation, that is how you will perceive Him. If you think God is your best friend, that is how you will perceive Him.

Some argue that the extreme differences in God's behavior towards man (and nature, etc.) can be explained by the "Big God" theory, which postulates that God is by definition immoderate. I disagree: a lack of moderation alone cannot explain in a single person both wanton cruelty and manifest benevolence. The "Big God" theory relies for its veracity on one or the other of two equally abominable premises: either (a) God is insane, or (b) God is evil.

It is not an affront to God to suggest that not all things attributed Him are the result of His own behavior or lack thereof: self-serving men (as well as perhaps the conspicuously evil and/or insane) have doubtless been responsible for the attribution to God of actions and inactions that are by any moral person inexcusable.

Thus we have the Biblical proof of the veracity of Hebrews 4:12, in that people predisposed to one ideological bent will characterize God as an evil brute (and in having so done, reveal their own corrupt hearts); people predisposed to characterize God as neither good nor bad reveal that they are amoral; people who characterize God as merciful, righteous and benevolent are generally good.

And while I used to agree with the popular notion of hell, as a "lake of fire burning with brimstone," that's actually a reference to where hell is eventually put (along with death, etc.) -- AFTER hell has been emptied of the souls it previously contained. Two thoughts emerge: (1) adjudicated souls receive both mercy and adoption, and are allowed into heaven; (2) adjudicated souls receive mercy, but are not adopted and they simply disappear into nothingness.

In the latter case, the phrase "I never knew you" is significant, especially since we have the broadly-applied Jeremiah 1:5 ("Before I formed you in the womb I knew you ..."): as an extra-dimensional being, God can sovereignly make it so that the dismissed soul never existed (which seems logically impossible, but there's a lot about that whole thing that is reliant on speculation).

Mark Twain's "Letters From The Earth" contains a pretty good explanation for why the traditional notion of heaven is so abrasive. Personally, I think there will be a place in heaven (somewhere) for souls whose abilities and aptitudes are so limited, but I seriously doubt they will be a significant fraction of all those in attendance.

I also think there may be a training period, in which abilities are enhanced until we, like the God who formed us, become Creators of other worlds. Of course, I don't "know" whether that will happen, but I think it infinitely more plausible than the scenario against which Mark Twain took umbrage.

2006-07-15 02:44:55 · answer #1 · answered by wireflight 4 · 0 0

The Old Testament is often referred to as the Vengeful God books and the New Testament is referred to as the Love God books by some...

Old Testament = Jewish Bible
New Testament = Only for Christians
Apocrapha = what a bunch of dudes sitting around a table decised to leave out
Dead Sea Scrolls = Parts of the Bible that never got considered

2006-07-15 03:55:01 · answer #2 · answered by Ouros 5 · 0 0

that is what absolutely everyone got here to this earth to study. The "Agapa" love, meaning unconditional. We does no longer be the following if we knew the thanks to act therefore. all of us "fall short," or shrink to rubble once in a lengthy time period. the ten "instructions." were extra like the ten Questions in this is unique variety. have you ever loved the Lord your God...? the first one capped something else. in case you probably did love... then you definately did not scouse borrow, homicide, lie etc. Love is the biggest and the least understood. this is okay too, as that is what we are the following for. to study how. i'd say none human beings recognize the thanks to love. (i do not use that as an out for myself, yet for others.) there is also a saying, "Love without performing upon that's lifeless. 'Works' without Love is ineffective also." some human beings get stuck on words. Can relate to a word, yet even as yet another faith has a counterpart word for a similar difficulty, those human beings actually freeze up, eyes glazing over. The word "sin" is used lots, meaning "mistake." this is okay to make a screw up in case you study from it. As mum and dad, all of us recognize that. It does no longer mean the toddler is condemned to the basement for all his existence because he made some "undesirable" selections, notwithstanding you ought to prefer to placed him there if he keeps harming your different childrens.

2016-10-14 11:55:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


According to the Hebrew Bible aka Old Testament, God claims Jews to be the Chosen People.

According to the Q'uran, Allah claims Muslims to be superior.

2006-07-15 02:54:27 · answer #4 · answered by bikerchickjill 5 · 0 0

Of course not, if you don't believe in yahweh, he doesn't just leave you to youself, he allows you to be tortured in fire for eons (or eternity, depnding on what part of the bible u believe). Would you do that to your child?

2006-07-15 02:41:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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