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It seems obvious that they do not. Israel try'd to give them back nearly all they asked and yet still they attacked. The US wants to bring freedom to the world and still they attack. They don't agree with their own ppl in Iraq, and they slaughter hundreds of women and children. Do they want Peace? Hmmmmm.

2006-07-15 02:23:01 · 17 answers · asked by child_of_the_lion 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

God in the bible predicted that the descendents of Ismahel would be wild, warrior like people whose "hand would be against everyone." They cannot achieve peace, even within themselves. Unless they accept Christ, the Prince of peace into their hearts, they will never have peace, or be a part of peace.

2006-07-15 02:32:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

oh really? US wants to bring freedom and democracy eh? so thats freedom when US troops invade Iraq and steal their oil while slaughtering women and children? thats what you call freedom? Its the US troops who are killin the Iraqis not their own people. This is what the media is putting into ur heads. If you watched at least a middle eastern news channel or at least did some research then you would know the truth. Israel never gave anyhting back to the palestineans. instead they built a wall around them that they used to steal more territory! but aside that do you know the truth about the recent battles? do you want to know ythe truth? ok here goes

the palestineans captured a israeli soldier and asked the israeli troops to release their wives and children from jail so they would give back the soldier. The isaelis refused and just attacked and destroyed everything in sight! then, hizbollah came in and captured some more soldiers and asked the same thing. israel refused and attacked lebanon. If any of you didnt know israel is supported by the US. and if you had seen the bombings on lebanon, then you would think differently of both israel and the US.
open your eyes people. understand and identify the truth. dont hide it

2006-07-15 03:28:35 · answer #2 · answered by Jumbo 2 · 1 0

Don't be so sure that these things that you are being told about this situation are even true.

Much of what passes for news these days are little more than carefully prepared press releases intended to create an impression about something that will further the goals of the group that is paying for the press release.

I did not believe this when I first heard it either. It is difficult to prove because the so-called news stories are choreographed to run nearly simultaneously. It requires a lot of quick remote button pushing or two or more TVs tuned to different channels. The host will introduce the stories as though it is a news story from one of their correspondents in the field. Problem is if you are watching multiple TV sets you can see the exact same so-called reporter doing the exact same story on all of the different channels, word for word.

If you watch the comedy channels daily show with John Stuart they occasionally run the different feeds from ABC NBC CBS fox and CNN in little boxes side by side all pretending to be showing a story from one of their reporters. Problem is they all either hire the same reporter or the story is a propagandistic press release designed to mislead us into thinking that it is news. One night they actually gave the budget figures for the bush whitehouse’s production of these 1984esk productions.

Don’t believe me grab you remote and see for yourself. It takes a while but once you catch on to what they are doing you start to recognize them almost every night. All I’m saying is be very careful before you let someone else convince you, who your enemy is. They may just be a way bigger threat to your well being than the one that they are trying to demonize.

Check the facts, twice as many Palestinians have been killed in the last 10 years as Israelis. This is a big hint about which the actual aggressor is. If any Israeli troops are killed it is called a terrorist attack. If an Israeli rocket kills a carload of Palestinian children on the way to school it is called retaliation.
This so-called news is being framed in such a way as to give the impression that an aggressor is a victim, and a victim is an aggressor.

I had a Jewish friend who always talked of going to Israel. He called it his Jewish homeland. He said that he wanted to help his people in their fight to secure their homeland and make it safe for all Jews.

A few months later he was back. I ask why he had come back so quickly. All he said was that actually being there gave him a real appreciation for the plight of the Palestinian people. He said that he could not be part of something that was so repressive.

I was shocked, because up to that point I had no reason not to believe the story I had been hearing about Israel. Once I actually started to research, the truth of what he had told me was obvious.

Think about what you are hearing and question it. Don’t just be one of the sheep.

2006-07-15 02:46:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1) I suggest you read the qur'an before throwing about accusations about a religion you don't understand
2) I suggest you read the history of Israel, they are by no means a peaceful nation, having been at war for almost all their existance
3) I suggest you take into consideration that followers of Islam are just like everyone else - they don't agree. Shias don't like Sunnis, and they all hate the Kurds.
4) I suggest that you reconsider America's "bringing about freedom" Bush has robbed you of your right to a fair trial, your right to not be tortured, your right to a lawyer among numerous others. Bush invaded a country (which is illegal under international law) under false pretences (more illegality) to find WMDs which didn't exist - and none of that rubbish about finding those "shells of mustard gas", sure they're chemical weapons, but do you really think MI6 would bother to make such a huge fuss about it when there are hundreds of the things buried all over france and belgium, left over from WWI; and were they capable of "launching" and "destroying american interests" within 45 minutes?
5) What exactly has Israel compromised on? They have "settled" Palestinian land for years, which is illegal, they are building a huge "defensive wall" which seperates many Palestinians from their homes and buisinesses, further dividing an already fractured country.
6) Both Israel and the "coalition" have slaughtered many thousands of women and children, however it is spun as "collateral damage"
7) Does America want peace - By invading a country, selling weapons to Israel and many other countries, supporting the reigime in Saudi Arabia, furthering the hatred of all things Western around the world by bullying everyone, and starting a War Time Climate at home by constantly referring to the War on Terrorism - are these the actions of a country that wants peace?
8) I suggest you stop watching Fox news and supporting "my country, right or wrong", get a conscience, and stop persecuting the "liberals" who want your country to stop interfering in other people's problems in the interests of corrupt politicians and big buisiness.

2006-07-15 02:41:25 · answer #4 · answered by Mordent 7 · 1 0

Hey don't generalise a sect. There are problems in this world & that doesnt mean that it was all created by Muslims. By saying dont think I am a Muslim I am a Hindu. Getting to your Question.

1. Have you ever been in person to Israel, Palestine,Cuba, Iraq, Iran or any of the places you have mentioned, have you ever spoken to those people, for taking decision on a topic we need to know the two sides. Are you confident about it?!

2. Most of the war & riots happening now are because of two factors.
a) Energy b) Land

The war & riots for energy occurred/occuring in Iraq, Afganistan, siberia.... Do you know clearly who created the problem.

The war & riots for Land is happening in Israel, Srilanka, Pakistan, Chechaniya, Siberia... so who is creating the problem.

All I can say friend, this is not a problem with a particular sect, it is the WAR OF SURVIVAL OF FITTEST, the good old Darwin theory.

2006-07-15 02:27:52 · answer #5 · answered by Ck 3 · 0 0

You're an idiot. Your question is so generalised. It implies I should be suspicious of even the Muslim girl I sit near at work, my Muslim postman and the guy in the corner shop. You need to open your eyes and do some homework. As for the US wanting to bring freedom to the world, that's bullshit. The US and many western countries are oppressive towards developing countries, it's just done behind the scenes using economies and global market structures (globalisation). Iraq was only invaded for its oil reserves (money). You should open your eyes and see the bigger picture of what is happening in the world today but judging by your question I very much doubt you will be capable of doing so.

2006-07-15 02:38:40 · answer #6 · answered by MyStErY wHiTe BoY 2 · 0 0

well lets examine this compare the mexicans and native americans comming and killing for their land that the american settlers stole from them. let them ask for their land that they were killed for. so if they wanted their land back they would be lauged at. if they tries to resist they would get killed. same with the palestinians. you do not know the whole story obviously. you only believe what the media WANTS you to believe. there are 7.7. palestinians killed for every 1 israeli. israels military budget is 9.5 billion compared to about 500 million military budget on behalf of lebonon palestinians are close to nothing. they are reduced to killing themselves in order to take revenge on people who slaughter their family. the whole point is they are fighting because ALL their land should be returned. america has no point in this war until they give mexicans and indians back the land they stole and believe me mexicans and native americans have nothing to do with this war nor want any part of it. jews and muslims did live in peace for over a thousand years before the creation of an illegal state by the un called israel.
as far as wanting peace. let me ask you if american people want peace? they go to other countries. murder people, steal their oil, cause kaos, look at vietnam and korea, afghanistan, there was no world issues with these countries until the americans started. the pakistan indian conflict that was never around until the british got involved and pit the people against each other. you should read history and understand the reason these people are not living in peace. it is because of america and britian.even looking back france, and italy occupied north african ara countries. they had to fight for their independece. american people are brainwashed into thinking that their government is there to help. the only time americans get involved with anything is when there is a prophet to be made. go look up history read som indepedent news the talk when u know more. stop being a puppet to what ever this openly corrupt government tells you.

2006-07-15 02:39:33 · answer #7 · answered by wedjb 6 · 0 0

I truly believe that most do.
It is their genetic brothers, the Israelites that crave the fighting and slaughter.
Oh sure, there are extremes in Islam, just like the USA, othe western nations, and even Israel who promote death as a means for Sovereignty in trying to police and take over the world.

2006-07-15 02:30:50 · answer #8 · answered by Cranky Old Goat 5 · 0 0

(Israel trued to give them back nearly all they asked)
do u know why was the first Israeli soldier was kidnapped
or the second 2 soldiers
to exchange them with the Palestinian women in Israeli prisons who r treated like dirt but of course Israel does not want peace or anything to do with it so they started working in Gaza and Lebanon

(the US wants to bring freedom to the world)
ya .by kicking more and more Palestinians of there land and give it ti Israel
(good definition of freedom)

2006-07-15 05:00:42 · answer #9 · answered by KHALID 2 · 0 0

The US wants to bring back WHAT? PEACE!? BS!!!! Anyways, Christians killed a long time ago as well, so now that muslims are killing, and there's radios now, so EVERYONE can know everyone's making a big *** deall out of it! Maybe if you read up on the christians horrible ways like 1000 years ago you would know something. I mean there's Hitler too and no one says Crap about him anymore!!! What about the frikken past!!! If they want to kill in Allah's name then fine! Because that's what everyone else did!

2006-07-15 02:29:01 · answer #10 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

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