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According to the Bible and Nostradamus ammageddon will be brought about by actions in the Middle East. Do you think we have finally hit the final days with the new escalation in violence between Lebanon, Israel, Syria and the Palestinians?

2006-07-15 01:31:02 · 21 answers · asked by SherWiz 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

WWIII isn't going to happen until I go to Israel and declare myself the Messiah...

But seriously, I think that the actions/reactions between the United States and North Korea will be a deciding factor in whether this war escalates to a world war, rather than a regional war.

2006-07-15 01:35:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, the Middle East kicks off about once a decade sometimes even more - on average every 7 or so years. It is kicking off again now. This escalation will die down after a while, then an uneasy 'peace' will materialise...just like it does all across the region.

The Middle East is the rootbed of three major religions, and with all of them mistrusting one another, and teaching eachother to hate the other groups, then we won't have peace there for a long time yet. Education - and lots of it - is the key.

People in the Middle East need to start feeding belief systems which teach of tolerance, and respect for the other religions. Instruction which illuminates peoples' minds, rather than tells them of the evils of other groups, and how they should be hated.

People always fear and hate the things they don't understand. These kinds of teachings will break down many barriers, and help build bridges between nations, races and cultures...

...And hopefully the Western world will also learn from this!

2006-07-16 10:01:21 · answer #2 · answered by The Global Geezer 7 · 0 0

Well I personally think we are already into it the World war that is, ammageddon I will not guess on. To compare WW3 with WW2 we're at the point Hitler invaded the Czech. Iran and North Korea are factors too. Check out Terrorist attacks and a world map, it is global. Open fronts in Israel, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Afganistan. What will it take to get folks awake to this danger now? Isolationist again? What will it take another 9\11 or Pearl Harbor? If it esculates and gets more world powers involved fighting and not using negotiating a nuclear war would be likely. The Shiite Radicals may not be willing to negotiate either. So ammageddon is possible but let's hope it doesn't happen. The innocents will be the ones suffering the most in this sadly enough.

2006-07-15 01:40:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The real cause of the current violence in the Middle East over the past few days is NOT Hezbollah as George Bush keeps stupidly saying. Bush is giving a biased and self-serving pronouncement that carries not a grain of truth.The REAL cause is the Balfour Declaration of 1917..."His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people..." Thus began the string of events that led to the influx of great numbers of Russian and European jews into Palestine, and from this came the roots of the current crisis. THIS is the real cause of today's violence, not Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a manifestion of the cause, but not the cause itself. Short-sighted politicians twist or omit history to serve their purposes, and this is what Bush has done. The president of Iran was thinking of the cause when he stated that Israel must be destroyed. It may very well be that Iran will the the tipping point in the 70-year conflict that will settle once and for all the problem of atrocities committed by the jews against the Palestinian people.

The reason the US went to war in Iraq was not because of supposed weapons of mass destruction; that was but a political excuse. The real reason was to remove Saddam Hussein as a potential threat to Israel. To have said that the US was going to war in Iraq in order to provide for Israeli security would NOT have gone over well at home, so Bush twisted it to say that Saddam Hussein was a threat to the security of the United States (read instead "Israel"). Now that threat has shifted to Iran, and unless George Bush can muster support for eliminating this new threat to Israel, Iran might be able to provide the momentum to solve the Middle East problem once and for all.

2006-07-15 15:29:58 · answer #4 · answered by Kokopelli 7 · 0 0

Yes we are on the brink of the 3rd World War that's not just being caused by the violence in the Middle East but throughout the entire world.

We have hit the final days but please know that everything will be ok.

2006-07-15 01:37:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Probably not I think most leaders realise that a 3rd world war would not benefit anyone & that the stakes are far too high to contemplate. After all a 3rd World war would inevitably involve the use of nuclear weapons or at the very least chemical weapons & there would be little left for anyone to be declared the winner in such a situation

2006-07-15 01:46:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've never met anyone who thinks that we will go to war. Most people on Q&A seem to think that calling Bush names, will sove everything. We are dealing with a people who respect and admire srength, yet I keep hearing so many who want to kiss and make up. Some want to give those who I saw celibrating the fall of the towers, nuclear power, we're talking about the kind of people who will scorch the earth, kill off their ethnic minorities and travel into USA and Europe to kill un-believers, we are scum, gene pool scum, theological scum. Untill i see mass demonstrations, on the streets of Europe and USA, by Muslims and other so called peacefull people, I will never believe they exist. I would hate for there to be a war, but if there is one, I would like to see the noisy minorty gagged, so that it can be finished this time. Like the most recent wars were, Hiroshima, it was awful, but it worked. Only trouble is, they will all soon have weapons of mass destruction. Taking out the leaders, black ops will not work, there is allways another. Changing the theological ethos of a whole people? Could work, we would all have to become Muslims though!!! They won't change, the Mullas make sure of that. Take out the Mullas? No, that won't work. Invert the whole senario, now we are the extremists and we have been taught to despise western un-believers, hate them from day one, they are scum. How do you deal with yourselves? There is only one way, leave them to it, declare them the winners and pull out of this mess. You are the champions, let's see what you do now.

2006-07-15 01:49:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes but this war will be more like money against no money poor against rich as you shall see, the fuse was lit when bush and his merry coalition decided to invade afghanistan and they are still there huh silly fools just sit back and watch the atrocities flow forth from the mouths of greedy power hungry humans this society is in its last days at least now every one knows what nostradamus was talking about with the terror of the sky that shall rain down quantrain hey

2006-07-15 01:41:16 · answer #8 · answered by GAZZA 2 · 0 0

* Holy dooly guy, I certainly have theory that there probable be a ww3 reason for all this .. yet i do no longer relatively get it and that i in my opinion do no longer why they're struggling with? yet seeing it on t.v (no longer that i'm relatively listening) i've got theory, right this is the beginning up of the subsequent warfare of The Worlds., and not the action picture eeeeeeekkkk. the place might you hide??what might you do.... Will pay attention next time on the information or ask at right here

2016-10-07 22:53:57 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

there is a good chance of a world war 3, but not if everyone realises violence doesnt get anyone antywhere and no one wins. all that is needed is a good talk between nations with plenty of negotaitions.

2006-07-15 01:35:22 · answer #10 · answered by jame_football 5 · 0 0

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