I believe The bible says that God created man in his image.
When he seen that Adam was unhappy he then created a woman.
So that would put God as a male.
Even though the bible was written by man then if God was a woman then why wasn't woman created first if we are of her image.
2006-07-15 01:45:19
answer #1
answered by g3010 7
Sorry, there is no evidence that God is female. There is overwhelming evidence that God is male. Just two points knocks a whole in this issue. God is refered to in the Bible as Father and God's Son is Jesus, who is male. This is in the Greek and Hebrew, so it is not a translation issue.
You emphasize that the Bible was written by men, to me that makes no difference since those men wrote the Bible under the inspiration of God. Also, how does that matter when Jesus (who is one part of the triune God) is male and historically known and prayed to His Father. There is no way you can say it is male writter bias.
While His gender has nothing to do with how He judges, if you do not accept that He is male, then you say the Bible lies. This leads to the slippery slope that if you don't believe the gender issues, why do you believe the other, more important issues in the Bible. God's word must be taken as all or nothing.
2006-07-15 08:30:30
answer #2
answered by bobm709 4
Of course God is a woman. What creates life, a mother?
In truth God is not actually limited to any specific gender.
The English language does not have an appropriate word for this idea. The proper term would be something like Mother/father God. With the emphasis on the mother aspect. The closest actually descriptive non gender specific word in English is, it.
It is not an appropriate term for something so loving as God.
Sadly you have hit the problem squarely on the head. Generations of male clergy have turned god into a projection of their own fears. Most of these men misunderstood and feared women, so they tried to disempower them and turn them into something lesser in the eyes of God than men. This way they could feel better about themselves because they had someone to be better than. More like sexist theology if you ask me.
As for the judgment thing. God could care less what you call her. All he asks is that we be loving in all situations. In truth the judgment idea is a bunch of bull also. It was made up by the same group of misguided thinkers we are talking about.
The idea of an unconditionally loving God that did not see them as being superior was too frightening of an idea for them to comprehend. So they dreamed up a God created in their own judgmental image and likeness. This imaginary small g God feared as they feared, hated what they hated and provided them with what they needed. A god that would judge others and find them faulty and inferior. Again so they would have someone that they could feel better than.
The whole thing sounds a lot more like a mental disorder than theology.
Love and blessings.
2006-07-15 08:59:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A spirit has no sexual reference god is light and love basically energy though we all shall see soon enough god is the thing that makes you feel guilty when only you know what you have done wrong. jesus was a man not gods son he was marys son and his father was a roman soldier who raped her so unless the foolish writings of the bible are referring to a roman sodier who was a rapist as our father... god is not anyones father god is not even a being, and we are certainly not created in gods likeness god is not cruel or greedy as we (man and woman) are. It is only greedy human men who gave god the male title to keep women oppressed for so many years.
2006-07-15 08:56:27
answer #4
answered by GAZZA 2
Well, God (if you mean ALLAH by this word) is neither a man nor a woman. Men and women are HIS creations and HE is beyond any qualities that HE has put in HIS creations. The Holy Quran, the last message of ALLAH to the mankind (including djinns and angels) clearly says: "There is nothing like HIM". HE can not be understood by way of resembling HIM with HIS creatures. HIS "personal name" is ALLAH, the same that make suffixes and prefixes with many names of his people, like Samuel or Ishmael; the suffixes ele, ael, etc.
Not only in the last message but even before it (in the bibles, toara, tzabor, and sahaef; HE liked to be called as masculine. That is HIS will and we, his humble disciples must about by HIS will. Christians are, in fact, mistaken if they really take HIM as a father and attach a son or a wife with HIM. The Holy Quran says: "ALLAH is one. ALLAH is beyond any needs or limitations. HE did never bear (as woman bears a child) and was never born (as human beings are born). and there is no one (in all the universes) match to HIM.
HIS dignity and grace is surely beyond the thoughts of anything any creature including mankind, djinns, angles and other "wise" creatures, if there exists any such creature in the universe.
We call HIM "HE" (the masculine gender) only because HE has commanded us. So it is useless to raise such questions.
2006-07-15 08:45:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
For 1,990,000 years of supposed human existence, god was a she--woman in all her glory. Then 10,000 years or so ago, men took over and we've had male gods (both Jews and Christians). Islam attempted to reform the situation by saying that god is neither he nor she, has no sex, is not referable as father or mother. In some countries, such as China, the country is still referred to as the motherland (we in the West say fatherland).
2006-07-15 08:34:18
answer #6
answered by Pandak 5
I don't see any reason why we cant see she instead of he .. although i have to agree that i don't believe that god has a gender .. male/female is a physical thing that i don't believe exists in higher realms of spirit .. why would we need to be categorised as a certain gender when the difference in gender is for physical attraction and physical love ... I'm sure we are well beyond that in spirit ... so even more so for god ..
by all means say she is you feel it more appropriate for you though
2006-07-15 08:34:43
answer #7
answered by Peace 7
If god isn't a woman, then he should be, then maybe things would have been allot better seeing women tend to think with their brains not their muscles. Don't forget no-one (including the church) knows what god really is, everybody uses the bible as a reference...who wrote the bible...man ...not a god. Do you believe everything you read?
2006-07-15 08:32:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes AND No. (and no, that isn't being equivocal)
As another answerer noted [paraphrased], "God is a (genderless) spirit, but we assign gender to 'God' for social reasons."
It may help to consider the example of Christian mythology, in which Jesus (an incarnation of God) is "the only begotten Son of God," and in which people are encouraged to pray to the "Heavenly Father."
Careful consideration of Biblical texts reveals the characterization of God in traditional (if somewhat Freudian) familial terms: "God, the Father" is stereotypically masculine (ego) ; "God, the Holy Spirit" is stereotypically feminine (id); and "God, the Son" is stereotypically neuter (superego).
That the God-Child is a son, rather than a daughter, may derive from the fact that the Christian myth developed in patriarchal societies (and all the attendant observations attach).
Thus, there is in Judeo-Christian mythology but one true God; however, the Jewish version of monotheism is essentially the same as Islamic monotheism. This is unsurprising, given the incestuous nature of their development: despite the imperial nature of Islam, both Judaism and Islam are largely geocentric.
Though the story central to its creation developed in the Middle East, Christian mythology developed among liberally (if informally) educated principals throughout the Mediterranean, perhaps most notably among the Greeks -- people renowned for philosophical understanding.
Whereas Judaism and Islam unified everything about their deity into a single incomprehensible person, Christianity sought --through relationship, logic and reason -- to understand the Divine. Thus was born the notion of separate, co-equal parents and a subordinate son -- all being together one omnipotent, omniscient, omni-present person, but more easily understood and related-to (especially by polytheistic Romans and Greeks, whose gods were typically limited to a certain area of influence).
Also, "Don H" is on the right track when it comes to the motives driving organized religion and liberal (in the political or legal sense) theology: self-haters and paranoid control freaks depend on the fear among those over whom the former can lord themselves (even if only through the auspices of religion or "special/advanced" knowledge or theological understanding).
With the suspension of reason, dominant (whether forceful or charismatic, etc.) personalities direct submissive personalities; the "beliefs" (fears, suspicions, justifications, etc.) are inculcated into the latter, who then blindly proselytize for the former. It's an amazingly effective racket; unfortunately, in most cases, it prevents people from coming to the knowledge of the Truth.
Organized religion is akin to a spiritual birth-control pill: the person having ingested it is prevented from getting pregnant (which, in the metaphorical sense, is the whole purpose of spiritual intercourse with God), but it fails to prevent the transmission of disease. Unfortunately, most (as in "almost all") of the followers of Judaism, Islam or Christianity are infected.
2006-07-15 09:17:57
answer #9
answered by wireflight 4
If God is a woman , we are all in alot of trouble . Then again , you must remember that the Bible is a book that was written by man for man, as a list of guidelines for living .
2006-07-15 08:33:19
answer #10
answered by rocknrod04 4
Several of them are women
several men
a few are both and fewer still are neither.
As a Native American My Final Judgment is just getting past a giant strawberry.
But to answer your question
sure those in power always reflect their own values into their theology. just as the victor always writes history
2006-07-15 08:35:22
answer #11
answered by BigBadWolf 6